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The East Fife Thread

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Paddy (are we allowed to call him that???) Slattery tells it to us straight!!!
So apparently the FAI are to blame as well, you couldn't make this shit up!!!

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Text this morning from Chris Brien. He is The President of Bohemian FC

’Good morning Scotty
Just a quick thank you again for your donation, it is really appreciated.
Apologies for the game on Saturday, it is over twenty years since we had a game called off so we were really surprised by the whole thing.
All the East Fife fans were very reasonable and I hope they enjoyed the day despite the postponement.’

Folks - worse things happen at sea! I was totally deflated on Saturday (that was our second trip!!!) The reality is it was a great day out with great folk from both sides. A day that will live with us forever!

The Bohs  & The Fife - friends for life 



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4 hours ago, bernardblack said:

Is the ref inspecting the pitch at 130 on match day normal? Doesn’t sound like it, especially with the distance travelled etc

But that doesn’t add up. The distance travelled was so far that everyone that was going would have set off long before any inspection could take place. 1.30 seems perfectly rationale to try and give the game every chance.

A lot of poor takes re the actual postponement of the games. Games are off all the time, it happens. Yes it can be disappointing but you can’t do anything about it.

The criticism should all be vented towards the tournament organisers. It’s been a complete shambles and I really don’t know how they overcome this issue as EF have a Scottish cup game next week.

Anyone suggestion the Irish/non-British team should be kicked from the competition is an idiot. 

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7 minutes ago, Muzza81 said:

But that doesn’t add up. The distance travelled was so far that everyone that was going would have set off long before any inspection could take place. 1.30 seems perfectly rationale to try and give the game every chance.

A lot of poor takes re the actual postponement of the games. Games are off all the time, it happens. Yes it can be disappointing but you can’t do anything about it.

The criticism should all be vented towards the tournament organisers. It’s been a complete shambles and I really don’t know how they overcome this issue as EF have a Scottish cup game next week.

Anyone suggestion the Irish/non-British team should be kicked from the competition is an idiot. 

I have never been in favour of this competition, and when the tie was delayed from November, I was all for us taking a tougher stance on our participation.

However. If that game had gone ahead what would we have had? A lot of fans traveling over to Dublin for a jolly, getting to support the team in 'Europe' and seeing a different ground/league/team from the usual fodder, a complete break away from the monotony of lower league football. I actually think the outside teams are welcome (different story on colts)

When the leagues are set up in the ridiculous way they are just now, we will play our league teams 4 times a year minimum, coupled with the league cup and Scottish cup where there is a good chance we will draw them again. I don't really want to be playing Forfar/Arbroath/Airdrie et al 6 times a season (no offence)

For me the right thing to do here, is to let us proceed, the sponsors Irn Bru to do something for the fans to take the edge off the money spent to not see the game, and for those in charge to have a rethink about how they deal with these conflicts going forward. For me, its a Scottish competition held by a Scottish authority, that has invited guests in. Whenever there is a situation such as this where there is an unreasonable conflict of circumstances, the SPFL must back the Scottish team as a representative member of the association. If this had happened, we probably aren't having this argument today as the game would have been awarded last November. 

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Given that Bohemians are saying they haven't had a game called off in over twenty years it seems to me that the problem may be that the Irish league use different standards in deciding whether a pitch is playable or not. Games are called off in Scotland now which would undoubtedly have been played twenty odd years ago. Maybe the Irish still play through bad weather and frozen pitches and that has been part of the reason for the lack of precautions taken for the forecast bad weather.

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1 hour ago, Nowhereman said:

Given that Bohemians are saying they haven't had a game called off in over twenty years it seems to me that the problem may be that the Irish league use different standards in deciding whether a pitch is playable or not. Games are called off in Scotland now which would undoubtedly have been played twenty odd years ago. Maybe the Irish still play through bad weather and frozen pitches and that has been part of the reason for the lack of precautions taken for the forecast bad weather.

The referee was from Wales.

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1 hour ago, Gordon EF said:

Oh what precedent was the tie moved to February?

To be fair, if what the Bohs fans on here say (and a few others did in November) that they told the SPFL about the possible fixtures issues and the SPFL said "ach it'll be fine" then punting Bohemians from the competition would be outrageous.

The pitch stuff is totally on them though, and regardless of how shambolic it may or may not be, I still think punting them is too far. 

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5 minutes ago, Big Fifer said:

To be fair, if what the Bohs fans on here say (and a few others did in November) that they told the SPFL about the possible fixtures issues and the SPFL said "ach it'll be fine" then punting Bohemians from the competition would be outrageous.

The pitch stuff is totally on them though, and regardless of how shambolic it may or may not be, I still think punting them is too far. 

Aye, I know. But the fact that they've just been making stuff up as they go along means, there's no reason they can't just keep doing that.

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The SPFL have painted themselves into a corner. Bohemians situation re. end of season etc was known and accepted by the SPFL and concessions made.so up until last week Bohemians have done nothing wrong and there are no grounds for expulsion from the competition.

What needs to be considered is did Bohemians do enough to ensure the pitch was playable. A hard frost was forecast so at that point should have put contingency plans in place. Even if they didn’t have covers surely someone somewhere in Dublin could supply them.. Did they explore all the alternative venues ?  If Bohemians didn’t  try both these options ,and it’s difficult to believe there wasn’t a solution , then there is a genuine case for expulsion.

Unfortunately even a Friday or even a Thursday postponement wouldn’t have helped those who had hotels booked as they would probably have travelled anyway but at least the Saturday in/out travellers would have had the option to decide on whether it was worth the bother or not.

This is a mess and it is down to the SPFL rather than the clubs involved.

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15 minutes ago, Another The Other Chairman said:

The SPFL have painted themselves into a corner. Bohemians situation re. end of season etc was known and accepted by the SPFL and concessions made.so up until last week Bohemians have done nothing wrong and there are no grounds for expulsion from the competition.

What needs to be considered is did Bohemians do enough to ensure the pitch was playable. A hard frost was forecast so at that point should have put contingency plans in place. Even if they didn’t have covers surely someone somewhere in Dublin could supply them.. Did they explore all the alternative venues ?  If Bohemians didn’t  try both these options ,and it’s difficult to believe there wasn’t a solution , then there is a genuine case for expulsion.

Unfortunately even a Friday or even a Thursday postponement wouldn’t have helped those who had hotels booked as they would probably have travelled anyway but at least the Saturday in/out travellers would have had the option to decide on whether it was worth the bother or not.

This is a mess and it is down to the SPFL rather than the clubs involved.

You've articulated that better in one post than I tried for hours yesterday.

Bohs are not at fault here, We entered the competition in good faith, and indeed as fans we have taken stick from rival fans at home for being involved in the competition widely regarded as a 'joke', but we have treated it with upmost respect, including putting out our full strenght team im previous round dispite being in the domestic cup semi final the week after.

Edited by BohsMan
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I can't help but think the only solution that'll be available here is for Bohemians to come across to here and play us midweek, with the entirety of their expenses covered by the SPFL. That solution works only if, as Wikipedia suggests, Bohs are full time. I've no idea if they are, if they're part time then its the same problem for us going over their even with expenses paid with abdy having jobs to go to before/after any potential game. What a farce this has become.


ETA - or of course move the County game and play it at the weekend Friday or indeed Saturday.

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