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The Gretna dream team Wadsworth & Irons show up at Celtic Nation

NE63 exile

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How can Celtic Nation 'have a plan to be in the Football League in five years'?

It will take them five successive promotions, from the Northern League to League Two. That's not credible even in a computer game.

Maybe a plan to fool dimwits like McMenamince, but anyone who actually knows the English game realises that trying to get a tiny club that plays in a city already dominated by a decent League One side has next to no chance of achieving that goal, especially when millions will be required once the club reaches Conference North /Conference National (a very big ask for what is basically a Sunday league team, without Lynch's money).

very, very weird. In ten years time I think they will either have folded or be called Gilford Park again, playing a couple of leagues below where they are at present.

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Well done to Gavin: he knows a shower of neer-do-wells when he sees them.

Presumably the five or so years he played for Brooks Mileson don't count.

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All that's needed is some positive press coverage from unquestioning journalists and the gloryhunters will be arriving from miles around hoping to see hammerings dished out to all comers.

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Presumably the five or so years he played for Brooks Mileson don't count.

I see the fat nonentity is trolling here looking for bites as per usual. The World Of Warcraft servers or GN must be quiet :whistle

I know a bus load of Celtic fans made the trip down to watch them during a free weekend for us

Yes, some of them have made up their mind because they play in a Celtic type strip they must be "supported" - forget that they're being run by people they'd scream blue murder if they were trying to buy their way into the real Celtic.

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