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I thought this whilst watching the Rumble, but has Ambrose gotten smaller recently? I mean in terms of his musculature.

Definitely. Think it adds to him rather than takes away. He looks even more like a wiry madman.

There's definitely a heel turn in the offing for either Ambrose or Reigns. I know they are adamant on Reigns being the blue eyed (literally) boy but it'd be a terrible waste to turn Ambrose at this point in time. He's been far more popular since more or less day one.

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I think Reigns would be a fantastic heel. They're pretty short on top babyfaces though, but I imagine Rollins will be a face when he comes back (the audience reactions alone will secure that surely). If they can move AJ Styles up the card then that would be another.

Mind you, they don't always need to stick the same formula. Heels can fight each other (and heels don't always need to be cheating cowardly types).

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They've painted themselves into a corner with how they painted the Shield since the split. If you play off a classic Triple Threat match as being Heel vs Face vs Someone in Between, then the way it should be is almost the complete opposite with this group.

Rollins was built as a heel, and although he was a pretty good one, he was booked dreadfully and will probably come back as the high-flying super-face when he returns.

Reigns is built as Cena 2.0, when arguably he could be a brilliant monster heel

Ambrose is built as...not really sure. He's probably the one they've gotten closest to correct in that sense, but they've never really booked him beyond being a token face, more down to Reigns than anything else.

If they managed to get Rollins back healthy, a Summerslam main event of a heel Reigns vs face Rollins vs Stone Cold-style middle-ground Ambrose would be brilliant.

They're very unlikely to turn Reigns, and if they turn Ambrose now, people are just going to cheer him anyway. Can you imagine them booking a Reigns vs Ambrose feud right now? Reigns as the superman getting booed out of the building by those supporting the "heel"? A turn could be in the offing at Fastlane.

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Did the three Shield lads not square off in a four-way alongside Randy Orton a while back? I'm pretty sure they gave him a triple powerbomb through the announcers' desk.

The three of them shouldn't have fought against one another - only two at a time should have been paired up - because the thought of a triple-threat match between them doesn't seem as appealing.

I would agree that all three have suffered because of poor booking. About a month or so after the split Ambrose was the hottest boy in the company but they turned him into a big goof, booby trapping the Money in the Bank suitcase, pitching up at the ring with a mannequin, and stealing a hotdog cart. He's decent fun just now but he's never been as big as he was then.

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Did the three Shield lads not square off in a four-way alongside Randy Orton a while back? I'm pretty sure they gave him a triple powerbomb through the announcers' desk.

The three of them shouldn't have fought against one another - only two at a time should have been paired up - because the thought of a triple-threat match between them doesn't seem as appealing.

I would agree that all three have suffered because of poor booking. About a month or so after the split Ambrose was the hottest boy in the company but they turned him into a big goof, booby trapping the Money in the Bank suitcase, pitching up at the ring with a mannequin, and stealing a hotdog cart. He's decent fun just now but he's never been as big as he was then.

Aye this was at the last Payback. This and the tag against the Wyatts the other month there have diluted the impact of a potential Shield triple threat, would still be good to see it though

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I'd love to see a triple threat between them, but an iron man triple threat. Give it 30-45 minutes at Summerslam. I don't think there's been a triple threat iron man match in WWE before. f**k it, make it no DQ as well.

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I'd love to see a triple threat between them, but an iron man triple threat. Give it 30-45 minutes at Summerslam. I don't think there's been a triple threat iron man match in WWE before. f**k it, make it no DQ as well.

Triple threat is a no go until they have a clear direction on all three and they all have a legitimate gripe with one another as at the moment it would just be Ambrose and Reigns wailing on Rollins.

There's no chance Rollins will come back as a heel anyway, he was already teasing a feud with HHH before the injury and the fans want to like him to be honest. So something has got to give in terms of one of them turning and relatively soon.

You'd think that when they push a guy to the moon and people resist for whatever reason, they would take it on board. Especially since one of the best and most famous examples of this was with the Rock. In his first face run, people simply weren't interested in the guy until they turned him and let him loose on the mic.

I don't dislike Reigns in ring he is not as bad a wrestler as people make out, not even close...in fact I'd say he's very capable in the ring. What he is though at the moment and as a face is painfully, excruciatingly dull to the point I will happily skip anything he's involved in and that's why people won't get behind him or care for him on any sustainable level,no matter how much they appear to be throwing at him in his angle against the authority. Same music, same entrance, same ring attire as he's had since day one in the shield. They are guilty of giving the guy no character to begin with and then not developing his no character.

Rollins and Ambrose on the other hand. ARE interesting, at least relatively speaking.

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I still think they need to have Ambrose cost reigns the main event match at wrestlemania.

Lesnar either wins after Ambrose breaks up reigns pin on him, or Lesnar is distracted by the wyatts or someone, Reigns is paying attention to the other thing and Ambrose rolls him up.

Reigns loses it, destroys Ambrose then forces himself into a triple threat match at Wrestlemania as a heel. Have him win it back then.

Or is that unrealistic?

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