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Lets All Laugh At Rangers Thread

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Gave you a greenie for your comment on the Scottish football media: most of them cretins indeed. Disagree entirely with your first point though. Sectarianism is box office for the pair of them, and Celtic are just as happy to exploit it.

Exactly. The former "Old Firm brand" was built on bigotry and a minimum of 4 bigotfests per season maintained the brand, along with lickspittle, lazy, Succulent Lambists who'd scribble any puff-piece required and a fawning, corrupt footballing authority whose MO was / is to ensure the hegemony of The Arsecheeks.

However, "the brand" is now holed below the waterline. SevcoRangers are dying :thumsup2 , the silence from Hampden is deafening and the scribblers refuse to ask the pertinent, difficult questions.

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My god, why are you constantly defending this guy, it was the Killie fan who replied to Bennett, not the other way around.

Vicky tries a witty retort - not reply - 141/2 hours after my post. Note: my post, not reply. A simple reiteration of the issues the cellardweller has understanding simple English - even after it's been laid out for him in bite-sized pieces,

Tedi jumps to his defence five minutes after yet another poster points out Vicky's stalkerish tendencies. Complete with usual dig at my allegiance, because obviously i'm wan ae thame in Tedi's monochrome world.

Those two should get a fucking room - it's beyond parody now.

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Stop kissing his arse. It is cringy as f**k. Thanks.

Says you who was jumping in to help Benny yet again as you always do...

says you who green dots his post everyday no matter the content of said post.

Feel free to comeback with the ''another upset about dots'' patter...you do it so well....

it would also deflect that you are kissing bennys arse yet again.

Rubber nut.

Edited by the 67
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Wonder what Boyd weighs now. What a fucking bullet dodged by United and Aberdeen last summer.

You'd have to think though that if he'd gone to one of us, he'd still be relatively fit and sharp. Better coaching, better management, better competition for places.

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Derek Lyle leagues top scorer

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Boyd's record at Killie last season was good. Most players at Rangers have regressed massively under McCoist & McDowall and he's no different.

He clearly needs a strict diet and training regime to be sharp.

He could easily do a job in the Premiership under a decent coach. Just keep him away from the pies and biscuits.

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Boyd's record at Killie last season was good. Most players at Rangers have regressed massively under McCoist & McDowall and he's no different.

He clearly needs a strict diet and training regime to be sharp.

He could easily do a job in the Premiership under a decent coach. Just keep him away from the pies and biscuits.

My old Grannie would have buried that header on Sunday!!
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The DA, on 11 Feb 2015 - 07:08, said:

You'd have to think though that if he'd gone to one of us, he'd still be relatively fit and sharp. Better coaching, better management, better competition for places.

Indeed. Rangers is a fucking dive at the moment and if you even have the slightest bone in your body that wants to be lazy, you'll probably weigh about 5 stone more by the time you're done there.

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Indeed. Rangers is a fucking dive at the moment and if you even have the slightest bone in your body that wants to be lazy, you'll probably weigh about 5 stone more by the time you're done there.

It's still strange though. Last season Boyd was the best natural finisher in Scotland. He's aware he's at such an unprofessional outfit he has to know a lot of his fitness is up to him, he's not stupid. He obviously must realise he's not cutting it at a level below the level where he was excellent last year. It's down to attitude and weight as well as their rubbish managers.

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jim999, on 11 Feb 2015 - 12:59, said:

It's still strange though. Last season Boyd was the best natural finisher in Scotland. He's aware he's at such an unprofessional outfit he has to know a lot of his fitness is up to him, he's not stupid. He obviously must realise he's not cutting it at a level below the level where he was excellent last year. It's down to attitude and weight as well as their rubbish managers.

While this is true, it still doesn't change the fact that Boyd would have been an excellent signing for Dundee United or Aberdeen. And people really should have more sense than to look at his Rangers stint this time and use it as some sort of evidence against that.

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It's still strange though. Last season Boyd was the best natural finisher in Scotland. He's aware he's at such an unprofessional outfit he has to know a lot of his fitness is up to him, he's not stupid. He obviously must realise he's not cutting it at a level below the level where he was excellent last year. It's down to attitude and weight as well as their rubbish managers.

While this is true, it still doesn't change the fact that Boyd would have been an excellent signing for Dundee United or Aberdeen. And people really should have more sense than to look at his Rangers stint this time and use it as some sort of evidence against that.

So basically, Krisps Boyd is only at Sevco for the dosh and the fact that he can get away with slovenliness on the park because a) the Board are too busy engaging in internicine warfare to bother and b) the "coaching" staff are too incompetent and arrogant to train their charges properly ?

Whooda thunk it ? 8)

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