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ICW deserves a thread on its own (have I missed it)


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I'd imagine Grado won't be back till F&L. You don't get in that shape to look at the lights for Chris Renfrew.

Wolfy is a decent winner, bit of a disappointing ending but I get it. Fingers crossed it means an end to the NAK.

Terrible end to the tag title match but I'll give it a chance. Mark Coffey in at 29 is encouraging but I'm presuming Drew got snowed in.

Thomson vs Carmel was utter shit as expected. Both of them are great. Gimme 15 mins of Carmel vs Kay Lee Ray and 15 mins of Thomson vs anyone rather than that shite.

Edited by Marshmallo
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I was really surprised that they gave the square go to wolfie - I can't see them carrying a Renfrew v Wolfie main event all the way to F & L at the hydro

I think Wolfie will do a quick cash in out of the blue at Barramania and take the belt - Renfrew will go nuts as he will go along the lines of thinking my title is safe cause Wolfie is NAK and he will never cash in - Renfrew will beat up Wolfie the rest of the NAK will come out Renfrew tells them to beat up Wolfie but they all turn on him and then each other cause they all want the belt

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Can't say I understood the Grado change I didn't like it but that is just my opinion.

After all the abuse I gave about Renfrew and the NAK I was impressed with the bumps he took during his match fair play to the guy. Still was raging at the NAK double of the Square Go and the Title win. Will see how it goes but it surely means more Renfrew and NAK shoved in our face. Oh goody

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That was a pile of utter shite. Carmel v Liam Thomson has killed the promotion stone dead.

The Dallas/Lightning pish in the Square Go as well would put you to sleep.

Last night was the night ICW died. They have zero chance of selling the hydro out.

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That was a pile of utter shite. Carmel v Liam Thomson has killed the promotion stone dead.

The Dallas/Lightning pish in the Square Go as well would put you to sleep.

Last night was the night ICW died. They have zero chance of selling the hydro out.

Still 10 months to the hydro, I reckon they've sold possibly 3-4000 tickets already. Agreed the Carmel/LT match did nothing for either person, I think they are building Red/Dallas to culminate at the hydro.

Hopefully with Renfrew being the full time champ it'll put more prestige on the belt and welcome a good few matches.

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The first match progresses the feud with Williams and Lionheart so I don't mind that or their spot during the Square Go.

The tag match was pish. Why did DCT not stay or come out quicker did they think Tim and Kennedy wouldn't get involved. Then Kid Fite moaning about the rematch when they had what fucking 12 of them. Polo Promotions were made to look so weak all of a sudden.

Carmel v Liam Thomson couldn't have got a lesser reaction. Zero fucks given and a waste for both.

Love Lighting as a heel he is superb. Disappointed in Damo not being in the square go and that wee weasel Girvan was in for ages.The Red/Dallas stuff didn't really go anywhere for me.

Few wee things confuse me still. It looked like Jester and Whiplash were going to reignite their feud but now it looks like it will be Whiplash and Havoc. I am not complaining at those two working together just means the last few promos at the Friday night taping's mean f**k all. Surely with Wolfgang eliminating Jester though that would end any partnership with The Black Label and the NAK.

I don't care what anybody says but Drew being double booked and having to miss that was pish. There was absolute nothing from ICW to say so and that wee shite video that was filmed after his match with Evolve infuriated me. Drew is double booked, you had to throw the women's title on Carmel as your champion and main challenger were off to Japan and now the man who won the title at your biggest event has dropped it 2 months and what 2 defences later. DCT comes back and goes on about Bram yet Viper and him have not been mentioned in the same sentence since the fucking wedding. He didn't even celebrate her title win with her. Could add more I am just annoyed at the story telling being picked up and dropped with no completion and with the NAK waved in my coupon again. Im a huffy c**t what can I say.

As for Grado being a serious wrestler and people getting into that side of him. Surely he can't be serious and lose his goofyness if you do that then you take away Grado ?

Edited by diamond_for_life
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Can't disagree with much there. As with my pre opus post, I'm hoping to see a major switcharound in next month or two.

As with the ownership angle, I guess it went as far as it should have at this point. But would probably rather there wasn't a video from Drew, possibly an extended beat down on dallas.

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