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Evil Neighbours Thread

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Sorry about you losing the wean and best wishes to your Mrs in her pregnancy.  Pitch in on the Parenting and Pregnancy thread - there are loads of good folk there and you'll get a lot of support.

As for the rats next door, assuming napalm isn't an option, I'd chap on her door and have a reasonable discussion with her.  Good fences make good neighbours etc.

Tried it kinky, we have been nothing but good to the kids since we moved in. She really does look like she is a complete tosser. We don't react normally but it's just went a step too far with her threatening me on my own doorstep.



Thanks for your words mate, waiting till we get to the first scan this time then I will.

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At least you can contact the council. I sorted my neighbours eventually. Spoke to their maw and she denied it at first then they stopped being so inconsiderate. If she is destroying your property and making threats you could contact the council mediation service. They will speak to them. I tried them at first for advice thinking they would side with the disabled people but they didn't and were really helpful.

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11 minutes ago, grumswall said:

Tried it kinky, we have been nothing but good to the kids since we moved in. She really does look like she is a complete tosser. We don't react normally but it's just went a step too far with her threatening me on my own doorstep.

It sounds like you're doing all the right things, buddy, and protecting your Mrs has got to be your priority.

As a next step I'd contact a housing officer from your local authority and ask for input.  Of course, it may be her hoose is 'owned' by a housing association but same thing applies - they all want good tenants.

Edit:  See @D.A.F.Cpost above.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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I didn't look into it enough due to our previous place being a shambles cerberus. Iv contacted the council before but was fobbed off.

Its absolutely baffling that she wants a stranger next door to tell her kids off.

I'm fairly curious to see what exactly she thinks she can do with her threats but I have to keep the fiancé as calm as f**k so have to withdraw from doing anything.

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I didn't look into it enough due to our previous place being a shambles cerberus. Iv contacted the council before but was fobbed off.

Its absolutely baffling that she wants a stranger next door to tell her kids off.

I'm fairly curious to see what exactly she thinks she can do with her threats but I have to keep the fiancé as calm as f**k so have to withdraw from doing anything.

Sounds like an absolute arsepiece.

Keep a log of any form of anti-social behaviour performed either by her or the kids. And if possible record loud noises from next door.

Keep going to the council or housing association etc. Eventually they might decide to pull them up.
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Wouldn't surprise me if she was on mumsnet going on about how the arseholes next door won't stand for her and her kids being arseholes.

Our front garden is open to theirs. What can I actually put up legally to separate the gardens?

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1 hour ago, grumswall said:

Wouldn't surprise me if she was on mumsnet going on about how the arseholes next door won't stand for her and her kids being arseholes.

Our front garden is open to theirs. What can I actually put up legally to separate the gardens?


Image result for bart if you get hit gif

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2 hours ago, grumswall said:

Wouldn't surprise me if she was on mumsnet going on about how the arseholes next door won't stand for her and her kids being arseholes.

Our front garden is open to theirs. What can I actually put up legally to separate the gardens?


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4 hours ago, philpy said:

I just watched the thing about him on channel 5. Spent a lot of the donation money on himself. Who'd do a thing like that???

I don't think spending the donation money on himself is the thing that people question how Mick Philpott could do something like that tbh.

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Big bump

Had an unfortunate clash with my neighbour earlier. She is a single mother of 2 in a council house next to my bought house that I share with my pregnant fiancé. We have already lost a child in the past few months but have been lucky enough to get pregnant again and it's going good so far.

I was at the back door having a smoke on the phone to my mum, her two kids 8 and 5 started climbing all over my fence and hauling it about so I asked them nicely to stop. They got a mischievous look and they started attempting to haul it down. So I shouted for their mum and then politely asked her to stop them from doing it. She went mental at me for it and started threatening me. Also said I should have stopped her kids from doing it. Other than a kick in the pie, what's my options here guys n gals?

Reckon you'd beat the kids in a fight? They're probably quite wee, but there's two of them. Got a handy mate that could maybe fight the bigger one?
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If you want to be really cruel you could report her to social services for child neglect or irresponsible parenting etc.

Then piss through her letterbox.
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49 minutes ago, locheedfcno1 said:

Put vandal paint on the top of the fence. It's shit when you have beef with a neighbour


49 minutes ago, locheedfcno1 said:

Put vandal paint on the top of the fence. It's shit when you have beef with a neighbour

2 coats apparently

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Buy 10 boxes of Tesco value Rice Krispies, and a leaf blower.

Pour the boxes through her letterbox, and then use the leaf blower to ensure that walking through her hallway turns in to a cereal-based version of an African minefield.

Do this once a week until she moves out.

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If you have a good (or bad depending on how you look at it mate) get them to put bricks through her windows at least once a week. It's shit having neighbours who are w*nks. The son of the wifey next door to me used to deal drugs from his bedroom until he was eventually kicked out the street. Now I have the parking p***k, literally parks 2 inches from either the front or the rear of my car or anyone visiting my house. Moving house this Friday so won't have to see his greetin puss again

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