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The club have put out a statement from Neil Mackay.

Whilst I do agree that online abuse has been OTT. I can't help but fear that this is going to further grow the divide between the fanbase and the club.


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A lot of the criticism is far from constructive. It's personal and unacceptable.

That doesnt mean that fans shouldn't offer fair and constructive criticism. Criticism, if it's done properly, can be beneficial. Fans have been releasing their frustration since last Tuesday. Some of the language has been unacceptable. It's absolutely fair game for fans to question Farrell's role, the performance of players and how our board are running the club.

But some of the language used has been horrendous.

We need to be better than resorting to aggressive, abusive language because that's easy for the club to ignore. It achieves nothing. By all means be critical, but be fair and be constructive. Keep it reasonable. Keep it clean. I would say that people shouldn't use language online that they wouldn't use face to face, but there are folk out there who absolutely would use the same language face to face that they do online.

Keep it clean. Keep it fair. Keep it constructive. It's easy for the club to ignore abuse. If we want them to listen then we have to actually offer criticism that they're going to listen to.


As for the club statement itself, at some point there needs to be a proper appraisal of what happened this season. We started the season well. We finished the season terribly. There were a few issues throughout the season that we just can't afford to repeat. The club's focus on 2nd being a great achievement isnt cutting it with fans. At some point there needs to be a mea culpa, an acknowledgement that the same club board made it clear last summer that we were aiming for promotion and that there's work to do over the summer if that's even remotely achievable as a target. The club needs to get better at engaging with fans. I'll never say that somebody deserves abuse and I'll never justify fans abusing players, the manager or the board. But an acceptance of whats gone wrong and some ideas about how to move forward wouldn't be a bad thing right now.

Edited by BallochSonsFan
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It seems McKay is using a few people losing the head online as a handy deflection of the complete collapse and failure to achieve our aims this season. If the abuse is out of order online, which some of it has been, then report it. To suggest it might impact future signings is a nonsense. 

Notable that theres no real note of continued support for the manager, just that it's business as usual and we'll be updated on player deals soon. McKay genuinely doesn't see why the managers position would be under scrutiny. 

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The key line in the statement there is “recruit, nurture and retain talented players and staff ”. The club obviously see Farrell and co. as talented members of staff and whilst I can admit he isn’t the worst manager in the world - the football we play under his management is eye bleeding and there’s rightfully always going to be discontent and backlash when we don’t achieve our goals (ie promotion) when playing this way. It’s the same down south with guys like Sam Allardyce, the fans can tolerate the football when results go our way but turn very quickly when the results don’t come, because it’s so boring to watch a team so inept at attacking.

I’m preparing for another season like we’ve just had but I’m concerned about talk of guys like Orsi, Gray and Buchanan leaving us. We’ve got a big job trying to replace these guys.

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An absolutely horrendous statement from start to finish. I’m glad the online abuse has been called out but to use it to deflect from what has been another failure of a season is pathetic stuff. Why not make a seperate statement regarding that? 

If I hear this “record breaking” nonsense one more time I may well fucking explode. Who the hell cares about pointless records and clean sheets when at the end of the day it counts for absolutely nothing. Again it’s just being used to deflect. 

We got similar nonsense last season about GPS trackers and other such crap. Dr Neil thinks we button up the back. Get him out Sharon.

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I just feel deflated reading that statement. This is what we’re reduced to. Pretending we give a shit about what some faceless nobody on Twitter says about our one dimensional manager in order to deflect away from confronting the actual  issues that continue to bedivel this football club.

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The club seriously need someone with a bit of PR savvy. With the right combination of words and actions you could probably just about spin Farrell staying as a good thing. Farrell and now McKay have managed to do the exact opposite of that.

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8 minutes ago, Frank Quitely said:

It looks like that's another record broken, because unless I'm mistaken that the first-ever statement from a Scottish club Chairman composed entirely by Chatbot Ai.

I had chatgpt rewrite it.

"As we bid farewell to a momentous season that marked our 150th anniversary, we can't help but reflect on the journey we've traversed both on and off the pitch at Dumbarton Football Club. A journey that was filled with remarkable triumphs, but also disappointments towards the end.

The season witnessed us breaking club records, including the longest unbeaten start to a season, achieving the most clean sheets ever, and setting an unbeaten home record since our transition to the current stadium. We were on the cusp of returning to League One, demonstrating that we can compete at the highest levels within the SPFL structure. However, we fell slightly short, but it's a hurdle we're determined to overcome in the coming season.

We are immensely grateful for the individuals who orchestrated and partook in our 150th-anniversary celebrations. These events allowed us to honor our rich history, accomplishments, and the inspirational figures associated with our club. We were touched by the deep-seated affection our former players from all eras still hold for the club – they are indeed all legends.

It disheartens us to acknowledge that some of our players and officials have been subject to online abuse. Such negativity is not representative of our club or the majority of our supporters. We are here to foster a safe, enjoyable, and welcoming environment for everyone involved in the sport.

Finishing second in a league campaign is a commendable achievement, albeit not the ultimate goal. We recognize the inherent ups and downs in sport, and we value our players and staff who tirelessly strive for excellence. We believe in learning from setbacks, not being deterred by them or by the unfortunate negativity from a minority online.

We are Dumbarton Football Club, and we are proud of our fans who stand by us in good times and challenging ones. We denounce online abuse and are heartened to know that our fans share this sentiment.

The club remains at the heart of an expanding community engagement program. We continue to nurture partnerships with local businesses and are thrilled that many more are seeking closer collaborations with us.

We deeply appreciate your unwavering support throughout this season. The early uptake of season tickets for the next season has been encouraging and has exceeded our expectations. As we take a brief respite from football, we wish you all a delightful summer. Rest assured, the hard work continues at the club. We look forward to keeping you updated with news about signings, upcoming events, and further developments.

Here's to a brighter, more successful season ahead. Thank you for being a part of our journey."

Would need a few more prompts, like cutting 'remarkable triumphs' but its definitely an improvement.

Edited by FifeSons
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