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Evil Neighbours Thread

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Try the numbers on this link for starters.

The more info you know (or think they'll ask you so if you know if they own/rent and if rent who from etc) the better. At least this way there's a record of it.

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Think my rant must have been heard, not a peep last night. First time in months.

Thanks for the number and matty, not sure that killing them would be legal?

I spoke to someone about this yesterday who had the same issues and they suggested making a cross in the calendar for every disturbed night.

Seems like an easy thing to do rather than getting bogged down writing specifics, because it's pretty much the same every time.

It's also quite visual to show someone.

Guy also said that the council came and installed recording equipment and told the noisy neighbour that they had installed it?! Don't want to breach their human rights... FFS

The only reason I'm still staying there is that I've spent quite a bit in the last year on the house and don't want to throw it away - part of me doesn't want to lose out because of these morons.

I have spoken to them rationally a couple of times and tried to slip in major hints 'would you not be better on the level if you are getting a wheelchair?' 'must be hard going up and down those stairs all the time'.

Penny hasn't dropped though, why should it when the can get a free stairlift etc.

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The guy upstairs from us is an utter c**t. Always banging around making ridiculous noise and then denying it. i don't understand why someone can be walking up and down every night form 8pm till about midnight then again form around 6am till 8am. Does the noisy fucker never sit down?

I would guess the person sits or lies down between the hours of Midnight - 6am and then again from 8am - 8pm.

Happy to help.

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After 4 years l simply wouldn't give a f**k.

The simple solution is to not let it go on for 4 years. If you want to get it sorted, do it right, ie using the authorities. Its easy to say and the only real noisy neighbour issue I had I ended up threatening to fill the guy in if it didn't stop (worked a treat actually) but I wouldn't recommend it. Very much do as I say and not as I do, although I'd had the police and the council involved earlier in the process.

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All im saying is i know people, i could make them disappear. We'll talk legal shit later.

Ooooh, can I borrow you for my ex-drug dealing, shitty bass music loving (sort-of ex)neighbour? Not really bothered about the legal shit!

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My elderly neighbour downstairs snores so loudly that you can actually hear it in my bedroom on the top floor, despite the fact that it's an old-school tenement and I've never heard any other noise come from any other flat.

Seems a bit harsh to murder her in cold blood, but it would be less awkward than me knocking on the door at 3 in the morning asking her to stop sleeping on her back.

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The simple solution is to not let it go on for 4 years. If you want to get it sorted, do it right, ie using the authorities. Its easy to say and the only real noisy neighbour issue I had I ended up threatening to fill the guy in if it didn't stop (worked a treat actually) but I wouldn't recommend it. Very much do as I say and not as I do, although I'd had the police and the council involved earlier in the process.

I say!

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Sneak in to her house and sow a walnut into the back of her nighty.

Chortle. That'll be a bit of a logistical nightmare, not least cos I don't have a walnut, I can't sew, and I'm no good at housebreaking.

Sounds like a bit of a Viz top tip. Like the one "I sleep with a large key under my tongue and I've never suffered from syphilis".

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We got new neighbours move in just before Christmas. A couple with 3 young kids, makes a change from the old woman who died in the house. Anyway, they also have 3 dogs which they never walk. The guy takes them out the back and smokes while they run over their little rectangle of grass, which is now covered in shite.

The couple work, and last week when I was off ill, I noticed that the 3 dogs bark constantly when they're out, from about 9.30 to 2. Back at work now so it isn;t bothering me, but when I was ill and needed rest, it was driving me bananas. I just feel sorry for the dogs. Cooped up in a house full of toddlers. We have a huge field behind the houses where other neighbours take their dogs.

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