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He didnt win the title, which is a loss in my book. He also became the first person not to win with their money in the bank contract, pretty devastating win for him id say.

He's the first person not to win the title but he still didn't lose the match. So they can still use the phrase that no one has lost their cash in.

edit: and to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if they gave Cena his contract back.

Edited by forehead7
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I've had a few minutes to think about it and I still can't understand how Austin wasn't on the 1000th episode of Raw.

It ran for basically 3 hours and 16 minutes too. Additional slap in the face IMO.

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He's the first person not to win the title but he still didn't lose the match. So they can still use the phrase that no one has lost their cash in.

Oh i know its technically a Cena win, but i hardly think he cares right now :lol:

"Well John, you lost your chance at the title tonight, and you became the first man not to cash in their contract for a title win. But on the plus you did win the match tonight! Yay!"


(Best Cena punch i could find) :lol:

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Oh i know its technically a Cena win, but i hardly think he cares right now :lol:

"Well John, you lost your chance at the title tonight, and you became the first man not to cash in their contract for a title win. But on the plus you did win the match tonight! Yay!"

Well considering it's a storyline on a tv show then I hardly think he'll bat an eyelid since he'll still be the guy getting paid the most money in the company. Couple of extra Divas turned up tonight so maybe he might shag one of them to console himself.

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Well considering it's a storyline on a tv show then I hardly think he'll bat an eyelid since he'll still be the guy getting paid the most money in the company. Couple of extra Divas turned up tonight so maybe he might shag one of them to console himself.


wait..... wrestling isnt real?

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Not bothered abou Stone Cold to be honest. For those of you gutted, just Youtbue his last 10 appearances.....they're all pretty much the same anyway.


Other than the "Melina vs Alcia Fox" moment on Tough Enough, I can't remember Austin doing anything entertaining on WWE TV in the 9+ years since his retirement.

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I think it's a really stupid idea to turn CM Punk heel .

Is Punk better as a heel? Quite possibly, yet to turn him right now is daft.

WWE just spent a whole year building him up as the number two face of the company and it's gone to waste. Looking at the other top faces, Sheamus gets a mixed reaction, Orton can't be arsed being a good guy, while Mysterio and Jericho (who looks to be turning) aren't the most reliable guys for sticking around for a lengthy period of time.

Also he's the face of the WWE13 Video Game, has got his own DVD coming out soon and has been selling a lot of merchandise, so it doesn't make sense to me.

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I think it would make more sense for Punk to be more of a tweener rather than a full blown heel at this point in time. A more edgy Punk that isn't afraid to use nefarious tactics or drop a pipebomb now and again would be far better than the bland babyface character he has played for months now. Going by they way he comes across on Colt's podcast, Punk is definately a bit of an arsehole in real life and they shouldn't be afraid to let his WWE character be a bit like that as well.

IMO they should save the full heel turn for his feud with The Rock if they are serious about having Punk vs Rocky at the Rumble.

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I think it's a really stupid idea to turn CM Punk heel .

Is Punk better as a heel? Quite possibly, yet to turn him right now is daft.

WWE just spent a whole year building him up as the number two face of the company and it's gone to waste. Looking at the other top faces, Sheamus gets a mixed reaction, Orton can't be arsed being a good guy, while Mysterio and Jericho (who looks to be turning) aren't the most reliable guys for sticking around for a lengthy period of time.

Also he's the face of the WWE13 Video Game, has got his own DVD coming out soon and has been selling a lot of merchandise, so it doesn't make sense to me.

There aren't many heels that haven't been destroyed completely by John Cena. CM Punk is one of the few who have gone against Cena lots and lots and come off looking quite good, so there's that. Alberto Del Rio is the only other current heel that's in the same boat as him i.e. a credible threat to the ACTUAL top guy in WWE.

CM Punk is a better as a heel certainly. Part of the thing holding him from being a top guy was when that big exciting angle was done, his unlikeable characteristics came to the fore. They were actually already there in abundance when the big angle was going on, but it was hidden by the fact that the excitement of this angle was strong. That's not to say they're not good promos. Just that he bitched and moaned for near on 20 minutes every week.

The point about other babyfaces is right of course and that's a big problem. They MIGHT have Triple H stick around for a while just to sure up the numbers a bit.

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