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1 hour ago, jimbaxters said:

Can this duology be read a two standalone books, Craig or better as part of a bigger series?

They're not connected to anything else she's written, they stand alone as their own series. They're only about 150 pages each as well, so not a big time investment but very much worth it.

Her other series Wayfarers is utterly brilliant as well, four connected books that can stand alone but are better read in order.

Her standalone novella To Be Taught If Fortunate is also fantastic. She's an incredible writer who I hope has something new out before too long.

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Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver

Explores the themes of David Copperfield in a modern day American setting. Basically how children find it difficult/impossible to escape terrible beginnings in life, due to a large extent by the actions or inactions of those who could help them.

A lot of the characters from David Copperfield are there in a thinly veiled disguise e.g. the Micawbers and Uriah Heep. 

I like Kingsolver as a writer, and mostly enjoyed this book, but using the "same" characters was a bit of a distraction which only reminded me that David Copperfield is a better book.

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