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That was dreadful. Hopefully not undone all the good work they've done the last few weeks. Even TNA would get a riddy there.

Edit: I forgot about Claire Lynch. Which that shambles on Raw has now just got trending on Twitter

Edited by Booker_d
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For the Summerslam go home show that was very shite, it is becoming a chore to watch RAW at the moment, nothing of any importance has happened since Battleground as we pretty much knew how the card for this was going to show. They seem to over estimate how much people care about the Steph/Brie Bella storyline, Brie is not a suitable replacement for Bryan! Keep up this Heath Slater push but.

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How do they keep coming up with absolutely dreadful Cena gear?! The stuff he was wearing last night was a fucking atrocity. His wee screechy promo was the same Cena promo we've seen for years. Pish.

I was surprised that Ric Flair didn't start wildly bumping and blading when Brock was squaring up to them. Orndorff's moustache was glorious.

I find myself utterly despairing at the shite about Bryan shagging another bird. Just unimaginative pish. Also if Bryan is able to make it back in the ring, he might find that he's been utterly buried if they keep this shite up.

Whilst I have no doubt Wyatt/Y2J will be good, it's just recycling the Wyatt/Cena feud. It was a mistake to put Wyatt with Cena so early as once again it killed a wrestler's momentum. Cena really just should f**k off. I'm sick of the c**t. You'd expect Wyatt to beat Y2J, but then where does he go from there?

Cesaro is fucking plummeting. Another loss.

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WTF, they had Eva Marie beat AJ last night then walk out of the ring celebrating....only to have AJ go to a prone Eva Marie after Paige's poem to get her back. Did they think...

"well we need to get AJ some offense in, so we'll just hope the fans don't remember that Eva Marie actually won the match then walked out of the ring in perfect knick less than two minutes ago....f**k it"...and at what stage did Eva Marie, off camera but still in front of a HUGE FUCKING AUDIENCE, decide to stop blowing kisses to the camera and lie down pretending to be hurt?! Absolutely diabolical continuity.

Edited by Christophe
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WTF, they had Eva Marie beat AJ last night then walk out of the ring celebrating....only to have AJ go to a prone Eva Marie after Paige's poem to get her back. Did they think...

"well we need to get AJ some offense in, so we'll just hope the fans don't remember that Eva Marie actually won the match then walked out of the ring in perfect knick less than two minutes ago....f**k it"...and at what stage did Eva Marie, off camera but still in front of a HUGE FUCKING AUDIENCE, decide to stop blowing kisses to the camera and lie down pretending to be hurt?! Absolutely diabolical continuity. Just watched raw and was thinking the exact same thing

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Not seen most of raw yet but agree that Cena needs to get shoved down the card if he's staying for the long haul. It's not exciting any more when the ppv main event has him in it. If he wins i'll struggle to watch raw for a while. There's just no originality any more. A heel turn would be good but probably won't happen due to his merch sales.

Bryan being injured is not good atm, they're having to milk the bree bella steph thing which just isn't as good. Interested to see how steph fares in the ring though after 10 years out.

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WTF, they had Eva Marie beat AJ last night then walk out of the ring celebrating....only to have AJ go to a prone Eva Marie after Paige's poem to get her back. Did they think...

"well we need to get AJ some offense in, so we'll just hope the fans don't remember that Eva Marie actually won the match then walked out of the ring in perfect knick less than two minutes ago....f**k it"...and at what stage did Eva Marie, off camera but still in front of a HUGE FUCKING AUDIENCE, decide to stop blowing kisses to the camera and lie down pretending to be hurt?! Absolutely diabolical continuity. Just watched raw and was thinking the exact same thing

What cares, the divas are fucking shite, fast forward every single time, all of them are baggy boots

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Shameless plug Alert!

As most of you will have seen - I run the wrestling manager fantasy league thing on here!

For anyone who doesn't compete in it - we are accepting new players from now! Points will start after Summerslam and importantly - everyone is starting off with new teams and at zero points so don't worry. We currently have 24 players in 4 leagues, would be great to get even more.

All the details are in the opening post below which I have updated


Now a shameless bump :shutup

This closes at the weekend for entrants (both new and old) - currently only have 12 entrants which is half of what we currently have which is a shame unless people are all planning on doing it last minute.

Thanks to those who have already submitted and good to have a few new faces

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That's very harsh. I'm more looking forward to AJ vs Paige (if it's given time) this Sunday than anything else except from Ambrose/Rollins.

It's only really Cena/Lesnar I'm looking forward to considerably more. AJ/Paige is in the same bracket as quite a lot of the undercard. You're right that it was a harsh assessment though. The sort usually made by someone who hasn't watched a divas match in about two years.

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