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Lets All Laugh At Rangers Thread

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Oi back post, stop mocking Monkeys kinfolk.

You know Bennett, I saw BPM' s post last night and thought, ah Bennett will respond to that by mentioning me.

Attempts at comedy tend to be pretty ineffective when they're utterly predictable.

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Couldn't find the face palm emoticon, however this was on Rangers Media Forum

"As a first time poster to rangers media I would like to firstly say I have supported Rangers all my days, now being fifty five years old. Over this period I have experienced many highs and of course lows following my team. I was brought up in the Rangers family by my uncles and friends many who are sadly not now with us. Some were Orangemen and others not but all were supporters of this great club. I have read many posts on Rangers media and other Rangers websites and the main thing that unites them all is there disunity. We are on the brink of a momentous decision for our club in the upcoming EGM and I feel the time is right for us all to reflect on the past few years before putting all the negativity behind us and moving forward. In order to do this we must galvanise this great but fractured support and reclaim the No Surrender spirit of our fathers and grandfathers. We have many enemies just like our fathers throughout our history. They were not afraid to rise up in enniskillen and the boyne nor indeed in various world wars and neither should we.Our enemies fear our strength and have encouraged us to squabble amongst ourselves which has only weakened our cause. The time has come for us to adopt the No Surrender attitude of our fathers, forget negative posting and start the reconciliation of our family. Then we will rise in time as one support and history tells us that no one can stand against us when we stand shoulder to shoulder. I look forward to the return of the glory days with my Rangers family at my side. Remember that We Are The People."

As you can imagine the Orcs are lapping this shit up! :lol:

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A glib and shameless lying convicted tax fraudster at the helm, and all the fans want is openness and the company to be run properly.

To the Orc hordes that means spending a lot of money that they don't have so they can win every week in the Premiership.

A mediocre team won't interest them.

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Couldn't find the face palm emoticon, however this was on Rangers Media Forum

"As a first time poster to rangers media I would like to firstly say I have supported Rangers all my days, now being fifty five years old. Over this period I have experienced many highs and of course lows following my team. I was brought up in the Rangers family by my uncles and friends many who are sadly not now with us. Some were Orangemen and others not but all were supporters of this great club. I have read many posts on Rangers media and other Rangers websites and the main thing that unites them all is there disunity. We are on the brink of a momentous decision for our club in the upcoming EGM and I feel the time is right for us all to reflect on the past few years before putting all the negativity behind us and moving forward. In order to do this we must galvanise this great but fractured support and reclaim the No Surrender spirit of our fathers and grandfathers. We have many enemies just like our fathers throughout our history. They were not afraid to rise up in enniskillen and the boyne nor indeed in various world wars and neither should we.Our enemies fear our strength and have encouraged us to squabble amongst ourselves which has only weakened our cause. The time has come for us to adopt the No Surrender attitude of our fathers, forget negative posting and start the reconciliation of our family. Then we will rise in time as one support and history tells us that no one can stand against us when we stand shoulder to shoulder. I look forward to the return of the glory days with my Rangers family at my side. Remember that We Are The People."

As you can imagine the Orcs are lapping this shit up! :lol:


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MFC_East_Stand_Al, on 04 Mar 2015 - 11:03, said:snapback.png

Couldn't find the face palm emoticon, however this was on Rangers Media Forum

"As a first time poster to rangers media I would like to firstly say I have supported Rangers all my days, now being fifty five years old. Over this period I have experienced many highs and of course lows following my team. I was brought up in the Rangers family by my uncles and friends many who are sadly not now with us. Some were Orangemen and others not but all were supporters of this great club. I have read many posts on Rangers media and other Rangers websites and the main thing that unites them all is there disunity. We are on the brink of a momentous decision for our club in the upcoming EGM and I feel the time is right for us all to reflect on the past few years before putting all the negativity behind us and moving forward. In order to do this we must galvanise this great but fractured support and reclaim the No Surrender spirit of our fathers and grandfathers. We have many enemies just like our fathers throughout our history. They were not afraid to rise up in enniskillen and the boyne nor indeed in various world wars and neither should we.Our enemies fear our strength and have encouraged us to squabble amongst ourselves which has only weakened our cause. The time has come for us to adopt the No Surrender attitude of our fathers, forget negative posting and start the reconciliation of our family. Then we will rise in time as one support and history tells us that no one can stand against us when we stand shoulder to shoulder. I look forward to the return of the glory days with my Rangers family at my side. Remember that We Are The People."

As you can imagine the Orcs are lapping this shit up! :lol:

it's always Ireland / No Surrender / Boyne / Enemies with a huge percentage of these sad fuckers ( I doubt if it is the fabled 'unrepresentative minority')

This is why their club should die. Again and again and again, if need be.

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Couldn't find the face palm emoticon, however this was on Rangers Media Forum

"As a first time poster to rangers media I would like to firstly say I have supported Rangers all my days, now being fifty five years old. Over this period I have experienced many highs and of course lows following my team. I was brought up in the Rangers family by my uncles and friends many who are sadly not now with us. Some were Orangemen and others not but all were supporters of this great club. I have read many posts on Rangers media and other Rangers websites and the main thing that unites them all is there disunity. We are on the brink of a momentous decision for our club in the upcoming EGM and I feel the time is right for us all to reflect on the past few years before putting all the negativity behind us and moving forward. In order to do this we must galvanise this great but fractured support and reclaim the No Surrender spirit of our fathers and grandfathers. We have many enemies just like our fathers throughout our history. They were not afraid to rise up in enniskillen and the boyne nor indeed in various world wars and neither should we.Our enemies fear our strength and have encouraged us to squabble amongst ourselves which has only weakened our cause. The time has come for us to adopt the No Surrender attitude of our fathers, forget negative posting and start the reconciliation of our family. Then we will rise in time as one support and history tells us that no one can stand against us when we stand shoulder to shoulder. I look forward to the return of the glory days with my Rangers family at my side. Remember that We Are The People."

As you can imagine the Orcs are lapping this shit up! :lol:

You would have thought one of them would have read some Sun Tzu by now..... then again.... :rolleyes:

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Seems some fuckwit in Orcville wants The Ragers to be a stand-alone entity.


The club must also take this opportunity to rebuild relationships with the football community in Scotland. This will be to the benefit of the club and Scottish football as a whole."

The above quote hasnt been taken out of context, nothing has changed, thats Kings point word for word from todays statement

Sorry Dave but are you having a fucking laugh, for over a decade now Scottish football has tried to boot the utter shite out of us, the ordinary fan tried as much as they could to hold the front line but unfortunately our successive regimes have done nothing to back us up

We have sat back and watched as scottish football, led by a rabid tarrier team of snakes and villains, have kicked, punched, raped, pillaged and plundered our club for anything they could get their hands on

They took our money, they took our freedoms, they took our stature in the game away from us all because they didnt like us, we did nothing wrong, we were simply better than the rest and that didnt go down well, so the rest banded together to bend us over and shaft us dry, and they succeeded

Do you, Dave King, think for one second that the SPL spits, gave two fucks about scottish football when they banished us to the arse end of scottish football

do you think c***s like Lawwell, Thompson, Romanov ironic, Petrie, MIlne and the rest of the chairman in scottish football even remotely considered Rangers Football Club when they all took turns to kick into us when HMRC left us battered and bloody in the gutter

I know you wish to make a good start to your Rangers career this time around, but for the love of god treat scottish football as they have treated us, if not we will be continually walked all over as long as it suits other

f**k Regan

f**k Doncaster

f**k Lawwell

f**k Thompson

f**k the rest, we are Rangers, we dont talk to anyone anymore

Good. Just f**k off then. :)

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