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Monday Night Raw Live


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Loving Heath Slater at the minute. Any chance on Raw 1000 he calls out an ex Raw Suoerstar and the glass shatters wi Stone Cold coming out to a monster pop and stunnering him and opening a couple of Steveweisers? One can dream.

Very decent raw that though best in a while. Ive loved Ziggler for a while and he's just getting better and better on the mic and more interest on him now he has the brief case. The guy just has 'it'.

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AJ has been a total revelation during the whole thing as well. I'm worried that after this thing has run it's course, AJ will move onto... nothing. Daniel Bryan vs. Kane heading into Summerslam is my bet.

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Aye yon AW is cracking me up with his commentary during matches.

There really seems to be a decent bit comedy at the minute that's been lacking in recent years with things like Heath Slater skits, AW, Sandow,Jericho/Bryan segment etc.

Are they heading towards dropping PG I just get that impression watching it recently?

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One of the things I remember was when that wee dirty AJ was talking and acting like a wee dirty and said to Punk "YOU TURN ME ON" just the delivery of it I thought this is a bit much for the PG audience.

If they ever do break from it any nudity of AJ would be lovely.

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AJ has been a total revelation during the whole thing as well. I'm worried that after this thing has run it's course, AJ will move onto... nothing. Daniel Bryan vs. Kane heading into Summerslam is my bet.

Yeah I think Kane interrupting the wedding is a decent shout.

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That's what I'm calling, a big wedding with all the trimmings on RAW only for the wedding stuff to go up in flames and Kane to cruise out or burst out of a large wedding cake (haha) and batter Bryan. That's if they want to keep this who AJ triangle thing going which is my only doubt.

I just get the feeling that Y2J is going to pick up a belt soon, well depending on his band? The whole "your not good enough" patter and the fact he's hardly won anything since he's been back will maybe change. Perhaps Ziggler will cash in, win the belt and Y2J will win it at Summerslam turning his mega face? They could easily have Y2J lose the belt at any stage if he has band commitments.

What's happening with Undertaker these days?

Edited by M0rtonfc
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Predictions a plenty, get some points dished out forehead.

What will happen during the wedding?


Brock/ HHH

Unannounced returning legends

Possible debuts

The wedding will be ruined in traditional wrestling style. Kane or Ambrose are good shouts to be the culprit. I was thinking that Bray Wyatt would have been a good shout as AJ's controlling redneck boyfriend, but obviously that is a no goer due to his injury.

Cena's winning. :(

Brock will accept the Summerslam match and viciously assault HBK.

Road Dogg, Billy Gunn and X-Pac for the DX wankathon as well a whole load of other jobbers for a legends Battle Royal. All the legends will hit their finisher on Heath Slater and Ron Simmons will say Damn.

Other than Ambrose, I can't see anyone else making a debut. They are cramming too much into this show as it is

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I hate when WWE announce people returning next week or at the next PPV. It ruins the pop they receive when the crowd know what's coming.


It annoys me too, fair doo's for the rock as their veiwing ratings will go up but let other people just turn up. I'm not even a Ray fan, in fact I hate him but when his music hit and he ran out I got that wee shiver of YES! That's what it's all about man.

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It annoys me too, fair doo's for the rock as their veiwing ratings will go up but let other people just turn up. I'm not even a Ray fan, in fact I hate him but when his music hit and he ran out I got that wee shiver of YES! That's what it's all about man.

Similarly, entrances can annoy me in that respect too. Ones like Mysterio or Cena have bits before that make you realise its them, you only need to look at all the older types like Rock, Stone Cold and Undertaker who all have split second entrances which make you go "holy shit!". That and the fact they're utter legends too I guess.

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Predictions a plenty, get some points dished out forehead.

What will happen during the wedding?


Brock/ HHH

Unannounced returning legends

Possible debuts

f**k that, we just had a round!

Kane interrupts the wedding.

Big Show causes Punk to lose. Punk/Show and Cena/Rock at Summerslam.

Classic face/off that turns into a brawl.

Nash, Flair? Austin would be mad.

I hope Ambrose debuts.

I still haven't seen confirmation, is it just Shawn Michaels and Triple H or are the Outlaws and X-Pac a part of the DX reunion as well? f**k me, I want to hear the Outlaws entrance. I hope they don't introduce the various returning stars like they did with the Miz at MITB. I just want to hear the music play so I can mark out.

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f**k that, we just had a round!

Kane interrupts the wedding.

Big Show causes Punk to lose. Punk/Show and Cena/Rock at Summerslam.

Classic face/off that turns into a brawl.

Nash, Flair? Austin would be mad.

I hope Ambrose debuts.

I still haven't seen confirmation, is it just Shawn Michaels and Triple H or are the Outlaws and X-Pac a part of the DX reunion as well? f**k me, I want to hear the Outlaws entrance. I hope they don't introduce the various returning stars like they did with the Miz at MITB. I just want to hear the music play so I can mark out.

Kane has previous for interrupting a wedding!

Can't see Cena/Rock at Summerslam. They'll already be having HHH-Brock. Brock and HHH will of course be on the show. Rock as well of course. Austin is surely a must. Foley too. Flair is a possibilty. Taker is a given I think.

Isn't X-Pac on McMahon's list these days? Roadd Dogg is a possibility, but Billy Gunn may also be on the list. Dogg made up with McMahon after the whole VKM thing in TNA, but not sure if Gunn did.

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Isn't X-Pac on McMahon's list these days? Roadd Dogg is a possibility, but Billy Gunn may also be on the list. Dogg made up with McMahon after the whole VKM thing in TNA, but not sure if Gunn did.

I think X-PAC is a talent scout. He still works the indies and I think he simply reports back who are the ones to look out for.

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Can't see Cena/Rock at Summerslam. They'll already be having HHH-Brock. Brock and HHH will of course be on the show. Rock as well of course. Austin is surely a must. Foley too. Flair is a possibilty. Taker is a given I think.

I didn't even think of Taker, yeah, he'll turn up. Maybe tease Mania. I think they will try and make SS a lot bigger, push it up to the heights of the Rumble.

Isn't X-Pac on McMahon's list these days? Roadd Dogg is a possibility, but Billy Gunn may also be on the list. Dogg made up with McMahon after the whole VKM thing in TNA, but not sure if Gunn did.

I think X-PAC is a talent scout. He still works the indies and I think he simply reports back who are the ones to look out for.

Wasn't X-Pac there for Michaels at the Hall of Fame induction last year?

Road Dogg being on their books for the youtube thing is a good sign.

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