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Walking Down The Halbeath Road

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kinda get what he's saying in that we moved the ball about reasonably well for decent chunks of the game and that there were massive individual errors for all three goals but it's not exactly the sort of thing he should be saying. Even if he'd said "I wasn't pleased with the overall performance or the result on Saturday but there were certain elements that showed signs of improvement" or "the players were doing well in some aspects of what I'm asking them to do but we need to make sure the team does everything I ask of them and not just little bits here and there" you could see some sort of sense to it but the actual quote is very Brentish. 

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So, perhaps just to get the fears up, what happens if PG gets a dead cat bounce Saturday and guides the Pats to a victory? Yes, I realize how unlikely that is, but has he burned so many bridges that he cannot effectively remain as Pars manager…or would an insane run of wins change the thinking? What would it take, if it’s even possible, for PG to ride this out?

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6 minutes ago, TxRover said:

So, perhaps just to get the fears up, what happens if PG gets a dead cat bounce Saturday and guides the Pats to a victory? Yes, I realize how unlikely that is, but has he burned so many bridges that he cannot effectively remain as Pars manager…or would an insane run of wins change the thinking? What would it take, if it’s even possible, for PG to ride this out?

Changing formation to something that will get the best out of the squad available.

Dropping Ross Graham (it's awful singling out one player, especially a young one but he's conceding goals or goalscoring opportunities at least once or twice a game).

Playing players in their favoured positions.

Admitting he was wrong to try and implement a system on the team when they weren't suited to it and/or that it's more important to have a solid base and win football matches than try to build some sort of "philosophy". 


But I can't see any of that, or a home win, on the horizon for Saturday. 

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7 minutes ago, TxRover said:

So, perhaps just to get the fears up, what happens if PG gets a dead cat bounce Saturday and guides the Pats to a victory? Yes, I realize how unlikely that is, but has he burned so many bridges that he cannot effectively remain as Pars manager…or would an insane run of wins change the thinking? What would it take, if it’s even possible, for PG to ride this out?

Win on Saturday and pick up 7 points at least in the games against Hamilton and your lot. 

He shouldn't be the manager though regardless. Everyone can see how awful it is. He has made a rod for his own back with the title chat, and we are already out of the running for the title. 

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Grant has players trying to do things they cannot do. We don’t have the keeper or defenders to pass it about the back. We must have the 2 worst professional keepers in football. Thomas has never played CM in his puff. Basic management. How this clown hasn’t been punted yet is a disgrace from the board, who are also making a right arse of it.

All this talk of walk outs, I don’t get it. Just don’t turn up! Im giving it a complete miss after the past 4 league games, which have been nothing short of embarrassing, not wasting my time travelling to it this week.

Could be toxic on sat from the off, however I feel those that do bother to go should support the team (until it goes tits up) as it seems some are going full in right some the off.

I hope we do better, however won’t hold my breath with this mutant in charge

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Guest Wind Chime Jimmy
22 minutes ago, JessieField said:

You've got to admire the loyalty of the Dunfermline Board towards their manager, they know that he will turn things around before long. I remember when Man Utd fans were baying for Alex Ferguson's blood and look what happened to them!

Scudbook alert!!!!!

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Although we ultimately didn’t succeed that season, look at the difference between then and now. Genuine quality in the team and fantastic support every second Saturday. A real feel-good factor at EEP. Clark, Morris, Aird, McManus, L Martin, Cardle (at the peak of his powers) … that team should have achieved a lot more. Look at us now. It’s a joke we’ve went from heading upwards to the sheer desperation we’re in now in just 3 years.

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Although we ultimately didn’t succeed that season, look at the difference between then and now. Genuine quality in the team and fantastic support every second Saturday. A real feel-good factor at EEP. Clark, Morris, Aird, McManus, L Martin, Cardle (at the peak of his powers) … that team should have achieved a lot more. Look at us now. It’s a joke we’ve went from heading upwards to the sheer desperation we’re in now in just 3 years.

A great start and a great run in to the end of that league season. Last time I genuinely felt good about where we were going as a club.
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Why on earth is he even getting a chance to turn this around? We’ve seen absolutely hee haw to suggest that. If anything it’s been getting worse and worse every week. He’s built a heavily unbalanced side with a midfield like a melt in the middle fondant. Every game we are second to every ball and we get walked over with ease, genuinely not seen us win a 50/50 in there all season. We need Iain Wilson back and another CM and goalkeeper pronto or it’s a relegation battle this season. It’s a fucking circus. 

Edited by Gigi Alabocheré
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That’s what McArthur will hit out with in a statement after ICT touch us on Saturday.

“Remember, we were close to liquidation so just be thankful you have a club to support”

Aye, but it was the several thousands of people that saved it, not just a couple of charlatans on the board. Think this is what they forget: it was the hard-working fans that saved the club, and they are haemorrhaging thousands every season with their bad decisions.

I’d be stunned if the crowd on Saturday is any more than 2300. ICT will bring a few hundred to make it look as if there was an alright attendance perhaps, but that’ll not give the full picture of how bad the home support will be. When was the last time there was under 2k Pars fans at a home league game? I’m really struggling to think if there has been in my lifetime as a fan! Was there maybe a couple of dire crowds during admin?

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When was the last time there was under 2k Pars fans at a home league game? I’m really struggling to think if there has been in my lifetime as a fan! Was there maybe a couple of dire crowds during admin?

Think we were below 2k a couple of times the season we finished 7th in league 1. But that’s certainly a sign of how bad things are amongst the fans, if we’re looking at that level of support again.
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12 hours ago, smpar said:

Nope. I can’t think of any circumstances where any team in the league would be happy with the start we’ve had, regardless of ambitions before the start of the season.

2-2 away to Morton
0-3 at home to Thistle
0-3 at hone to Arbroath
1-3 away to Ary

That’s not acceptable for anyone.

Watched the Ayr & Arbroath highlights and genuinely think 3 road cones would do a better job than your centre half’s n keeper , quite worrying 

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I’d be stunned if the crowd on Saturday is any more than 2300. ICT will bring a few hundred to make it look as if there was an alright attendance perhaps, but that’ll not give the full picture of how bad the home support will be. When was the last time there was under 2k Pars fans at a home league game? I’m really struggling to think if there has been in my lifetime as a fan! Was there maybe a couple of dire crowds during admin?

1574 in February 2015 against Brechin. We lost, obviously, 1-0.

That was a Tuesday night right enough, and by far the worst we got. Lowest after that was 1951 against Stranraer on 11 April 2015.
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Watched the Ayr & Arbroath highlights and genuinely think 3 road cones would do a better job than your centre half’s n keeper , quite worrying 

A traffic cone wouldn’t have been shoved off the ball as easily by Adeloye for their third.
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