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Lets All Laugh At Rangers Thread

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So do I.

We can dream though, right?

Imagine a world where every win feels like an achievement.

Sorry, I thought you meant, challenge you in being the most despicable, corrupt club in Scotland.

The Rangers: two years old and welcoming the chase.

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Halloween night at Ibrokes.... Not one mention of zombies :o


  • VAMPIRES (aged 16 and over)
  • GOBLINS (aged 9–15)
  • WITCHES & WIZARDS (aged 4– 8)
  • PUMPKINS (aged 0–3)
  • MONSTERS (which is for teams of three or more people)

All participants aged 9 years and older are asked to raise a minimum of £50 in sponsorship. Entrants 4–8 years of age are asked to try and raise a minimum of £20 in sponsorship.

:lol::lol: :lol: :lol:

Missed a chance there have the Spivs, if they charged 10 quid a zombie they would make a fortune. :lol::lol::lol: :lol:

Halloween is fancy dress mate, they can't just turn up in their matchday uniform.

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A Monsterous cost right enough....

That's not the cost but is an amount for Kids to aim for in raising money for charity. Some will easily surpass that amount and others might not.

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Rangers don't exactly have a good recent record of ensuring charity money gets to the right place.


Ah yes, the great Rangers Charity Foundation scandal.

And who is running the Halloween event ?

Well, bugger me sideways, it's......it's...........it's the Rangers Charity Foundation.............. :blink:

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Ah yes, the great Rangers Charity Foundation scandal.

And who is running the Halloween event ?

Well, bugger me sideways, it's......it's...........it's the Rangers Charity Foundation.............. :blink:

So we are now being criticised for raising money for charity?

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We are delighted to share news from our International Charity Partner UNICEF on the ongoing difference our support has made in Togo, West Africa where we recently funded the renovation of 7 health centres, and helped equip a further 6.

healthcentrebodysize.gifThe Foundation raised £200,000 in support of this project which helped UNICEF to strengthen the rights of children living in the poorest areas of Togo. The aim of the initiative was to ensure mothers and children had access to good quality health services, targeting three particular regions: Savanes, Kara and Maritime. These areas are three of the most affected and vulnerable in Togo where children die daily from preventable diseases and illness.

The funding also assisted with training health care professionals, providing transport, installing water and sanitation facilities and funding communication materials to educate the local communities on how to keep their children healthy. togo-plumpynut-thumb.gif

The health centres we supported are now providing water and sanitation facilities and therapeutic feeding services for severely malnourished children and thanks to our new 3 year initiative with UNICEF – our ‘One In A Million’ campaign – we are building upon this amazing legacy and continuing to safeguard the futures of the world’s children by funding one million vaccines to fight preventable diseases. UNICEF uses vaccines where they are needed most, including in remote and deprived areas such as Savanes, Kara and Maritime in Togo, which are part of UNICEF’s world-wide immunisation programme.

Edited by No8.
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When did RIFC (2012) Ltd become a charity ?

You were having a go at The Rangers Charity Foundation. Take a minute or two out of your day and actually see the great work that they have done over the years.

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"This match took place during an unprecedented time for Rangers Football Club and we are delighted that OSCR (Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator) concluded that the decision to assign proceeds to both the club and the charity foundation was done "in good faith and in the interests of the charity given the risk that otherwise the event may not have taken place, in which case the charity would have received no benefit at all.

"The Rangers Charity Foundation has and continues to do great work and, with the support of the fans, has donated over £1.1 million in cash awards to charity and over £1.9 million of in-kind support, making a combined total of over £3 million since it was set up in October 2002."


Dirty b*****ds eh...Charities have benefited upwards of £3 million from the b*****ds!!

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You were having a go at The Rangers Charity Foundation. Take a minute or two out of your day and actually see the great work that they have done over the years.

No-one, least of all myself, is criticising the genuine charity work that is carried out by the RCF. Rangers fans, just like the fans of all other clubs who give generous donations to worthy causes, are to be applauded for their altruism.

However, most of us know that there is something whiffy around the RCF, mostly stemming from the AC Milan Glorie game in 2012.

Also, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but nowhere in the ads for the Halloween event does it state where the money is going and how it is to be shared out.

If I was a Rangers fan with a wife and 2 kids who wanted to participate in this event, we would need to find sponsorship and pay registration fees of around £240 as a minimum. I'm damned sure I would want to know where the cash was going.

The word that no-one seems to understand at Ibrox is transparency.


Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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