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ICW deserves a thread on its own (have I missed it)


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I see the fat B.O crew of hairy boys and attention seeking girls have abandoned the NAK in favour of polo promotions. What did poor Mark and Jackie do to deserve this? The front row at the hydro will now be a sea of purple clad onion stench!

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22 hours ago, cb_diamond said:

I see the fat B.O crew of hairy boys and attention seeking girls have abandoned the NAK in favour of polo promotions. What did poor Mark and Jackie do to deserve this? The front row at the hydro will now be a sea of purple clad onion stench!


It's a shame as I like Polo Promotions. 


What's folk's best or funniest interactions with some of the ICW crowd roasters down the years? I've had a few brahmers. 

1) I remarked to a mate that BT Gunn's hair (at the time) made him look a bit like Benoit when he was in Japan. Some mad neckbeard standing nearby loudly piped in that 'akshully, his name in Japan was the Pegasus Kid', the stench of BO and virginity coming off him in visible stink lines. I laughed at him and thanked him for his tremendous and frankly revolationary input. He wandered off elsewhere following his interjection. 

2) Our group was loudly heckling about how shite and uncomfortable the match between Liam Thomson and Carmel Jacob was and how it was 'great' to watch a man knocking f**k out of a woman in the name of entertainment. Some wee skinny, greasy haired chap in all black, standing one man in front of us was quite forcefully educating us in how it was a year in the buildup to the feud and so was justified for him to be battering her. Usually we'd just let him go but he was being really quite forceful in using the years build up as justification. My mate, who was pished and usually more subtle in his debating techniques , got fed up with him being so animated at us daring to dislike the angle and ended the conversation instantly with 'if you groom a wean for a year, it doesn't mean it's OK to f**k them cos you put a year's work into it, you're still a child fucker'. Guy just turned back around and watched rest of the match and left us to crease. 

3) Some other lad in the Garage, presumably with his equally mental girlfriend or carer, was in full flow one night when Whiplash was in full on gimp gimmick. All the vicious and spat out slurs such as 'kill that fucking faggot' 'stamp on his poofy throat ' etc. This, naturally made us around him support Whiplash in a grossly exaggerated manner and when he eventually picked up the win, the guy LOST IT. 'This is fucking disgusting booking Dallas, letting that fucking dirty paedo win again, I'm never, EVER coming back, f**k this shite, f**k ICW, I'm done!!!' whilst booting f**k out of the barrier he was leaning on and about 15 of us around him in full on party mode and screaming the obligatory 'IT'S STILL REAL TO ME, DAMNIT!!!' at one another. And with that, he was gone. Only to resurface after the interval over at the other side of the Garage. :lol:


So any other fun ICW mentalist stories? I know there'll be a few out there. That much social awkwardness mixed with alcohol in the one room surely generates a lot of good stuff. 

Edited by djchapsticks
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Looking at the results of the garage card from last night would hurt your brain. Storyline spaghetti.

As for funniest moment from the onion brigade, it has to be the wee neckbeard who does the blog kicking off at the ABC and getting barred and the subsequent online meltdown that lasted about a week.

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12 hours ago, Marshmallo said:

Great news about Foley not showing up and it'll be cool to see Balor.

They've got Ricochet booked getting paid God knows how much, and they're putting him in with Lewis Girvan emoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.png what a waste.

It's unbelievable. But it does highlight the lack of depth ICW has in that department. Tonnes of medium sized brawlers and technical wrestlers. But very few modern "cruiserweights" (for lack of a better term). Dar would have been a better fit if he was still about. Kenny would also have been better.

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It's a shame Stevie Boy and BT are so deep into a feud as either of the man would have been a good fit for Ricochet too. Those two and Williams are the ones I had as being the best match-up for him. Still excited to see him but not nearly as much as it could have been.

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9 minutes ago, Christophe said:

It's a shame Stevie Boy and BT are so deep into a feud as either of the man would have been a good fit for Ricochet too. Those two and Williams are the ones I had as being the best match-up for him. Still excited to see him but not nearly as much as it could have been.

BT Gunn was the one I wanted, but I'm equally glad to see him and Stevie at the Hydro.

The UK in general is a bit lacking on really good cruisers. Will Ospreay was probably the only properly brilliant one we had over here. Most of the smaller guys or "cruisers" don't really wrestle much more than a typical indy style. I'd say the likes of BT Gunn and Stevie Boy are about the same as well.

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