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The best parts of the show were Bryan/Kane and CM Punk again.

Punk speaks the truth Cena will soon be in triple figures on how many title shots he get's, I understand he does a lot for the company but he should let others get a chance, I am personally hoping he is out for a while and it is Taker vs Punk at HITC which Parsa mentioned above.

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Heyman has been in top form since his return, he is so easy to hate.

Cracking Ziggler vs Kofi match.

The Bryan and Kane stuff yet again has been fucking phenomenal. D-Bry has had me more entertained over the last 2 months than anyone in years.

The Punk/Foley segment was sensational I thought. You see what you get when you bring Foley back for a serious segment rather than dressing him up like Santa. He's still got it in bucket loads. Great stuff.

The tag division is beginning to get exciting again!!!

If Ryback is being pushed to the main event I'll greet.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Is it just me or does anyone else think Cena needs to move aside and let someone else wrestle punk for the belt. I don't know say brock lesnar vs punk would be a start.

It'd be great, but honestly, WWE's main event scene isn't that large so if someone keeps the belt for a long time then people are going to face each other twice during a reign.

Also, Lesnar is only on a limited appearances contract and they won't waste some of them on a Hell in the Cell PPV.

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Just read this and it got me thinking;

With 35 year old John Cena currently dealing with back, elbow, hip and neck issues, there has been a lot of talk for months about who is the next top guy for WWE.

With Vince McMahon's days likely numbered, some believe that the next top guy after Cena will be Vince's last ever hand-picked top guy. While Cena won't be replaced as the top guy until his body breaks down or until the public tires of him, there is a feeling that you have to thinka bout the future now as Vince has never gone with anyone older than 40 as his top guy because people think he cuts bait early and then moves on.

Vince has told both the traveling and non-traveling writing staff, as well as the RAW and SmackDown crews, that they are now to put emphasis on storylines and angles for Sheamus. The idea is that CM Punk is a heel and won't be that top guy. Plus in their minds of what "the guy" is supposed to look like, Punk doesn't fit.

Triple H is also backing Sheamus because he's big enough, dedicated enough and loyal enough. At the same time, many people feel Sheamus wouldn't be right as the face of the company because of his character. Another downside to Sheamus is he's almost 35 and if they are looking at grooming the next guy for Cena's spot, they should be looking at someone who is 25 or so.

Cena is 35, Sheamus is 34, Punk is 33, Orton is 33.

Even Dolph Ziggler is 33 and Daniel Bryan in 32. Who should they be looking at as the next "main guy" that they go to?

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It's going to be Ryback.

McMahon loves steroid freaks.

McMahon will want it to be and will try a push for it, but he bombs due to being utterly shit and buy rates fall and the fans utterly shit on him, just like they did when Kozlov was getting the same kind of push, he'll be demoted to lower card pish.

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