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No, that was Mark Lamont.

Mark Lamont was outstanding for us in the second division, albeit he was pish last year.

Creaney, the promotion season was average, he did however get a lot of unfair stick. He was probably our weakest guaranteed starter.

This season, pre-Smith, left back was definitely our weak link, Creaney put in some absolutely horrendous displays.

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Lamont wasn't a key player at all. No scapegoat here, just an opinion on a player who all too often failed to produce a decent final ball, and was never willing to put in a tackle. A player not willing to do the hard graft is a wasted jersey.

Gilhaney, Agnew, Nicoll and Lithgow were our key players that year. Lamont wasn't even close.

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Putting one or two decent crosses in per game, whilst failing to do so every other time does not make Lamont the golden boy some fans thought he was. Gilhaney, over the course of the season was a far more effective player for us.

To say Lamont was a "key player" when he only turned up for the latter part of the season is a bit if a joke to be honest.

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one centre half and winger and i think we could be much higher. our form second half ofthe season was exceptional. carry that on and concede less, who knows. no offence meant but a few teams may have overspent last few years. we COULD capitalise. fingers crossed.

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Putting one or two decent crosses in per game, whilst failing to do so every other time does not make Lamont the golden boy some fans thought he was. Gilhaney, over the course of the season was a far more effective player for us.

To say Lamont was a "key player" when he only turned up for the latter part of the season is a bit if a joke to be honest.

Never mind this ancient history stuff, let's get back to the real issues, eg have the gudgies moved their wagon train from the car park yet, or will the Hibees faithful be walking thro washing lines this weekend ?

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Lamont had one of the best deliveries I have seen in a sons player in years! He did lack elsewhere in his game - tracking back etc. But his delivery was spot on 90% of the time. Better delivery than Gilhaney or McDougall. I reckon he still has a lot of development to go through as a player and still has a chance at 2nd/1st division level.

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Lamont had one of the best deliveries I have seen in a sons player in years! He did lack elsewhere in his game - tracking back etc. But his delivery was spot on 90% of the time. Better delivery than Gilhaney or McDougall. I reckon he still has a lot of development to go through as a player and still has a chance at 2nd/1st division level.

I agree, I can't remember a player with a better delivery than him.

I reckon he could have played for a team like Thistle last season.

No one cared about his lack of tracking back when we were at the top end of the league, he was high in confidence and he was beating his man every time and putting a brilliant ball in the box, most of the time.

This season the team had been fighting for their lives and 100% was required, he didn't give this, and people were getting on his back from the start of the matches every week, he was low on confidence. He couldn't adapt his game to tracking back and being strong, which is required if a player of a team fighting at the bottom of the table.

Ability wise I reckon he could be a First Division player, just needs to be better off the ball and grow some baws.

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Not offered a deal no, but he said to Allan Moore before he went to America if he didn't sign with anyone over there we would be his number one choice. We have now signed Page and are looking at other centre half's so must have dropped interest or he has signed elsewhere. What's happening with Dowie? He would be a solid signing for you guys.

Last I heard he was training with us, Murray was on holiday for the first couple of seasions so not sure if its progressed at all, he may get a run out against Hibs on Saturday.

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Never mind this ancient history stuff, let's get back to the real issues, eg have the gudgies moved their wagon train from the car park yet, or will the Hibees faithful be walking thro washing lines this weekend ?

Aye, we need to get rid of these pests from our land. Going to be major embarassing if the b*****ds don't shift and we'll forever be known as gypsys.

Surely the club can have them moved? Must be some sorta health and safety risk on a match day?

CSE assemble.

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Aye, we need to get rid of these pests from our land. Going to be major embarassing if the b*****ds don't shift and we'll forever be known as gypsys.

Surely the club can have them moved? Must be some sorta health and safety risk on a match day?

CSE assemble.

I'm sure the sign at the entrance says something about trespassing. I'm not sure what the rules for tinkers are but surely a phone call from the club to the police to have them moved would be all that's needed?

Failing that, we'll get the tools oot.

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Gudgies?. Mr C is this not a pejorative term. Surely this is a marketing opportunity?Why does young Mr Findlay not nip over and meet our travelling friends and inform them that for only ten pounds they can see dumbarton v hibs. Maybe they would like to sponsor a match. This is an excellent opportunity to increase our fan base.

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Gudgies?. Mr C is this not a pejorative term. Surely this is a marketing opportunity?Why does young Mr Findlay not nip over and meet our travelling friends and inform them that for only ten pounds they can see dumbarton v hibs. Maybe they would like to sponsor a match. This is an excellent opportunity to increase our fan base.

And tinkers ? and Gypsys ? Lot of un-pc folk in the Sons support it seems

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