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Battlefield 4

Mr Hahn

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Tell me more. What's changed with spotting?

On PC in BF3 I could literally spam Q just while I was moving/driving a tank, whatever and red triangles would show up if someone was there.

On this the character kind of points at things thus you can't shoot and I think it disrupts your movement slightly.

Did an fps test and I've mostly been getting around 50-55 on all low which is pretty boggin' tbh. I'd imagine it's just classic beta optimisation issues and the game will run a lot smoother once drivers are out etc.

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On xbox you just spammed the back button to spot people, I was constantly doing it. Quite good that it's changed, maybe make things a bit more difficult.

Yeh it's a good change. I'm not sure if I like the changes they've made to the tanks. I thought tanks were pretty well balanced on BF3 but we'll see how it goes once I've had some more time to play.

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Not a PC gamer, have many happy hours playing BF3 on a 360.

Thing is if I get BF4 on 360, and I don't then get an xbox1 I'll lose all my progress and have to start again.

So do I wait and continue with BF3 until its clear which next gen machine is the one to go for or bite the bullet and get BF4 for 360 when it comes out.

Looks so much better on a PC but am happy to just plug and play on a console.


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Dilemma Not a PC gamer, have many happy hours playing BF3 on a 360. Thing is if I get BF4 on 360, and I don't then get an xbox1 I'll lose all my progress and have to start again. So do I wait and continue with BF3 until its clear which next gen machine is the one to go for or bite the bullet and get BF4 for 360 when it comes out. Looks so much better on a PC but am happy to just plug and play on a console. Thoughts?

I'd wait for next gen tbh. Don't know where I read this but I'm sure I saw it said that BF4 is pretty shitty on current gen.

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Alright so I've had a decent bit of time with the beta. Putting performance issues aside this is how I feel:


1. The game looks excellent, even nicer than BF3 which we can all agree was a terrific looking game.

2. Destruction is awesome though will be nice to see how much destruction is available on other maps once the full game is released.

3. Gun play feels good.

4. Sound, as it always is with Dice, is superb.

5. Suppression plays far less of a role.

6. The pistols don't feel like pea shooters, the do damage.


1. I don't like the field upgrade system. I think BF3 struggled sometimes when you had unbalanced teams and one team were just destroying the other round after round. I think this new system further encourages this and isn't very welcoming to those of us who usually game solo. Also body armour was a stupid idea.

2. The controls are slightly weird i.e I can't bind my scroll wheel to anything other than default. I'm hoping this is a bug and will be fixed.

3. I don't really like the health pack/ammo pack as opposed to health/ammo box system. I think it's a bit stupid and unnecessary.

4. I think the time to kill with automatic guns is a bit too short.

It is a beta so both the positives and negatives should probably be taken with a pinch of salt but those are my thoughts.

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I plan on getting a PS4 early 2014, so may pick this up then. I never got fully into BF3 despite loving earlier games in the series (2142 was the best for me, fucking loved that game). I don't get a massive amount of time on games, so stepping into BF3 as a casual was never successful - got battered every single time. Will be watching this with interest to see how it goes.

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Downloaded and tried to play the demo on the XBox360. Can't connect to server about 95% of the time, games drop out about 3% and I get to play Shanghai Siege for the remaining 2% of the time.

I've never played BF(apart from a couple of hours at a mates' house) to any great degree. Am used to COD so it might take some time to adjust but I quite like the ability to use and destroy vehicles.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not sure I'll get this.

BF3 was quality, loved the new graphics engine and destructable terrain but ultimately I was dissappointed by the low number of maps.

New maps are one of the things which keep FPS games fresh and BF3 didn't do it for me.

How many maps will the release version of BF4 have?

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Not sure I'll get this.

BF3 was quality, loved the new graphics engine and destructable terrain but ultimately I was dissappointed by the low number of maps.

New maps are one of the things which keep FPS games fresh and BF3 didn't do it for me.

How many maps will the release version of BF4 have?

Battlefield 3 had tonnes of maps. If you like the vanilla ones there were several terrific expansions. There any many valid criticisms of BF3 but I don't think lack of maps is one of them.

Played a lot of the beta and now just choking to get a hold of this.

Why are we last?!!! The Philippines gets it before us for some reason. Nothing against that country but didn't exactly realise it was a hub of gaming.

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Battlefield 3 had tonnes of maps. If you like the vanilla ones there were several terrific expansions. There any many valid criticisms of BF3 but I don't think lack of maps is one of them.

Played a lot of the beta and now just choking to get a hold of this.

Why are we last?!!! The Philippines gets it before us for some reason. Nothing against that country but didn't exactly realise it was a hub of gaming.

Really don't understand the criticism of the maps, there were loads and the expansions kept you interested with new ones. Not to mention different game modes using different parts of maps too.

Compared to other FPS games there were less maps to begin with and as both of you have mentioned getting a good number of maps required buying lots of expansions.

It's probably because of the game engine and lack of mods. They look great but I'd imagine a BF3 map takes massively more coding to make than for other FPS games because of the destructable secenery.

I'll be honest, I haven't played it in ages and I only had the basic game and back to karakand.

Still, when you comapre it to other games, there just isn't as much different stuff there imo.

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Enjoying this very much so far. Only gripe I have is the draw distance seems to be really short for some reason and battlefield 3 looked better IMO. Love the frostbite 3 engine though, seen some great mayhem.

I've played about 2 hours on multiplayer and 3 of the campaign missions. On PC this is the best looking game I've ever played. The campaign runs about 100 fps average for me on high (not the highest) and the visuals are absolutely gorgeous. The campaign itself is pretty average if you ask me but worth playing just for the visuals which goes against everything I'd usually say for a game to be a decent single player.

The multiplayer is good fun. There have been some server stability issues which I've actually yet to experience but I've heard of them. Apparently servers crashing and people losing all their stats and lots of rubber banding. Also heard a lot of issues with the net code being a bit shit but with only having had 2 hours played I can't really say too much on that.

Gameplay is fun and broadly speaking I like the balance of the classes and the maps are very nicely made.

As I think I've said before here, I don't really like the changes to the revive mechanic but I can get over it.

Also they still need to fix a bug about key bindings on PC. I can't bind my scroll wheel which I usually bind to gadget 1 but unfortunately it's not working which is quite annoying and definitely makes me a poorer player.

Enjoying it overall so far though.

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Loving this game so far. The graphics and gameplay is brilliant. Only 1 downside for me is it has frozen a couple of times on my Xbox. I don't know if everyone is having the same problem or it's just me though.

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