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ICW deserves a thread on its own (have I missed it)


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I take it the Edinburgh line up will be announced after the dundee show?

There's a couple of matches already announced. Second one could potentially be a spoiler for tonight so I've stuck it in tags just in case.

Lewis Girvan vs Wolfgang

Joe Hendry and Kenny Williams vs Kid Fite and Kirby

First one got announced in a Youtube video of Girvan asking why he wasn't booked.

James R. Kennedy posted a graphic of the second one on Twitter but it's since been removed so I reckon he jumped the gun.

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Got shows to watch! On with it, starting with Lucy in the Sky With Divers.

* Divers actually opened the show against Johnny Moss. As usual, Mossy is good for this environment, even being inventive with some good crowd brawling and some brutal stuff also on the ramp as well. It was a bit one sided given where Divers was going eventually, but for what was essentially an extended squash, it was fun.

* Kenny Williams vs. Stevie Boy sounds like a proper spotfest match. The Wee Man reels out some cracking stuff pre-match. "You'll be more shook up by Michael J Fox." :lol: Anyways. They ended up going with the fast pace but it wasn't amazing or anything. The fans weren't into it much either which didn't help matters. Decent match between the two that was never boring and should keep folk watching for the duration.

* Darkside vs. Jack Gallagher is next on my list. This was a cracker, and we finally have a match rating! Great counter stuff at the start, with Gallagher being the better of the two, and Darkside using his sheer power to bring himself back into the match. Some quality stuff down the stretch between them as well as the fans actually got into things, which made a chance for most of this show. ****

* Tag titles on the line between the champs, London and Kendrick, and the challengers of The Sumerian Death Squad. I've made it clear that I'm a fan of the tag formula, and that it's extremely hard to get wrong, so when you get it absolutely right, it can be absolutely joyous stuff. And this is a great example of when it goes absolutely right. Stick four guys that people care about in there, and beat the ever loving shit out of one of them. The final stretch is utter chaos and there's some magnificent moments. Unfortunately, the crowd have turned into baws again, and buy into almost nothing in the final stretch. This Leeds crowd are fucking rotten. ****1/4

* Jackie Polo vs. Grado is a bit of a throwback to an old SWA feud which basically was where Grado really got going with the cracking YouTube promos that eventually made him. This is a fun match as you'd expect. Both guys bring their own style of fun to the match.

* Sha Samuels vs. Mark Coffey is next. It's not actually very good. Samuels' character kind of overwhelms things a bit at times. A lot of Samuels' singles matches have found themselves doing that to this point. I'm wondering whether it's been deliberate to get the fans properly into what he's about. It's worked to be fair, so I don't think you can really complain.

* Rampage Brown vs. Kid Fite is next, which I'm really looking forward to. It's a partizan Rampage crowd here, so SURELY the fans will now give a shit. It's a good sprint style match between the two. No fucking about and plenty of hard hitting between the pair. Some great sequences, especially a cracking forearm exchange into a Samoan Drop part. So this is a lot of fun.

* Wolfgang and BT Gunn vs. Drew Galloway and Jack Jester. In a normal match between these four, you'd probably get an absolute screamer. This might be good as well, but there could well be some shenanigans here. Love when BT Gunn does that scream before he does a move, and then everyone else starts screaming. :lol: He needs to drop that. The dynamics of this match meant that even the heartiest crowd might wind up getting lost in it. I certainly struggled a bit to keep with the action which is a shame because there was a LOT going on. But all of the blind tags and switches in action and different people trying to get the crowd behind it with reasons to get into both teams... it's easy to see why it wouldn't work, and I don't think it really did. As I said, I'd love to see a more orthodox match with these four guys involved.


Next up is Ringo's Despair, with an up for it crowd and a reasonable card. I'd already watched some of this, so decided to fit it in tonight.

* Joe Hendry vs. Stevie Boy. This falls under the "perfectly acceptable opener" bracket. Nothing wrong with it. Enough action to keep the fans in there and to get them into things, while not taking things over the top.

* London and Kendrick vs. The NAK. Kendrick is sporting a black eye. Before this descends into a six man tag, this is actually some good Jr. style tag sprint stuff and worth mentioning on it's own. Kendrick takes a total pasting from NAK in a short time. I especially like them working over the knee of London when he is the one taking the beating. Anyways, we eventually get...

* London, Kendrick and Wolfgang vs. The NAK. We basically get a finishing stretch between these six meaning that this is basically a fun as f**k and not very long match. I always approve of matches like this.

* Liam Thomson vs. Noam Dar. Please give these two guys time in the ring to do their stuff here. These two guys could wow the crowd. The match is really good. Not quite as fluid as I thought it'd be, but they put together a match which satisfies a lot of things. Referee shenanigans, cracking counters, good technical wrestling and some interferences and big nearfalls. So the match definitely scores high on the pure entertainment count, especially a wonderful sequence with every fucker getting Body Slammed all over the place. So aye, this is a cracking match. ****1/4

* Grado and Kenny Williams vs. Polo Promotions. What else do you expect from this? Just pure fun from bell to bell, and while most matches like this don't quite reach that 4* target, this one is definitely worth the shout. Both Grado and Kenny Williams are perfect fodder for tag team matches, and Polo and Coffey have got some cracking stuff going as a tag team. Especially Polo who's aggression is always an unexpected highlight. You can forget how aggressive he gets because of his more comic schtick. Grado and Kenny are the plucky underdogs and this is a really good tag match. ****

* Joe Coffey vs. Kid Fite. Another match which COULD be absolutely terrific. This match wasn't as long as I'd have hoped. It definitely had a bit more flow than Thomson/Noam, but at the same time, with not as much time to build, they couldn't match it. It's still a really good match for the time that they have though.

* Dave Mastiff vs. Big Damo. This match... wow. Just incredible. Two big b*****ds just kicking the shit out of each other in front of an absolutely rabid crowd. They were eating out of the palms of their hands in this one. If you have On Demand, just go and watch this match. ****1/2

* Jack Jester vs. Jimmy Havoc. In a HARDCORE match. Once again, they seem a bit strapped for time, so lets see where it goes. Well, obviously they have enough time to make this one get really sick. Which is good enough when you're a bit pressed. Unfortunately it lacked a bit of the drama of other Jester title matches but there's only so much they can do about that. If you like hardcore wrestling, I'd imagine you'll get a kick of the directions that this match takes. If you don't, you'll probably still enjoy it.

This was an excellent show, and one for the recommended list.

Edited by NewDomDom
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Grado came out first and demanded answers from Kid Fite about the square go. Kennedy's faction came out and cut their promo on how it isn't fair that Grado is a high earner making far more thank guys like Fite, Wylie and Kirby who give their all wrestling and have done so for years. They beat down Grado and leave him to get attended by the officials. Good opening segment and I couldn't help but understand the frustrations from the faction.

First up was Kenny Williams v Noan Dar. A good match with had a comic feel to it too. The ref got accidentally kicked in the baws then both wrestlers took turns at booting each other in the stones with all 3 falling to the floor at the same time. Seen similar before during a match Dar and Grado but was a good fun match. Williams won to retain the Zero G title. Was am enjoyable opening bout.

NIkki Storm v Sammi Jayne up next it was a good match was impressed with both. Nikki Storm won this I really like her gimmick.

Next was Joe Hendry v Mickey Whiplash. Must say I absolute love both these guys already was a good match and I was correct about the finish. Whiplash hit his finisher and was ready to pin Hendry when a video played similar to the one from the Square Go this allowed Hendry to pick up the win. Defo a great angle here and I guess it will result in Whiplash fighting at Barramania against whoever is responsible for the videos.

Next up the tag titles match The Buckey Boys v Polo Promotions. Weird finish to this one. Stevie boy is the legal man and out of no where Davie boy comes in hits their finisher then tries to go for the pin. The ref explains to Davie he isn't the legal man allowing Polo Promotions to throw him out the ring and nail Stevie boy to pick up the win. Now I know wrestling aint real but being Bucky Boy daft I was raging at the end of this one. I didn't expect them to win but surely after years of teaming together Davie would understand the rules of a tag match. I mean ffs Davie I was greeting into my team lets get wasted t-shirt after the match. Inconsolable I was for at least 15 minutes.

Tommy End V Dickie Divers. A good match here with Divers picking up the win. I have to be honest I was disappointed with the clean victory with hee haw shenanigans as where we were standing we could see up into the balcony upstairs and through the full match Renfrew was pacing up and down hood up with bottle of bucky in hand. He looked so wound up and anxious I thought he was due to do something. Match ended clean and Renfrew disappeared from sight and wasn't in view again all night. Gutted with that but take nothing away from Divers or End.

Saqib Ali came before his "apparent scheduled match" and cut a promo slagging off Dundee then Glasgow. Joe Coffey came in through the crowd and asked Saqib to leave. Saqib refused so Coffey battered him and knocked him out the ring. Coffey then Cut a promo on how he will beat Mcintyre and take the title at mania. He said the fans shouldn't be cheering for Drew as after his initial return he promised to get ICW TV and was back to lead ICW forward. He did an impression of Drew and sounded just like it him was really funny. Coffey went on to say that already Drew has fucked off to fight abroad and fight in TNA. Coffey however is ICW through and through he is here week in week out putting on great matches for us every time he wrestles. He says he will do his best as our wrestler of the year and will win the title for ICW. He then celebreated amongst the fans before leaving.

DCT v Big Damo. Didn't last long this one with Damo absolute destroying DCT. After the match demo set about DCT and Coach with a chair then battered a few security staff too.

Grado and ???? v Fite, Wylie and Kirby. Grado out first and asking who his partners will be. Out first is Noam Dar he and Grado have a bit of fun mimicking each other walk ons. They are waiting for a 3rd man when the music hits for the 55 to come and its a 3on2 match. After Grado takes a beating Dar is knocked to the outside and it looks like this ones over. Music hits and out comes Wolfang to save the day (kinda) he starts beating down the 55 but it doesn't last long. Dar still down on the outside, Wolfgang gets duck taped to the ropes and that leaves Grado to get another beating. After the match Grado gets his legs attacked with a led pipe then the 55 leave. Wolfgang gets untied, him and Dar help Grado up and he is limping to end the show.

Think thats it all sorry if I have missed anything and I apologise for my terrible grammar hope this is readable.

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Right, time for ICW What's Your Boggle?

* Mark Coffey defending his Zero G Championship against Kenny Williams. They went on to have a terrific match at the first Spacebaws show which I'd advise you to look out. This was a reasonable opening match but nothing more than that.

* Darkside vs. Big Damo. Absolute war between these two guys which was a cracking wee match. It felt like both guys put each other through the wringer for the duration and I always appreciate when that sort of effort gets put in. ****

* Noam Dar vs. Joe Coffey. The matches that these two guys don't really go beneath the level of "really good" so any less than that and I'll be disappointed. This is a magnificent two sided match with both guys standing out. Great reversals between the two and when the match breaks down, you can still barely pick between them most of the way. The crowd seem intent on ruining it with being more interested in daft chants than what's actually going on, but they can't. This is a great first ICW match between the two. ****1/4

* Wolfgang vs. BT Gunn. I might as well say that this match doesn't actually happen as Rob Cage comes out in place of BT Gunn and it's more of an angle with The NAK handing out a horrific beating. To be fair, it's a cracking angle.

* The London Riots vs. The Bucky Boys. The Bucky Boys are actually Stevie Boy and Greg Burridge. Another case where the hometown boys finally make the fans actually give a f**k about what's going on. It's a two sided crowd as there's still a good few folk heading down from Glasgow to see the shows at this point. This is standard formula stuff but not much more than that I'm afraid. The London Riots have not impressed me at all when I've watched them.

* Sha Samuels vs. Grado. The incredibly decisive finish comes as a surprise as it really felt like they were gonna go for a long final stretch, so it felt sudden. Grado took some beating and came back well and as always, he sold like a fucking champ. Another really good match from Grado, of which he has had many, and there was pretty much no shenanigans from him either which was good.

* The NAK vs. Jack Jester and Jimmy Havoc. This is a Falls Count Anywhere match, meaning that we should see blood, weapons and carnage. Good. Well, we get all of that, and some other weird tidbits. Like the brawl moving into a shopping mall, and security throwing a total wobbly over Renfrew trying to throw Jester over a balcony to the floor far below, which I found highly amusing. The match gets a bit tedious at times, and definitely isn't one for fans of hardcore wrestling, as it just doesn't reach much brutal heights, which is disappointing given who's involved.

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I'm predicting that Jimmy Havoc is the man responsible for the Whiplash videos.

EDIT: Oh, and I'm getting fed up with every Drew Galloway rivalrly being a variation of "you fucked off!"

After seeing the Havoc promo from the company he's champion of down south, you could be right. It was easily the darkest promo I've ever seen and ended with him appearing to stab someone he had held captive to death.

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