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Sons' sorrow

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I don't want to pour more gloom on an already depressing situation, but sometimes thoughts occur on just how fine the financial margins in football can be.

Six seasons in the Championship was a huge blast but the hangover has come at a cost, and I note that Stevie Aitken is very cute not to mention the possibility of budget overspends during his time here.  Some of these were perhaps financed by 'secret' loans made by previous Board members, which these individuals may have called in a later date.  In that sort of scenario it would be very difficult for those officials who were not privvy to these arrangements to subsequently deal with any fallout.  I'm just speculating, you understand, in the absence of clarity surrounding the club's financial affairs. 

And then there is the alarming drop-off in season ticket sales, and indeed attendances.  Some of that was to be expected, but I think we also suffering form a syndrome which occasionally afflicts generally under-achieving football clubs; give the public a few years of relative success and many folk get quite giddy on it.  Not only that, when the club reverts to type many depart - for years Aberdeen was a perfect example.  I get a wee bit disappointed when folk start crunching value-for-money stuff re season books; if you want a professional football club in a town such as Dumbarton then it literally comes at a cost, especially when we are still shackled to Brabco.

Finally, last Saturday showed how difficult the next few months will be; Airdrie trousered a packet at Celtic Park, and Stenny got a double boost from their tie.  Forfar and Stranraer got a more modest turn whilst East Fife still have earning potential in Cup.  We earned diddly squat. 

We are in a very difficult place right now and all we can do is get behind the club.  I'm afraid drums are a juvenile sideshow. 

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1 minute ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

Finally, last Saturday showed how difficult the next few months will be; Airdrie trousered a packet at Celtic Park, and Stenny got a double boost from their tie.  Forfar and Stranraer got a more modest turn whilst East Fife still have earning potential in Cup.  We earned diddly squat. 

Montrose also made a tidy sum from Dundee Utd.

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I get a wee bit disappointed when folk start crunching value-for-money stuff re season books; if you want a professional football club in a town such as Dumbarton then it literally comes at a cost, especially when we are still shackled to Brabco.

A cost that many cannot afford.

As I touched on previously my generation are at a stage in life where every penny is a prisoner. Kids, houses, weddings etc aren't cheap. We can't afford a lump sum of money if it doesn't represent value. If that disappoints you then fair enough but many of us have to prioritise other things in life over a Dumbarton season ticket.

It's not a debate I can really be arsed getting into again but if the club want and need everyone to buy season tickets they need to make it worth our while financially.
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8 minutes ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:



A cost that many cannot afford.

As I touched on previously my generation are at a stage in life where every penny is a prisoner. Kids, houses, weddings etc aren't cheap. We can't afford a lump sum of money if it doesn't represent value. If that disappoints you then fair enough but many of us have to prioritise other things in life over a Dumbarton season ticket.

It's not a debate I can really be arsed getting into again but if the club want and need everyone to buy season tickets they need to make it worth our while financially.


This really is true, the baby boomers don't know how easy they had it!

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Personally, I can't go on a Saturday anymore. I'm getting married next year, have 2 kids and if I take the oldest one it's about 50 quid for the day. Just can't justify that at all. I'd imagine a good few of the auld Apache Army are in that boat now. It's not the fault of DFC just life. 

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9 minutes ago, the snudge said:

Personally, I can't go on a Saturday anymore. I'm getting married next year, have 2 kids and if I take the oldest one it's about 50 quid for the day. Just can't justify that at all. I'd imagine a good few of the auld Apache Army are in that boat now. It's not the fault of DFC just life. 

Youve got 2 kids and yer no married? Do the DUP ken aboot you yet?:angel

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2 hours ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:



I hate to piss on the parade and burst the Froxy bubble but... he put an Instagram story on last night of him in a car and it wasn't being driven on the left side of the road. He's still in Greece.


5 and a half hour flight bud...its all doable.Dont think it will happen but you never know.....

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We are in a very difficult place right now and all we can do is get behind the club.  I'm afraid drums are a juvenile sideshow


My feelings exactly.All fans going need to get behind the players and manager (even willie dyer) as the chips are down.I repeat i really do think we will stay up.Whether that is enough in the grand scheme of things i do not know.

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15 hours ago, FraserDFC said:

He needs to stop this, it’s playing with my emotionsemoji22.png
I mean what a signing it would be and would give us the lift we need but are we clutching at straws here?
He is a free agent and his move to Falkirk didn’t work out....maybe it’s time for him to come home after all?
Then of course you have the whole money scenario but with dowie departing who must’ve been on a good wage it does get you thinking..

We can forget Froxy IMO.  The guy doesn't have other jobs, even when he played with us I'm fairly certain we were his only source of income. That income has got to cover his rent/food etc. in this country. When we were in the Championship we were probably able to offer him a wage good enough to cover that, I'll bet we can't even get close to what he wants in wages now.  And even if we take out the financial aspect, is he really what we need?  Think through last season, as magic as he could be there was plenty times he'd hide in games or if he really didn't fancy it he'd hold his hamstring and ask to come off. We need stronger attitudes over better ability right now IMO.

26 minutes ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

It's not a debate I can really be arsed getting into again but if the club want and need everyone to buy season tickets they need to make it worth our while financially.


Therein lies the problem though, what you deem value for money isn't what someone else values it. I should point out that about two thirds of our usual season ticket holders still thought this season was value for money. The club can easily look at the deal and say "you're getting 3 games for free, that's surely value" but to you that doesn't represent enough of a saving due to your circumstances.  If they gave you 4 games for free that might be enough to get you sold on the deal but there will be others who still won't see that as financially worth their while.  The club need to look at how much money we need, how many fans we normally get and charge accordingly. We can't really take into account that a section of the support might be having weans/getting married because that will essentially be a never ending scenario, when our generation is all married up and the kids have grown up the next generation goes through the same. Not saying you are wrong in your logic, I fully appreciate that you and others need to prioritise other things in life, just that the club can't really take that into account when making budgets.

Can I ask what those who didn't buy a season ticket would have bought it for?

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A cost that many cannot afford.

As I touched on previously my generation are at a stage in life where every penny is a prisoner. Kids, houses, weddings etc aren't cheap. We can't afford a lump sum of money if it doesn't represent value. If that disappoints you then fair enough but many of us have to prioritise other things in life over a Dumbarton season ticket.

It's not a debate I can really be arsed getting into again but if the club want and need everyone to buy season tickets they need to make it worth our while financially.
Let me ask you - what would be a reasonable cost for an adult season ticket ?
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Let me ask you - what would be a reasonable cost for an adult season ticket ?
You're entirely missing the point. It's not the cost, it's about choosing the option that represents the best value.

A lump sum of £250 or paying 16 quid every couple of weeks. The choice was a no brainer for me, the saving was only 2 games, which I'll be likely to miss over the course of a season anyway. Add to that no early bird discount and there was no doubt what suited me, and many others.

If the season ticket was say 40 or 50 quid cheaper or walk up prices remained the same as last season I'd have been leaning more towards the season ticket. As it stands the current season ticket doesn't represent value for someone with other things going on and who is likely to miss a game or two over the course of a season.

It's by no means a dig at the board, the lower walk up prices suit me and I'm glad they were reduced. Just don't expect there to be a huge uptake in season tickets when there's only a 2 game saving.

Again though, this was discussed to death very recently so I'm just going to leave it there.
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You're entirely missing the point. It's not the cost, it's about choosing the option that represents the best value.

A lump sum of £250 or paying 16 quid every couple of weeks. The choice was a no brainer for me, the saving was only 2 games, which I'll be likely to miss over the course of a season anyway. Add to that no early bird discount and there was no doubt what suited me, and many others.

If the season ticket was say 40 or 50 quid cheaper or walk up prices remained the same as last season I'd have been leaning more towards the season ticket. As it stands the current season ticket doesn't represent value for someone with other things going on and who is likely to miss a game or two over the course of a season.

It's by no means a dig at the board, the lower walk up prices suit me and I'm glad they were reduced. Just don't expect there to be a huge uptake in season tickets when there's only a 2 game saving.

Again though, this was discussed to death very recently so I'm just going to leave it there.
I don't think I'm missing any point, I asked you a straightforward question and you declined to nominate a sum.

Good that we've ended the season ticket saga though.
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2 hours ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

I don't think I'm missing any point, I asked you a straightforward question and you declined to nominate a sum.

Good that we've ended the season ticket saga though.

Must admit 'value for money' is not something that has ever entered my thoughts when deciding whether or not to go to Sons games. . .just as well.

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