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Aye Heymans face when the music hit was glorious. It was like a kid at Christmas

Cesaro vs Ambrose was decent and it's good to see Ziggler winning

At least sandow is getting a wee bit more match time even though he's still jobbing.

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At least sandow is getting a wee bit more match time even though he's still jobbing.

I'm hoping that this is his new role. The comedy one.

As I said, both WWE and Sandow could do much worse than to have that as the plan going forward.

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Sandow is vastly overated by alot on here. Hes no more than a mid carder but his comedy stuff is good.

Won't find me arguing with that. His only really good match was with John Cena. And it's not like he didn't have enough chances to prove himself as a wrestler. As a character, he was decent, but you need to be able to have SOMETHING in the ring, even if it's just simple intensity.

What he DOES seem to have in the ring is a knack for the comedy stuff. Not as good as Santino mind, but good enough for the purpose.

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I thought the the Lebron stuff was absolutely class, especially when he said "I'm going to take my talent from South beach and bring it to Ohio" I would love to see Sandow and Bad News Barrett have a mic segment together, surely comedy gold.

The problem with Sandow is he's so great at all the comedy stuff he does they'll keep him doing it. I love it but would also love to see him actually have matches that go longer than 3 minutes.

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Is Stephanie McMahon having a match at Summerslam?! Who actually wants to see her wrestle? She's shite in the ring. This smacks of ego. Is that really going to make more folk buy Summerslam and/or subscribe to the Network?! Or will people realise it's 2014 and she has no place in the ring (not like she ever did) and not bother with the Network if they're going to get that sort of shit (any new subscriber will be buying it on the basis of the current product as the hardcore fans who will watch the older stuff will already be subscribers).

Summerslam as a whole looks decent but it'll just di the same sort of numbers it usually does. It won't have loads more people buying it. What will they do then? Say Brock/Cena can't draw and demote them to the bottom of the upper card or top of the mid card? Somehow I don't think so

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The thing is its not about Stephanie being in a match or wrestling as such. I don't think anyone expects a quality wrestling bout between them. Her and Brie have had an entertaining enough feud for a while and this is the culmination of that. It's not like they are just throwing her into a match, they have been building it up so it has to come to a conclusion at some point which in this case will likely be a match. They have to either end the feud (with a match in this case) or use it as a tool to extend the feud by incorporating Bryan or a Nikki heel turn etc.

If nothing else it allows Bryan to remain in people's minds without him actually being there to compete. It also allows him the possibility to become involved on tv again even if he isn't available to wrestle. I think it's been entertaining and glad they are using the divas in proper storylines

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