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Evil Neighbours Thread

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no, I set my location to Edinburgh for a laugh m8

On mob m8.

Anyway if you live on Edinburgh there is about a 60% chance it'll be a junkie.

If you see them wearing clothes or colours that would indicate they are a Hibs fan you can push that up to about 80%.

Unlucky cunto.
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1 minute ago, Dindeleux said:


On mob m8.

Anyway if you live on Edinburgh there is about a 60% chance it'll be a junkie.

If you see them wearing clothes or colours that would indicate they are a Hibs fan you can push that up to about 80%.

Unlucky cunto.


I'm pretty sure I seen a union jack being taken in so probably a Kilmarnock fan.

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There's been about 24 different folk viewing a house two doors up from us, good luck to them. The landlord is a Complete arsehole who puts the rent up by £50 everytime someone moves in, he's got a Fucking cheek, the boiler is THIRTY years old, and there are constant issues with the heating.

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There's been about 24 different folk viewing a house two doors up from us, good luck to them. The landlord is a Complete arsehole who puts the rent up by £50 everytime someone moves in, he's got a Fucking cheek, the boiler is THIRTY years old, and there are constant issues with the heating.

Don't get shirty about the thirty
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Iv got a massive touring style guitar amp so it's more than doable but she has went quiet and been decent enough since the other night. It's her kid that was the arse earlier. I don't want to push any problems l, merely solve them. Small victorys are still victorys

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There's been about 24 different folk viewing a house two doors up from us, good luck to them. The landlord is a Complete arsehole who puts the rent up by £50 everytime someone moves in, he's got a Fucking cheek, the boiler is THIRTY years old, and there are constant issues with the heating.

You could always try and flog your duvet for £49, win/win ?
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5 hours ago, grumswall said:

Little update to my problem.

Just been called a dick by the five year old who stays next door. I am a dick but I'd hoped one so young wouldn't realise it. Said to his mum who flipped the other night and she was actually fairly decent about it. She told me in full ear shot of the kids to tell them to move on if they done anything and as soon as she went in he warned me not toemoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.png five years old and handing out the threats.

I can't help but think this is gonna end up with you somehow getting a sore face 

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10 hours ago, Kennboy1978 said:


Sore baws, unless the 5 year old is extremely big for his age.


I was thinking more along the lines of the many 'uncles' I'm sure these kids have 

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I was thinking more along the lines of the many 'uncles' I'm sure these kids have 

Just a thought, go the other way? Be overly nice to this wee fud. Buy him sweeties and that, start wearing a long overcoat as well. Ask if he wants to see a puppy. He'll soon report back to his maw and be telt to give you a wide berth. It's high risk high reward.
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Laxative chocolates. Accidentally drop some outside and when he gets the splats then jokes on him. Single bint of 2 asks its for wifes constipation in pregnancy and you had assumed you left it at shop

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6 minutes ago, Dindeleux said:

Do you have a hedge at all? If not then grow one, wait for the wee boy to be out the back and follow this guys lead.

The guy's next video = 


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4 hours ago, NorthernJambo said:

Just a thought, go the other way? Be overly nice to this wee fud. Buy him sweeties and that, start wearing a long overcoat as well. Ask if he wants to see a puppy. He'll soon report back to his maw and be telt to give you a wide berth. It's high risk high reward.

A wee tad risky :lol: 

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Was showing off doing wheelies on his bike in front of me earlier aswell.

There's your solution. Take his bike off him and sell it. Buy sweeties with the money and eat them in front of him without sharing.

If that doesn't learn the little b*****d then head down to the local primary and ask around to find who the hard men are. No doubt you could find a few of them willing to give laddo a hiding in exchange for whatever the hell it is 5 year olds like these days.

Battle lines have been drawn my friend. You need to regain the upper hand here.
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