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Guest bernardblack
That Brock/Heyman promo was utter garbage! 

Just watching it now and surely it's daft having it in brocks home town?

Not ideal when you're trying to push the match with brock as the heel?
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2 hours ago, We Are Pars Fans! said:

That episode on Raw was rotten

Shows how out of touch the writers are. Something that's an amusing wee aside and a moderate high point of his character like the list of Jericho has been turned into a major focal point for an entire episode and actually being booked as if it's of equal importance to the fucking title.

Complete garbage writing.

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Here, that stupid segment was apparently cut by Vince right in the MIDDLE of it as the crowd were just not getting behind Goldberg at all. That segment ended at like 4am, if that had gone longer, were they planning on a 2 minute main event?!?! 

I thought the only interesting thing on the show was Mick Foley losing his shit and trying to convince them not to go ahead with the ladies HIAC match :lol: 

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Thought that might have been the case, interesting, what the f**k did he think was gonna happen in that city? Actually went back and watched it again right after as I thought i must have missed something after it ended so abruptly. That explains a lot.

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Vince apparently went mental backstage at the crowd reaction during the Heyman/Mike Lient segment.

Not quite sure what he expected to happen, especially considering where they were.

He was responsible for putting Brock's music during a lull and pulling the promo before it was over.

Heyman chucking the mic to the floor in a "I told you so" type gesture.

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9 hours ago, Derek Patterson said:

Vince apparently went mental backstage at the crowd reaction during the Heyman/Mike Lient segment.

Not quite sure what he expected to happen, especially considering where they were.

He was responsible for putting Brock's music during a lull and pulling the promo before it was over.

Heyman chucking the mic to the floor in a "I told you so" type gesture.

If it's real - which, let's face it, it's dirtsheets so could go either way - then you're absolutely right.  What did he think was going to happen?  

They seem to be stuck massively in the past when it comes to these kinds of things.  It used to be OK to just send a guy out and go "How about them <INSERT SPORTS TEAM>?  They suck!" and you've got your heel heat.  Now you've got to work so much harder.  Hometown heroes are always likely to be cheered unless they're well established heels, and the smarks are always going to cheer people they shouldn't.  That's not to say you couldn't have Lesnar as a heel, but to just have Heyman go out and try and conjure it out of nowhere was only going to go one way. 

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2 hours ago, Randy Giles said:

It doesn't help that Lesnar is against Goldberg who is, let's face it, fucking shit. I'd wager a LOT of crowds are going to cheer Lesnar in this situation because he's Lesnar, and he's facing Goldberg.

Might be slightly revisionist, but to be honest at the moment I'm more looking forward to seeing Goldberg than Lesnar.  That's on the proviso that we're just going to get the traditional Lesnar match i.e. an extended squash.   His matches have gotten pretty boring, so at least there's an "unknown" quantity to Goldberg (I've not seen too much of him from the past admittedly).  

Of course if Lesnar goes out and puts on an amazing match, I'd be delighted.  He's definitely got it in him to have must-watch matches still, but they've just been pretty tedious recently.

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3 hours ago, forameus said:

If it's real - which, let's face it, it's dirtsheets so could go either way - then you're absolutely right.  What did he think was going to happen?  

They seem to be stuck massively in the past when it comes to these kinds of things.  It used to be OK to just send a guy out and go "How about them <INSERT SPORTS TEAM>?  They suck!" and you've got your heel heat.  Now you've got to work so much harder.  Hometown heroes are always likely to be cheered unless they're well established heels, and the smarks are always going to cheer people they shouldn't.  That's not to say you couldn't have Lesnar as a heel, but to just have Heyman go out and try and conjure it out of nowhere was only going to go one way. 

Surely by posting on here you yourself are a 'smark' (a fucking dreadful term incidentally). Also folk will boo and cheer who they like/dislike, as they have always done.

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There's a been a lot of tone-deaf alignments over the last couple of months, the Brock Lesnar debacle being the latest. Remember Seth Rollins returned to a massive pop only for him to deliver awkward heel promos? It didn't make any sense whatsoever.

Let the crowd dictate who they like rather than vice versa.

I didn't watch the show but it sounded stupid. Last week, old man Foley was gleefully booking Charlotte and Sasha Banks in a Hell in a Cell match; this time around, he's warning them not to take part. The heck?!

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Just rewatching, you can imagine the veins popping in Vinnie's head when Heyman has just about turned it around with the "Brock comes back to his home town and half of you chant Goldberg?" line only for the whole crowd to erupt into a final 'up yours' rendition of "GOLDBERG SUCKS" as Lesnar just gives a 'this is fucking hilarious' chuckle. 

McMahon will just be seeing the Batista return being shat on all over again! 

The start where Heyman stuttered around trying not to mention his (Goldberg's) name obviously trying to get the Goldberg chant up and running early is cringy as hell to watch back too!

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Guest bernardblack

Watching raw again and after Owens powerbombs Rollins onto the apron. Cole exclaims:

"That move has costed superstars, weeks of their career!"


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