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There's something about the way Ambrose carried himself that makes you think the guy has "it". He comes off as a bad arse without screaming and slabbering everywhere. Big fan of his, especially his promos FCW.

I've said it to my mate about 6 months ago that Ambrose would be a big deal. I really hope they don't f**k this up and allow ehat is cleatly talented guys to shine.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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I'm not too sure about Reigns, his first line in the interview "I'll talk when I have something to say" or whatever just screamed "I'm shit on the mic, let the other guys do it". He's decent enough if they're only going to use him for the muscle, I suppose.

And yeah, like the above, I hope they won't f**k these guys up. At least we're past Survivor Series. If this had happened two months ago, I can't help but think they'd have put them and Punk is a Survivor Series match and have Ryback and Cena bury them.

Not too keen on the vest jackets though, I know it fits in with the gimmick but it looks kinda silly.

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Ryback impresses me more every time I see him, glad he's starting to talk and I think gradually he will move away from this Feed me More stuff.

Also, when he threw the first guy out of the ring I thought he'd broke his leg on the landing.

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I don't watch Raw, so I don't know what reactions he has been getting every week, but at Survivor Series Ryback's entrance reaction was much less than what Cena and Punk got.

I think "Feed Me More" could be what is over with the crowd rather than the man himself.

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Cena and Punk have had MUCH longer to get over. Ryback is doing pretty well given that he's basically just entered the main event scene.

As for Dean Ambrose... f**k me. His transition to the big stage has been simple. His improvements in the ring in FCW should also stand him in good stead going forward.

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Excellent promo from Ambrose, bit it was pre recorded. I never saw any of these guys before but based on the hype I have pretty decent expectations. Here's hopin they reinvigorate things. For me the WWE was all about settling things with violence, you don't really get that anywhere else, they seem to be doin more backstage brawling, and attacks on people lately. Hope it continues, that stuff is always fun.

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Seth Rollins better have improved as a wrestler btw. He did have a couple of crackers in FCW mind you. He had crackers in ROH as well though with top guys, and he was bland as shit there too.

If he isn't better in the ring, he has f**k all to offer, because he has zero character.

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Well Daniel Bryan must be fucked then, because if it's just the catchphrases that matter then he's not over at all and it's just the yes/no that is.

Bryan is over with the yes/no chants as well as his World class in-ring abilities and promo skills. Ryback can't wrestle for shit and his promos consist of nothing other than awful food puns.

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Bryan is over with the yes/no chants as well as his World class in-ring abilities and promo skills. Ryback can't wrestle for shit and his promos consist of nothing other than awful food puns.

That's not what you said though. He might not be Daniel Bryan but Ryback isn't shit at wrestling, he's made very few botches considering he's been thrust into the main event. And his promos are fine, nothing groundbreaking but if he was to bust out anything eloquent then it wouldn't fit his monstrous gimmick.

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Ambrose could be the next great heel and rollins the next big baby face, the other guy i dont see the likelihoods of being anything other than a midcarder.

edit: i take it rollins will vacate the NXT championship?

Edited by Bowers
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Ambrose could be the next great heel and rollins the next big baby face, the other guy i dont see the likelihoods of being anything other than a midcarder.

To be honest I don't see what Rollins has that WWE will want to push to the moon. Just being a great wrestler isn't enough. Since he has been in FCW I would say he has been pretty bland character wise.

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Coming off the heels of the third and final hour of Monday's Raw broadcast suffering a fifteen percent drop in viewership, Comcast's listing for Monday night programming on the USA Network (available at TVGuide.com) has a rerun of NCIS: Los Angeles(2009 episode "Deliverance") airing during the 8:00 p.m. time slot with Raw listed as a two-hour-and-five-minute program beginning at 9:00 p.m.

The first hour of Monday's show garnered 4,147,000 viewers, with hour two slightly dropping 4,126,000. The third hour, however, suffered its sharpest decline since the program was lengthened to three hours in July, dropping to 3,488,000 viewers. It marked as the fifteenth consecutive week and eighteenth week out of nineteen weeks where viewership dropped off during the third hour.

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