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Evil Neighbours Thread

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After a reasonably quiet spell my neighbours have went mental again.

Shouting at a roofer sorting my rhones.

Throwing birdseed or some sort of nuts onto my decking.

Banging about after midnight and howling, crying and arguing.

So, two independent witnesses saying they're crazy plus months of logging the noise on a phone. Think I might give the council a phone just in time for Christmas.

f**k them.

Buy a spade and build a patio already!

Worked for that nice Peter Toban fellow. For a while. Didn't work so well for the Jordaches.

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Think the only way forward is confrontation and a wee bit of violence. We had scum next door to us, we did the whole complaint and diary keeping bit and it came to nothing. One Saturday a couple of summers ago the dicks pals started turnin up with crates , music blaring from 9.15. No escaping it. Garden full of drunk and stoned tramps, dugs fighting and weans screaming.About ten at night Three years of shit came to a head, the scumbags auld man in my garden shouting at me that he's gonnae do me in. Long and short of it, I battered the da and was dragged of the scumbag tenant, I'm not a hard man and my wife was disgusted, but enough was enough. They got a house swap not long after that.

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Think the only way forward is confrontation and a wee bit of violence. We had scum next door to us, we did the whole complaint and diary keeping bit and it came to nothing. One Saturday a couple of summers ago the dicks pals started turnin up with crates , music blaring from 9.15. No escaping it. Garden full of drunk and stoned tramps, dugs fighting and weans screaming.About ten at night Three years of shit came to a head, the scumbags auld man in my garden shouting at me that he's gonnae do me in. Long and short of it, I battered the da and was dragged of the scumbag tenant, I'm not a hard man and my wife was disgusted, but enough was enough. They got a house swap not long after that.

Why was your wife disgusted?

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Can't open my back gate without the arsehole next doors attack dog (Rhodesian ridgeback) making a run for me, its gonna get a fucking baseball bat over the skull.

Morrissey would not approve of this approach.

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Can't open my back gate without the arsehole next doors attack dog (Rhodesian ridgeback) making a run for me, its gonna get a fucking baseball bat over the skull.

This will definitely happen. Please keep us posted.

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She doesn't really approve of watching her husband fighting. Not very nice is it? I took myself down to their level.

Unless I'm reading or your telling it wrong some arsehole was threatening to punch your lights out for being normal and no wanting arseholes to live next too.

All this after trying to go down the proper channels and getting nowhere.

I think you're a hero, not the villain here bud.

You're Mrs may not like to see husband punching lights out of p***ks but sometimes violence is all these oxygen thieves understand.

Given they moved out shortly afterwards and the authorities would still be pussying around, I think my point is validated.

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Got charged at by the 'attack dog' again last night, don't think the baseball bat assault would work, the thing would be on your throat before you could swing the bat, you would probably need to tazer the fucker, so I'm going to go for the laxative chocolate option. Had a 'friendly chat' with the owner, who agreed it was out of order and it won't happen again. This should be a laugh.

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These ultrasonic things are useless. This morning saw another mouse darting across my kitchen floor. If I wasn't barefoot at the time I would have stomped it.

Our neighbour, after Christmas, threw his tree in to his front garden for a few weeks, then transferred it to the boot of one of his (three) cars. Now? It's still there, all brown. Car hasn't turned a wheel in months. Really grating on me now.

Have you spoken with the neighbour and just told him his the condition of this back garden is causing this and if he could simply clear it out one day?

I see and deal with neighbour complaints all the time, I find for situations like that, if you just explain to them the majority don't have a problem and will sort it out

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  • 4 months later...

I contacted the council about the neighbour's garden. They got a new sofa before christmas. The old one is now in their garden (has been for a month) alongside old toys and about 20 black rubbish bags. Back garden little better - a dozen rubbish bags all piled up. So I made a complaint to the council.

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I contacted the council about the neighbour's garden. They got a new sofa before christmas. The old one is now in their garden (has been for a month) alongside old toys and about 20 black rubbish bags. Back garden little better - a dozen rubbish bags all piled up. So I made a complaint to the council.


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My sis has recently started having problems with a neighbour over her back fence using her garden as a thoroughfare to the corner shop across the road from her house.

To do this he has to jump over a 6ft high fence, walk the full length of the garden past the garage which has a security light, over another 6ft fence (when the gate is padlocked) past the kitchen window, along the drive past her car the out the front of her drive. This is to save him all of a 5 minute walk round the block. Her neighbours to the right have seen him doing this a few times and he also occasionally cuts through their garden, so they're obviously not happy either.

This morning my sister looked out her back window only to see this cretin lowering his 5 and 3 year old sons over the fence so that they could cut through to the shop. When she asked what the f**k he thought he was doing rather than receiving an embarrassed apology all she got was "What are you going to do about it, phone the police on the weans?". What an absolute scumbag. Because the kids were already over the back fence she had to lead them out the front and told them not to come into the garden again. Said arsehole didn't take kindly to this so he jumped the fence to confront her. This obviously scared my sis quite a bit so she dived into the house. Fortunately her neighbours had heard the commotion and came out which led to a mass argument with said scumbag and the other neighbours out the front.

How the hell are you supposed to deal with scum like this? Clearly calling the police is a complete waste of time as a) trespass is a civil matter and b) folk that carry on like this are scum and obviously cant be reasoned with!

Don't be a shitebag and go round and sort the guy out on your sisters behalf*.

*this is all very good advice for me to give someone else but I definitely wouldn't follow my own advice due to my own shitebaggery.

After a few experiences of terrible neighbours I bit the bullet and bought a nice house in a very affluent area (of Kilmarnock anyway) and no longer have these worries. My neighbours even brought some mince pies round at Christmas.

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