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Sons' sorrow

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2 hours ago, ThirdrockfromtheSon said:

Can I please try to sum up your post.........f**k Brabco.

Anyone who hides behind Brabco, no matter who they are, are c***s.

Real football fans don't need to hide.

You've taken a pounding of late. I support your post on this occasion.

Thanks TRFTS.Some of those.having a go are within their rights as they dont know me and think im scaremongering.Im not at all.My assumptions and that is all they are was based on what i have heard and trying to look a bit beyond the facade to  understand whats going on.The whole sevco thing came as a shock and i dont want the same to happen to DFC.A correction made above...yes GL was CEO and i meant to say was crucial for the club as a go-between it and brabco.Given brabco's interest in DFC being purely financial i think caution is imperative

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Waters at Alloa and brophy picked up games at Hamilton so neither would seem likeley . 

Would hope Lindsay would be in thought and if we could get Ryan hardie would cheer me up 

Edited by cedrick1
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5 hours ago, cedrick1 said:

Waters at Alloa and brophy picked up games at Hamilton so neither would seem likeley . 

Would hope Lindsay would be in thought and if we could get Ryan hardie would cheer me up 

Lindsay would be awesome but brophy was criticised for his attitude while at the club.So i doubt he will be back.

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1 minute ago, lorenzo71 said:

Lindsay would be awesome but brophy was criticised for his attitude while at the club.So i doubt he will be back.

When was that? I remember Stevie saying in the paper he wanted him back, and hoped a deal would be agreed in January, but he worked his way into the Accies first team so the deal was effectively killed off by then.

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How hard would it be to write something a bit more respectful sounding than this?

"Dumbarton look set for another battle against the drop having lost key men Christian Nade and Jon Routledge over the summer. Despite the eye catching additions of Ryan Stevenson and Andy Stirling, Stevie Aitken looks to have his work cut out to keep the Sons in the Championship for their 6th consecutive season". That would've been far better.

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4 minutes ago, Sonsteam of 08 said:

How hard would it be to write something a bit more respectful sounding than this?

"Dumbarton look set for another battle against the drop having lost key men Christian Nade and Jon Routledge over the summer. Despite the eye catching additions of Ryan Stevenson and Andy Stirling, Stevie Aitken looks to have his work cut out to keep the Sons in the Championship for their 6th consecutive season". That would've been far better.

Simple answer : Don't buy papers.

They're full of shyte, and a dying medium.  Scrambling for relevance, one might say.

Edited by Boghead ranter
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3 minutes ago, Boghead ranter said:

Simple answer : Don't buy papers.

They're full of shyte, and a dying medium.  Scrambling for relevance, one might say.

I'm sure that's exactly what budding journalist S08 wants to hear. :lol:

Edited by The Moonster
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2 minutes ago, Boghead ranter said:

Simple answer : Don't buy papers.

They're full of shyte, and a dying medium.  Scrambling for relevance, one might say.

*Disguised voice*

"I've heard the Lennox Herald is excellent however, so buy it".

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19 minutes ago, Sonsteam of 08 said:

How hard would it be to write something a bit more respectful sounding than this?

"Dumbarton look set for another battle against the drop having lost key men Christian Nade and Jon Routledge over the summer. Despite the eye catching additions of Ryan Stevenson and Andy Stirling, Stevie Aitken looks to have his work cut out to keep the Sons in the Championship for their 6th consecutive season". That would've been far better.

Your version - written by a fan and pretty well-written too, as expected of a blogger/aspiring journalist (ITK etc etc).

The newspaper version - flung together by a drunken tabloid scribbler. Typical poorly-written shite by a lazy hack.

Edited by ThirdrockfromtheSon
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Few of my fellow sons fans declaring that Stevie should be sacked, to be 2-1 up, only to lose 6-2, is dreadful at any level, I've been sticking up for him, but not overly convinced I should be. I agree with one of them who said that we should have shut up shop, I do think there's a good team of individuals, but several have a lot to learn it seems, is championship a step too far for them?, maybe we should be judged later in the season, after a few additions.

Anyone else share my fears?

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Having been a pretty vocal critic of Stevie I'll let him off today.

We were excellent in the first half, and it was only really after Dundee made a couple of changes (Mark O'Hara especially) that we started to fall apart.

I hate his excuses more than anyone, but with a deeper squad then I genuinely believe we could've got something today. It certainly wouldn't have been a 6-2 as a few of our players looked completely finished after 70 minutes. Considering the amount of football they've played in their first week back of competitive football I'm not surprised we collapsed late on.

A few quality players in for the start of the league campaign and I think we could do ok if the manager is prepared to be ruthless and not stick to his favourites thus forcing decent players out of position.

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