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Pretty disappointed in that response from Aitken too. Players well and truly gave up yesterday and an apology would go a long way. Only player I saw who engaged with fans after the game was Ewings who looked embarrassed to clap but I respect him for clapping nonetheless. Think he could have done better for one of the goals but apart from that he didn't do anything wrong particularly. You could hear him shouting throughout the game and honestly he looked the only player who cared towards the end of the game.

Can't get over how rancid Saunders was yesterday. Brutal.

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So, his post-match SonsTV interview he seemed to focus a lot on the first half negatives rather than the second.

The first half was dire. The second half an absolute joke. Slightly concerning that he didn't seem too seething post-match about it.

If anybody can explain how Saunders has a Scotland cap then I'd be amazed.

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Apart from the two goals which were very poor to give away I didn't think our first half performance was anything different to the toothless performances we've been seeing all season away from home. Second half was diabolical and possibly the worst 45 minutes I have ever seen in my 10 years supporting Dumbarton.

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Incredible to see saunders and buchy walk away from goal as if their part in defending is done. I think its the second goal.

Saunders at fault a few times in the video, he's not the same player that was lined up for a ft team before christmas. Buchy has to take some criticism, but not all for the first half goals. Wright, barr and saunders all over the place for the other four.

Putting barr into cb weakened us in two ways; losing the dcm and playing someone there who hasnt played that position lately.

Aitken admits he didnt get the response at half time he wanted; perhaps some of the squad now have an eye elsewhere or are expecting contract talks. It seems that this time of season we re always losing form. I understand that some contract talks have to wait till league safety is achieved.

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As someone else posted on the match thread, it would be interesting to know if there are any issues within the club right now, as yesterday's performance seems to have gone well beyond a straightforward horsing.

I thought yesterday was just weird.

Sometimes, on the back of a heavy defeat, fans will just point to a lack of effort as some sort of default grumble. I usually think it's pretty groundless when fans do that.

Yesterday, however, was different. We've found goals very hard to come by this season, yet in the second half yesterday, it felt like we could score as many as we fancied.

I've no idea if there are genuine "issues" between those involved, but it was honestly one of those rare occasions where it looked like a group of players had collectively chucked it.

If It wasn't, it hardly reflects well on the players, that it looked that way.

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As someone else posted on the match thread, it would be interesting to know if there are any issues within the club right now, as yesterday's performance seems to have gone well beyond a straightforward horsing. 


We fair love a conspiracy down the Rock.  We've been pumped 6-0 and 5-0 before this season, I didn't see anyone talking about behind the scenes stuff there, just that we were pish on the day.  Did we have any behind the scenes issues when we handed Hibs their arse for the second time this season?  Or when Falkirk came and left with only a point?  Unless there is some substance to this "behind the scenes" stuff then the suggestion of it does absolutely nothing to help this situation.


Saturday clearly isn't acceptable, Stevie will know that.  The stuff he says in the press is to protect his players, we all remember Ian Murray infamously ripping his team to shreds after defeat at Alloa and what results did that yield us?  Sleep-walking towards the end of the season as the players searched for deals elsewhere.  I'd say the fact that Stevie has said everything he can to take the heat of the players would suggest the opposite from any of dressing room problems being mentioned.


Is it just me or do we have a lot more Dumbarton posters in the wake of a heavy defeat?  Maybe I'm being unfair but there seems to be a few on here that sit all season itching to stick the boot in (not aimed at you OKI).

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We fair love a conspiracy down the Rock. We've been pumped 6-0 and 5-0 before this season, I didn't see anyone talking about behind the scenes stuff there, just that we were pish on the day. Did we have any behind the scenes issues when we handed Hibs their arse for the second time this season? Or when Falkirk came and left with only a point? Unless there is some substance to this "behind the scenes" stuff then the suggestion of it does absolutely nothing to help this situation.

Saturday clearly isn't acceptable, Stevie will know that. The stuff he says in the press is to protect his players, we all remember Ian Murray infamously ripping his team to shreds after defeat at Alloa and what results did that yield us? Sleep-walking towards the end of the season as the players searched for deals elsewhere. I'd say the fact that Stevie has said everything he can to take the heat of the players would suggest the opposite from any of dressing room problems being mentioned.

Is it just me or do we have a lot more Dumbarton posters in the wake of a heavy defeat? Maybe I'm being unfair but there seems to be a few on here that sit all season itching to stick the boot in (not aimed at you OKI).

I've heard nothing to suggest there is anything going on behind the scenes myself and I'd be tempted to put it down to a horrific off-day.

Concerning that Queens fans are pointing out how bizarrely awful we were after their team has had their best result of the season. I wasn't in attendance but it's mind bogglin how our team of grafters, who show so much fight and passion one week, can just completely chuck it the next.

Our away form does need addressed and it needs addressed pronto. If we were to finish in the playoffs can you imagine us having to make a trip to the likes of Peterhead?

I'm just hoping this result hasn't completely shattered our confidence before the business end of the season.

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Ewings, Nade, Lindsay, Fleming I'de keep.


Frazer Wright will probably retire,


As for the rest, I say they need to do some serious convincing. Even on good days

they are no where near as good as the team murray put out imo.


Saunders particularly, doesnt look like a football player, cant hit a two yard pass

to save himself. However he does find himself in good positions often when it comes 

to attacking corners, hence his few goals. A strange one.

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Even on good days we're not better than Murray's team of last year? Sorry, not even "not better" but "nowhere near"? Some serious revisionism going on here.

Aye, agreed.

Lets not forget Murray had us play half a season with one of the worst strike partnerships our club has witnessed in recent times. Trundling through the 2nd half of the season with Duggan and Campbell up front was absolutely criminal.

Campbell now plays junior and Duggan plays in League 2. At least Stevie for the most part is playing players who SHOULD be competing at this level.

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Ewings, Nade, Lindsay, Fleming I'de keep.


Frazer Wright will probably retire,


As for the rest, I say they need to do some serious convincing. Even on good days

they are no where near as good as the team murray put out imo.


Saunders particularly, doesnt look like a football player, cant hit a two yard pass

to save himself. However he does find himself in good positions often when it comes 

to attacking corners, hence his few goals. A strange one.

Agree with you on Saunders, probably also on the players you'd keep...Although I'd keep Sparky too, but


Even on good days we're not better than Murray's team of last year?  Sorry, not even "not better" but "nowhere near"?  Some serious revisionism going on here.

Yup, let's not joke about here, we were horrific this time last year too. We just didn't lose 6-0, we lost 3-0 to a shambolic Cowdenbeath side and 3-0 to Alloa. I remember feeling, about this time last year the same as a I feel now - but with the added pressure/excitement/dread of the potential of sliding into 9th place.

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There's quite a few of the players I'd like to keep.  The spine of our team is very good, we just don't play it consistently.  I'd keep Barr, Docherty, Wright (if he doesn't retire), Taggart, Buchanan, Lindsay (if Celtic will let us have him), Routledge, Cawley, Fleming and Nade (if he doesn't get snapped up, which I think he will). Wouldn't mind Jazza staying but not too fussed.  That's a decent squad to start building round I think.

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A lot needs to change, Ewings and Brown can go.

Personally I would keep Wright and Buchanan in defence.

Midfield Lindsay and would probably stick Fleming in there.

Up front Nade!!

Gallagher, Docherty, Taggart, Saunders maybe.

Plenty of room to improve that squad, this of course depends on what league we are in!!

If we do go down then the blame sits with Management as Stevie has been backed more than any sons manager I can remember.

Hopefully if we do stay up a potent goal threat has been identified to pair up with Nade (if we keep him)

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We fair love a conspiracy down the Rock.  We've been pumped 6-0 and 5-0 before this season, I didn't see anyone talking about behind the scenes stuff there, just that we were pish on the day.  Did we have any behind the scenes issues when we handed Hibs their arse for the second time this season?  Or when Falkirk came and left with only a point?  Unless there is some substance to this "behind the scenes" stuff then the suggestion of it does absolutely nothing to help this situation.


Saturday clearly isn't acceptable, Stevie will know that.  The stuff he says in the press is to protect his players, we all remember Ian Murray infamously ripping his team to shreds after defeat at Alloa and what results did that yield us?  Sleep-walking towards the end of the season as the players searched for deals elsewhere.  I'd say the fact that Stevie has said everything he can to take the heat of the players would suggest the opposite from any of dressing room problems being mentioned.


Is it just me or do we have a lot more Dumbarton posters in the wake of a heavy defeat?  Maybe I'm being unfair but there seems to be a few on here that sit all season itching to stick the boot in (not aimed at you OKI).

With respect Moonster, to concede six goals in less than an hour for the second time in a season is a bit more than a heavy defeat.  The two 5-0 hidings weren't just quite as grim, but they happened just the same. 


And it's precisely because of the highly creditable performances against Hibs and Falkirk, for example, that I'm questioning what is going on.  There is no conspiracy theory, but with a number of experienced players and a relatively inexperienced management team in the same dressing room I'm merely wondering if there are tensions with money, tactics, formations, respect even which are contributing to these massive mood swings on the pitch. 


I can't find any logic for it, but it wouldn't be the first time that a 'show us your medals' situation arose at a club.  As for Stevie Aitken, he seems to have found this level a lot tougher than he maybe expected, and he has undoubtedly made a number of errors; if I was him and SF however, I would now sit everyone down after training and have an honest and frank discussion about the way forward from here.


The modern footballer is mercenary almost to a man, and short-term deals are everywhere, but surely the club, the management and the fans has the right to expect everyone to unite in common cause.  On Saturday's evidence we might have some work to do there.   

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Can't it just be that we have a squad of inconsistent players? It's not a freak result, it's actually representative of our season. I just find it weird that these suggestions are thrown around without any evidence. These suggestions lead to assumptions or queries like you've mentioned above (re: money, tactics, "show us your medals") which again without evidence help absolutely no one. Playing the guessing game when nobody knows the game or what we're meant to be guessing.

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I'm sure Brown is signed for next season already

Unfortunately he is.

Quite surprised Sparky has been omitted from folks 'keep' list. He's not the greatest technically but he makes up for that with determination and passion, he's been one of our most consistent performers IMO.

He's also saved us with a few outstanding last ditch clearences.

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There's quite a few of the players I'd like to keep. The spine of our team is very good, we just don't play it consistently. I'd keep Barr, Docherty, Wright (if he doesn't retire), Taggart, Buchanan, Lindsay (if Celtic will let us have him), Routledge, Cawley, Fleming and Nade (if he doesn't get snapped up, which I think he will). Wouldn't mind Jazza staying but not too fussed. That's a decent squad to start building round I think.

I'd agree with most of them, but Cawley and Routledge would be 'maybes' for me at the moment.

Cawley is too hot and cold and brushed off the ball too easily, and while Routledge does provide good protection to the back four, he picks up an awful lot of bookings (occupational hazard for a player of his style, I suppose) and he offers nothing going forward, and that's not a luxury we're able to have at this level.

I too wouldn't mind Ewings staying, but I'd like us to bring in another goalkeeper as No.1. Although that said, Brown is contracted for next year...

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