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Sons' sorrow

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Players and management at League One rivals Dumbarton are taking a 50% deferral on wages until further notice.

The agreement at the part-time Sons will be honoured for all, including those with contracts due to expire.

Comments according to BBC Scotland

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The place is in shut down but two guys are still working. All season not one word from the club about us getting games on. Just thought I'd let you know that we are the same as the players and coaches with the 50% wages. Plus we are actually working our 50% to make sure the park is ready when we kick a ball again. I don't really care anymore if anyone has a problem with this

Players and management at League One rivals Dumbarton are taking a 50% deferral on wages until further notice.

The agreement at the part-time Sons will be honoured for all, including those with contracts due to expire.

Comments according to BBC Scotland
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The place is in shut down but two guys are still working. All season not one word from the club about us getting games on. Just thought I'd let you know that we are the same as the players and coaches with the 50% wages. Plus we are actually working our 50% to make sure the park is ready when we kick a ball again. I don't really care anymore if anyone has a problem with this
Doing an excellent job, people like you are the unseen heroes at clubs across the lower leagues.
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I see the club have now launched a fundraising appeal:


Individual choice of course but hopefully fans feel able to contribute. We need to pull together and do what we can as a support to help the club through. Hopefully the recent government announcement also helps.

As for the football, I’ve resorted to buying Football Manager for the first time in 10 years to get my fix!!

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45 minutes ago, Jordo1872 said:

I see the club have now launched a fundraising appeal:


Individual choice of course but hopefully fans feel able to contribute. We need to pull together and do what we can as a support to help the club through. Hopefully the recent government announcement also helps.

As for the football, I’ve resorted to buying Football Manager for the first time in 10 years to get my fix!!

A really impressive amount raised so far, if we can get to 10k that will be a massive boost.

I hope you never paid for it, they are giving it away for free just now!

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17 hours ago, aftershocker said:

Players and management at League One rivals Dumbarton are taking a 50% deferral on wages until further notice.

The agreement at the part-time Sons will be honoured for all, including those with contracts due to expire.

Comments according to BBC Scotland

There's a reason that this didn't go up on the Lennox website (yet).

It's nothing serious, and I'm not wanting to be a cryptic ITK weirdo. But we won't know for sure if that's gone ahead until today. The Beeb jumped the gun.

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A really impressive amount raised so far, if we can get to 10k that will be a massive boost.
I hope you never paid for it, they are giving it away for free just now!

Tell me more....? I have a 4 day free trial via Steam...
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Fantastic response to the justgiving fundraising. First day and over £5,000 already. Makes you proud of all the fans who have contributed, especially non-Sons fans.

As I don't get to many games, my contribution will be via justgiving.

Edited by Sons FC
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Fantastic response to the justgiving fundraising. First day and over £5,000 already. Makes you proud of all the Sons fans who have contributed.
As I don't get to many games, my contribution will be via justgiving.

Not just Sons fans that have contributed you know,,,,,
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A good start but need to get the message across to as many people as possible, always on the proviso that everyone's ability to contribute will be dictated by their personal circumstances. In other words, if you can spare some cash then please do.

And maybe I've missed it, but I see no mention of how the majority shareholder intends to assist with this unprecedented situation.

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10 minutes ago, Sons Fan said:

Also do we have the option for next season ticket to be paid monthly? 

I dont think ANY team can issue seasons for next season yet, they have no idea when next season will start, how many games next season will be, etc etc.

EDIT though they could maybe do a promotion where "a deposit of £x can be paid now,  which will secure your season ticket for next season". That deposit will be deducted from the actual cost at the time. Deposit could be substantial, like £75, £100, something like that.

Edited by Boghead ranter
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I pay monthly and I’m sure it was to run up til May, that being the logical assumption anyway. I don’t see why this couldn’t be extended but they’d need to contact each contributor first for their consent. I’d certainly have no objection.

Equally an early deposit on next seasons ST would be an option. Of course all this depends greatly on the players willingness/ability to accept a pay cut, and the benefit that can be reaped from the recent government announcement.

I see the fundraiser is now over £7k which is a great response.

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