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Should Weed Be Legal?

Should weed in the UK be...  

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eccies are magic, we should base the new scottish economy on whiskey, oil, fish, and eccies.

Evidently you're confused, it's the mushies which are magic.

This 8mile fella comes across as being a bit "don't do as I do, do as I say" with his, I've done hunners of drugs but wouldn't now so nobody else should, argument.

Essentially kids, do whatever fucking drugs you want, just know the risks, to your health and to your criminal record. Don't listen to old c***s like me or 8mile and make your own mind up.

And yes of course cannabis should be legal and subject to all the horrible government taxation that everything else remotely enjoyable is.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Metro has been going wild this week.

Firstly someone had a heart attack who smoked weed. Metro confirm he is the first man ever to be killed by cannabis. Aye right.

And a 17 year old has died from a 'red mortal combat' in the Arches at the weekend. No mention if she had been drinking.

But it got me wondering. If I buy a beer and it turns out the guy I bought it from laced it with poison and chemicals otherwise not consumed by humans would my death make headlines like 'Man Killed by Beer'? It wasn't beer that killed me surely. Same way this girl wasn't killed by MDMA/ecstasy but by the other shit some fanny has put in it. Of course said wee fanny wouldn't be making poisoned pills if they were legal and regulated. Metro failed to mention legalisation would have prevented this death. Unsurprising.

The UK public are incomprehensibly naive and stupid.

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Metro has been going wild this week.

Firstly someone had a heart attack who smoked weed. Metro confirm he is the first man ever to be killed by cannabis. Aye right.

And a 17 year old has died from a 'red mortal combat' in the Arches at the weekend. No mention if she had been drinking.

But it got me wondering. If I buy a beer and it turns out the guy I bought it from laced it with poison and chemicals otherwise not consumed by humans would my death make headlines like 'Man Killed by Beer'? It wasn't beer that killed me surely. Same way this girl wasn't killed by MDMA/ecstasy but by the other shit some fanny has put in it. Of course said wee fanny wouldn't be making poisoned pills if they were legal and regulated. Metro failed to mention legalisation would have prevented this death. Unsurprising.

The UK public are incomprehensibly naive and stupid.

Generally people are too stupid to realise the likely cause of the deaths, just the fact someone took the drug and they died, so it must have been the drug that killed them, not the combination of other (legal) chemicals that were also mixed in with it.

I don't think anyone wants drugs to be legalised and remain unregulated , that would be stupid, but regulation would cut the majority of deaths I would think. Drug dealers are a major problem, far too much money involved for people to not want to do it. Let's get rid of them, your average dealer is never going to get regulated, and unlikely to be able to compete vs regulated shops(unless tax rate was too high, but it would need to be ridiculously high).

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The amount of drugs consumed is far, far less than the amount of alcohol. No surprise that alcohol is a bigger killer. If I wanted a bottle of whiskey, I could buy one in around 5 minutes from my seat right now. Wouldn't know how to get my hands on drugs.

And this, when alcohol is legal and regulated, muppets on here believe that drugs should then be legalised and mass marketed? Why, so we can see what's the REAL killer between alcohol and drugs?

It's too late to criminalise alcohol - most attempts have failed. But legalising drugs will only make their users and dealers feel good about the fact that they're gambling with their lives instead of refusing to fill their bodies with shite.

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The amount of drugs consumed is far, far less than the amount of alcohol. No surprise that alcohol is a bigger killer. If I wanted a bottle of whiskey, I could buy one in around 5 minutes from my seat right now. Wouldn't know how to get my hands on drugs.

And this, when alcohol is legal and regulated, muppets on here believe that drugs should then be legalised and mass marketed? Why, so we can see what's the REAL killer between alcohol and drugs?

It's too late to criminalise alcohol - most attempts have failed. But legalising drugs will only make their users and dealers feel good about the fact that they're gambling with their lives instead of refusing to fill their bodies with shite.

Who said anything about being mass marketed? Are cigarettes mass marketed?

You say you don't know where to get drugs, have you tried? Do you think that being unable to buy cannabis in Tesco puts people off trying cannabis? People take drugs regardless of whether or not it is legal.

There is a reason ALL attempts to criminalise alcohol have failed. It's the same reason criminalising drugs fails to stop people taking them. Prohibition does not work.

Your last sentence makes no sense (the rest doesn't either but this bit in particular). In what way are people smoking weed endangering their lives? In what way are those taking pure ecstasy endangering their life? Is this danger more or less than going out and getting smashed on booze?

Alcohol is a bigger killer because more people use it. Any evidence to back that up? Didn't think so.

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The amount of drugs consumed is far, far less than the amount of alcohol. No surprise that alcohol is a bigger killer. If I wanted a bottle of whiskey, I could buy one in around 5 minutes from my seat right now. Wouldn't know how to get my hands on drugs.

And this, when alcohol is legal and regulated, muppets on here believe that drugs should then be legalised and mass marketed? Why, so we can see what's the REAL killer between alcohol and drugs?

It's too late to criminalise alcohol - most attempts have failed. But legalising drugs will only make their users and dealers feel good about the fact that they're gambling with their lives instead of refusing to fill their bodies with shite.

If drugs were made safer (you know, by regulating them) then people wouldn't be filling their bodies with shite and putting their life at risk. The only system that puts people at risk is the current one.

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The amount of drugs consumed is far, far less than the amount of alcohol. No surprise that alcohol is a bigger killer. If I wanted a bottle of whiskey, I could buy one in around 5 minutes from my seat right now. Wouldn't know how to get my hands on drugs.

And this, when alcohol is legal and regulated, muppets on here believe that drugs should then be legalised and mass marketed? Why, so we can see what's the REAL killer between alcohol and drugs?

It's too late to criminalise alcohol - most attempts have failed. But legalising drugs will only make their users and dealers feel good about the fact that they're gambling with their lives instead of refusing to fill their bodies with shite.

Just to confirm you are not trolling, please provide a succinct set of reasons as to the rationale behind imprisoning drug users.

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Just a thought, instead of binge drinking, would we be seeing binge drug using? Although regulated, alcohol still does damage to the body if consumed in large quantities. Who's to say that regulated drugs wouldn't do the same? Please note I'm all for the regulation of drugs, it's just a thought that crossed my mind.

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Just a thought, instead of binge drinking, would we be seeing binge drug using? Although regulated, alcohol still does damage to the body if consumed in large quantities. Who's to say that regulated drugs wouldn't do the same? Please note I'm all for the regulation of drugs, it's just a thought that crossed my mind.

Some people will kick the absolute baws out of it but like most things I think the majority will use it as it should be used - in moderation. No system will be perfect, people will abuse whatever system is in place but the whole point has to be that it's made safer for everyone - that way even when people do abuse it, it's still so much safer than what they do now. From my experience though, stoners aren't up for binging all their weed away, quite the opposite actually.

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Just a thought, instead of binge drinking, would we be seeing binge drug using? Although regulated, alcohol still does damage to the body if consumed in large quantities. Who's to say that regulated drugs wouldn't do the same? Please note I'm all for the regulation of drugs, it's just a thought that crossed my mind.

If people want to consume excessive amounts of drugs, and have the money to do, then that's prerogative. Of course the evidence actually shows that decriminalization decreases usage, and can significantly decrease the risk of becoming addicted.

It's hardly a reason to imprison people for using drugs.

Binge drug use would mostly likely be the case. We kick the arse out of everything in this country.

You're too stupid to participate. Sorry.

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If people want to consume excessive amounts of drugs, and have the money to do, then that's prerogative. Of course the evidence actually shows that decriminalization decreases usage, and can significantly decrease the risk of becoming addicted.

It's hardly a reason to imprison people for using drugs.

You're too stupid to participate. Sorry.

Fair enough. It's clear Scotland has a very bad alcohol and health problem, I just thought that with our "excess" culture, drugs might exacerbate the health problems we as a nation have as drugs become more accepted and "mainstream".

This is presuming of course that regulated drugs do the same (or more) damage on the body in large quantities as what alcohol does; which I hope wouldn't be the case.

Edited by KeeperDee
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Fair enough. It's clear Scotland has a very bad alcohol and health problem, I just thought that with our "excess" culture, drugs might exacerbate the health problems we as a nation have as drugs become more accepted and "mainstream".

This is presuming of course that regulated drugs do the same damage on the body in large quantities than what alcohol does; which I hope wouldn't be the case.

Some drugs will, some won't. Alcohol is an astonishingly harmful drugs, marijuana consumed even in large quantities is significantly safer.

Scotlands alcohol culture has evolved over thousands of years and ties in closely with the climate and many other factors, the legality or otherwise isn't really an issue. I think it's very unlikely cocaine or cannabis will ever embed themselves into the culture the way alcohol has.

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Then don't converse. I'll not mind at all.

Made an arse of yourself again and know it.

Lack of intelligence sees you desperately resorting to the old, tedious shit-flinging patter.

Where at any point does it even remotely seem like I'm suggesting alcohol isn't harmful?

In your own words: 'Be very specific' because your question is a very blatant attempt at twisting what I said to try redeem yourself as you teeter on the edge of yet another disaster.

Uhuh, so what was your previous post about?

Be extremely specific.

Try not to throw shit at anyone in the process.

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You can't really binge on weed, can you? I mean, you end up just falling asleep voluntarily at a certain point. You can obviously take it continuously for a few days but it's not harmful.

I would say not harmful is a bit too far, but it ain't going to get you rushed into a hospital anytime soon. Edited by parsforlife
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Hmm I dunno...

Binged on weed all day for several days in Amsterdam. It's brilliant for ages, then you start feeling rough, but you carry on, then eventually you want to puke. You decide you need fresh air cos it'll make you feel better. Once outside and the fresh air hits you feel totally fucked, crappy and need to sleep. So you call it a night and shuffle your way home to bed, possibly stopping to throw up on the way. Then you get up the next day and do it all again.

Much like drink really. Get weed fucking legalized.

So you're lack of self control is the problem, not the weed.

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