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Just switched it on anyway. Alex Riley is ridiculously underrated! Although it was a fluke win I thought that might've been a good thing for him but then King and Y2J absolutely buried him by making jokes about how its probably the first time he's ever been trending and how he hasn't won a match in forever. <_<

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Right, thoughts as I watch.

* Can't believe how excited the crowd sound about Randy Orton vs. The Big Show, but I'm excited about John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan. Give that some time and there'd be fireworks. Any doubt there was about CM Punk being a heel should be quashed now. As if they weren't last week when he called everyone losers, but hey, that wasn't enough for some. So he continues down the same road this week insulting AJ in a "nice way". I have to say, I love this version of Punk. He just sounds like a snake. I also like how AJ is playing it straight as the GM. Not had a straight face proper GM in some time. John Cena is rightfully pissed at Punk and mocks him for fucking up his match at Summerslam. It all gets a bit pointless and then Show turns up. The idea of CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio.

* Rey vs. Punk: And that's what we get. Obviously not as good as their PPV outings, but this is pretty solid TV stuff. Mysterio is a good guy to have around when he's actually fit. He's capable of some blinding matches. Love Lawler completely ruining the "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." line and turning it into something nobody in their right mind will understand. If I have to stick a rating on it, I'd go with ***1/2. Nothing wrong with this at all.

* The new Wade Barrett video is a bit weird, but I like the idea that they seem to be going with. They seem intent on pushing the guy.

* Del Rio vs. Christian: So we go from a horribly boring backstage skit to this match, which looks like it might be quite good. I love how vicious Del Rio is. They say it's only festered recently, but he's always had it. It's what helped him really look excellent against John Cena and part of why people buy him even though he's such a boring character. The guy is brutal, can break anyone. I don't mind him being at the top of the card anymore even if I do think when he's not wrestling, he has f**k all going for him. Decent for the time given. Sheamus nicks Del Rio's car after. HA!

* Show vs. Orton: It appears to me that Randy Orton doesn't have much to do right now other than be thrown into matches like this. The ending was obvious as they wouldn't want either guy to lose for obvious reasons. So why make the match? Idiots. Anyways this is a decent match given who was involved.

* Jobber Central vs. Ryback: Jobber Central actually get some decent offense compared to what they'd have gotten before. Ryback's Clothesline actually looks dangerous a lot of the time. No wonder he's already injured a few folk and people don't want to work with him. Anyways, he wins.

* Prime Time Playas vs. Primo and Epico: Good to see that AW is still around on RAW. Lets hope the fact that he's a fucking idiot doesn't get in the way this time. Big Titus looks the part doesn't he? I thought this would be less competitive than it was. It's clear that they see SOMETHING in this team. Haud on... Primo and Epico win?! Ugh. No hopers winning matches is never something that amuses me.

* Backstage we are with Damien Sandow. I have to admit, still being a fan of Brodus, I don't know if I can fully get behind his plan to get rid of him. I have to say, this is such an obvious fued, I can't believe I didn't see it coming sooner. Two polar opposites doing battle. I hope this isn't Brodus Clay just being taken out. He's perfect foil for Sandow.

* Backstage with Daniel Bryan who gets told he's gonna face Kane at Summerslam. Why? Daniel Bryan has to win that match surely. Quite liked the wee "No" "Yes" duel between them though.

* Eve Torres vs. Kelly Kelly: I was gonna skip past this. Not the best of matches really. Skipping it should have been my choice.

* We head for the HBK Appreciation night. I'm willing to bet this is when we're going to see Brock Lesnar and Triple H do battle. Sure enough, when his name is mentioned, Brock Lesnar is out there. Heyman blows some smoke before making it clear that Lesnar is turning up to fight Triple H and not be the show stealer. HBK is gonna give his opinion whether they want it or not. He says he's gonna be in HHH's corner and his opinion is that HHH is going to win. Lesnar is about to go after HBK untill HHH heads for the ring. I like how Brock shows just enough cowardice, but not so much that he's less of a threat. He's apprehensive, but not afraid. The ominous "I'll see you a bit earlier" towards HBK was good as well. More good stuff in this fued.

* I skip touts out of principle.

* Alex Riley vs. Dolph Ziggler: Jericho: "He's too big for his own head." ...what? A bit meandering really this one. The point of the match was for Ziggler to look decent, and for Jericho to talk about him, and they could have done that in half the time without killing the crowd. Jericho costs Riley the match.

* Kane vs. The Miz: This won't be exciting will it? Dull as f**k anyways. I thought they were serious about The Miz when he came back too. He had a different demeanor about him and it comes across well, but then they just have him jobbing again.

* Daniel Bryan vs. John Cena: This "YES!" stuff is amazing. As suspected, this is a cracking wee match. I'd love to see these two guys get a shitload of time on PPV one time down the line. I'd give this one a damn fine **** rating. Daniel Bryan came across and looked absolutely incredible in defeat. We get the inevitable battle between the three guys in the title match at the end. CM Punk once again lays down the law.

The main event was terrific and as good as you'd want from a TV match. Not as much of a chore as I'd suspected it was going to be, so that's good.

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