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Lets All Laugh At Rangers Thread

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If I could post 1690 or 1872 or 2012 smiley's I'd do it for you, just because it annoys Benny so much that I like using them. :)

Here's my favourite one rm-1345589954-U54519.gif right click and copy item location, insert in image option in the editor above and voilà. :)

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Talking about the app, does it make much of a difference to posting?

A fair bit. Emoticons are a nuisance when needed and my iPad is a bit of a nutter at the best of times.

Much easier to use the web version of P&B on a laptop or desktop if you're a busy user - as you certainly seem to be.

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Some of the clowns on Rangers Media are already talking about how "that's the gap down to 13 points". :lol:

Well, technically yes, but both sides have just played a tricky fixture against Hibs and we are the ones who have come out the other side a point further ahead. Pleasing. 8)

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Some of the clowns on Rangers Media are already talking about how "that's the gap down to 13 points". :lol:

Well, technically yes, but both sides have just played a tricky fixture against Hibs and we are the ones who have come out the other side a point further ahead. Pleasing. 8)

On the day of your big local derby, instead of reading, match reports, analysis, comment and opinions on the game, you're out there trawling the Rangers forums??:lol: Edited by RedRob72
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On the day of your big local derby, instead of reading, match reports, analysis, comment and opinions on the game, you're out there trawling the Rangers forums??:lol:

He posted on two hearts threads minutes before his post above, ya nut case.

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On the day of your big local derby, instead of reading, match reports, analysis, comment and opinions on the game, you're out there trawling the Rangers forums?? :lol:

^^^ Idiot found.

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He posted on two hearts threads minutes before his post above, ya nut case.

Yet still finds time to lurk on a Rangers board, hoping for some crumb to re-post on here, pathetic.

^^^ Idiot found.

13 clear and still looking over your shoulder FFS!?

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Yet still finds time to lurk on a Rangers board, hoping for some crumb to re-post on here, pathetic.

13 clear and still looking over your shoulder FFS!?

Looking over my shoulder.

And laughing. 8)

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Elixir doing his look at me thing again.

Bennett see's ye wee man, Bennett see's ye.

I'm liking the Bennett '15. Bit of bravado about the lad. Being honest fella 2014 was a bad year for you, I don't think you'll mind me saying, your heart was not in it. You became a caricature of yourself. But I like what you're doing this year. Keep up the good work big man. Edited by dave.j
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If Elixir wants to keep up on everything Rangers FC, then he's better off sat in your top pocket Monkey !?

It's just that you seem terribly reliant on just the one lame trick, Rob.

You keep on trying to imply that the fans who are interested in the Rangers saga, can't possibly take much interest in their own clubs. It's a load of rubbish, but you keep on treating us to it.

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It's just that you seem terribly reliant on just the one lame trick, Rob. You keep on trying to imply that the fans who are interested in the Rangers saga, can't possibly take much interest in their own clubs. It's a load of rubbish, but you keep on treating us to it.

You may well have every interest in your own club MT, but just can't leave us alone can you, its like an addiction for you and others on here, these pages always appear to the busiest on P&B (happy to be corrected if that's not the case)?

On a Rangers match day (or any day for that matter) why the f*ck would I find myself on a Hearts board looking for snippets to re-post on here!??

Look at Me, Pleeeeease Look at Me !!!

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You may well have every interest in your own club MT, but just can't leave us alone can you, its like an addiction for you and others on here, these pages always appear to the busiest on P&B (happy to be corrected if that's not the case)?

On a Rangers match day (or any day for that matter) why the f*ck would I find myself on a Hearts board looking for snippets to re-post on here!??

I don't suppose you would, but Rangers were a huge, successful and arrogant club that ran into terrible trouble and many of us have loved it.

I make no apology for it and it doesn't prevent me from enjoying my own team's much needed win today.

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Rangers players voting Yes and the assorted seethe it's caused is just delightful. I feel as if the prospective effect an independent Scotland would have on Rangers fans should have been a bigger thing for the Yes side. It would have been worth it to send them all mad, surely.



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