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Thatcher deid

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Yeah OK, I'm having a "good greet".

My point, put in more simple terms, is that it's quite hypocritical for those that identify with the far left in society to scream and shout about what a monster Thatcher was.

Which members of the 'far left' celebrating in the UK associate with Stalin? Be specific.

The fact of the matter is that you've built a straw man in order wring your hands regarding a 'hypocrisy' that doesn't exist.

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The fact of the matter is that you've built a straw man in order wring your hands regarding a 'hypocrisy' that doesn't exist.

There are plenty far left individuals on plenty media outlets willing to opine on Thatchers death.

I'm not "hand wringing" about anything. I disagree with people celebrating someones death. It's distinctly undignified.

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There are plenty far left individuals on plenty media outlets willing to opine on Thatchers death.

I'm not "hand wringing" about anything. I disagree with people celebrating someones death. It's distinctly undignified.

Undignified perhaps but it says more about the ogre herself that ordinary folk feel the need to celebrate her death. Her tenure pretty much reeked of 'doing it wrong'.

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There are plenty far left individuals on plenty media outlets willing to opine on Thatchers death.

How many affiliate themselves with Stalin? Stop ducking and diving this straightforward question, thanks.

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The Tories make political and social points about the murder of children so we wont worry about upsetting their sensibilities too much eh?

Yeah, there's nothing like stooping to their level to undermine them, is there...

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It's instructive that emerging economies such as Brazil have in fact scaled back their rail services rather than building more. The money could have been spent elsewhere, I think the attachment to the railways is an emotional one, although this might be changing given that some folk in south east of England spend a quarter of their income on their season ticket....

It depends really. Rail can be a very efficient way of transporting high volumes of bulky and or heavy materials over long distances on land relatively efficiently. As a means of passenger transport, however, it's only really helpful if it is servicing places designed to cope with high volume traffic and as an outright alternative to other forms of higher emissions transport. The South East is simply too cramped to cope with that, in terms of its layout of major towns and the City of London. Our terrain isn't even as naturally suited to rail travel as the German and the French, who often have large, quite flat, and largely unpopulated rural areas between major cities.

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You say yourself that you weren't around then, so your opinion means nowt. I was affected by her policies and actions and I can assure you that no workers up here were looking to have their mines, steel works, shipyards etc, etc closed so they could avoid work.

I am not a man driven by hate but by God was I happy when I learned of her demise. An evil woman, who is probably pissing off everyone else in Hell right now.

For once the Rose and Boness boys can stand side by side and agree on something

certainly put a smile on my face yesterday when I learned the evil cow was gone at last

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