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Walking Down The Halbeath Road

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The body language of Steve Curtis and Bob Garmory told us all we needed to know tonight. It's gonna take a massive shift for Masterton to accept TPCs offer. They obviously don't believe that is likely.

Unfortunately that only leaves one option.

Genuinely sorry for the Pars and their supporters, but I'm fucking glad you're suffering. ;)

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I'm just going to say it; you are a bit of a dick or extremely unfortunate if you are a Pars fan and you don't make it to Starks on Saturday. Forget about the whole saving the club, that is not going to happen. This is our last game ever most likely. Go and have fun, cheer on the team and just party. Let's go out with a bang and not a whimper.

We can virtually guarantee you an away win if that is any consolation?

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We can virtually guarantee you an away win if that is any consolation?

We can virtually guarantee you an away win if that is any consolation?

Cheers mate. Seems a decent thing to do in the circumstances.

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I honestly believe we will be liquidated and return to the bottom tier as a Newco. I would dearly love to be wrong of course, but in my heart I think Saturday is the end. I have not just

thought this tonight but I am yet to hear

anything to give me any real hope that we can

get out of this position.

Feel free to mock me for going OTT if we get some good news over the next few days. I will

be treating Saturday like it's our last


I feel real empathy for you here poet. Not very long ago Cowden were on the brink of being sold to Spartans by our clubs owners and we would have gone the way of Clydebank when they were bought by Airdrie. Only about 250 Cowden Diehards would have been devastated though and few others would have cared.

If 3,500 Pars fans mobilise though, get themselves along to Starks Park and sing from start to finish then this will send out a real message to Scottish football and the Pars can still come back from the brink. To be honest your club should be punished and demoted but I hope that you do survive this.

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I feel real empathy for you here poet. Not very long ago Cowden were on the brink of being sold to Spartans by our clubs owners and we would have gone the way of Clydebank when they were bought by Airdrie. Only about 250 Cowden Diehards would have been devastated though and few others would have cared.

If 3,500 Pars fans mobilise though, get themselves along to Starks Park and sing from start to finish then this will send out a real message to Scottish football and the Pars can still come back from the brink. To be honest your club should be punished and demoted but I hope that you do survive this.

To be honest coo, if they come through this, they will be taking it up the arse for years,

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I don't want to see them go, my cousin played for them many moons ago. It's something I don't talk about much to be honest. Remember coming up there to watch his debut against Swansea in a friendly when John Toshack was in charge there. Got comps and everything!

Hope something can be done to save the club, but I hope they suffer for a wee while.

Good luck guys.

Edited by Musketeer Gripweed
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To be honest coo, if they come through this, they will be taking it up the arse for years,

I was secretly thinking that a bit as well but it honestly wasn't in the forefront of my thoughts ;)

I think I should have been elected as the new Pope tbh as I don't believe in god, am a bit of a dirty boy and am willing to forgive The Pars Posters for their prior sins of being a bit of an arrogant bunch of douchebags.

Pars for the 3rd and allow us to gloat for a bit until they are humping us again and calling us a shity little pub team.

Long live The New improved and solvent Pars.

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If this fatalist talk proves well-founded - are some people not getting a bit ahead of themselves in supposing that Dunfermline will simply NewCo and come back next season in tier 4 (or tier 3 if 12-12-18 goes ahead)?

That surely relies on a variety of things, including what happens to East End Park; being able to buy the 'football club' off the administrato or liquidator; getting transfer of SFA membership; winning SFL vacancy election; etc.?

Not certain, surely.

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Oh, I'm by no means saying that it will be an easy process and it may also end up with us kicking about the non-leagues until their is some form of pyramid system and we have a team that can progress up through the leagues. I think EEP is gone as well if we go down the tubes so we'd probably have to play at Pitreavie (if that was even possible, not sure how the ownership of that is structured) and the support would dwindle away.

I just think that at the end of the day we will find our way back into the leagues but I am certainly not sure that I would have the same affinity for this new club as I do the Pars. It might just be sentimental bollocks as it would be a very similar club in most ways but it just would not be the same club that I have supported since I was six years old. It is very depressing stuff and I might be in a bit of a state by 5pm on Saturday.

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Thanks. What sort of facilities does this Pitreavie have, would it meet SFL criteria?

If you don't have EEP then you'd have to imagine it's a long-shot straight away: unlikely you'd win a vacancy election against ambitious non-league clubs if, as an example, you were applying on the basis of tenancy at Cowdenbeath or Raith.

And of course who's to say if SFL clubs will treat a Dunfermline NewCo as they treated a Rangers NewCo.

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Thanks. What sort of facilities does this Pitreavie have, would it meet SFL criteria? If you don't have EEP then you'd have to imagine it's a long-shot straight away: unlikely you'd win a vacancy election against ambitious non-league clubs if, as an example, you were applying on the basis of tenancy at Cowdenbeath or Raith. And of course who's to say if SFL clubs will treat a Dunfermline NewCo as they treated a Rangers NewCo.

I don't really know what they could do with Pitreavie to get it anywhere near SFL standards. Although the new rulebook said something about only needing 500 covered seats? I guess that would not be entirely implausible to achieve. I think sharing with any of the other Fife clubs would be a disaster in terms of holding onto the support though. Maybe just me but I think I'd really hate to not have my own home and Cowdenbeath's ground isn't exactly great for them as it is.

To put it simply, I think if we were to make a bid for re-election then EEP has to be part of the package.

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Aye I'm seeing some pictures of it here, seems to have a small grandstand with plastics 'tractor seats' like we used to have at Berwick. Potentially you could put up a temporary grandstand? What sort of floodlights does it have, also access/parking/turnstiles/etc.?

Gretna 2008 actually played at an athletics park in their first season, until the liquidator sold Raydale and they moved in.

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Not sure about any of the specifics for Pitreavie. I have only been there a few times and not for a couple of years in truth. I saw how easy it was to meet SFA requirements when Stirling University played their Scottish Cup tie earlier in the season but I'd imagine it would be far harder to secure league entry than to be allowed to host a one-off cup game.

Anyway, far too dreary a topic for me when I've been studying and I'm tired. Let's hope something unexpected happens tomorrow and we don't have to think about it any more!

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This conversation is fucking depressing to read.

EEP is our home and i would be fine supporting a Newco if we remained there, however the thought of us no longer being at EEP and being stuck with a shitty grandstand at Pitreavie is too much to take.

Edited by Parscelona
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I'll be there on Saturday and hope it isn't our last ever tie. I don't know what I'd do if we simply disappeared. Family's moving to Glasgow and I live through Dundee for 3/4's of the year so will have zero ties to Fife.

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Sharing with Cowden ( Pars fans spinning in their shallow grave if the worst happens! ) for 2 seasons while another ground is somehow funded could a cheap option for Dunfermline. Cowden would gain nothing but the Brewsters would lick their lips as they own CP. Playing at Starks would clearly appeal more to Newco Dunfie but far more expensive and their pitch is screwed as it is and smells like a Lino factory.

Theres always New Bayview of course.

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