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The Universe

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Ultimately there will always be something left unexplained, whether it's why there is a universe, why there are fields of potentiality or why there is a god. The ultimate question of why stuff exists is something philosophers and theologians can bother each other about it if they want, but it's not a question for scientific debate.

That's fair enough. Not a lot of point in raising an unanswerable question, but it's just the feeling I'm always left with when read about the start of the universe.

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I think in the next 50-100 years we will eventually reach an impassable stage where we can go no further. We will eventually reach our limitation as we exaust our resources and get to stage where we can no longer conduct these long reach studies.

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We as a race, despite understanding a fair bit, are imo not intelligent enough to ever understand much of what happens in the universe and we most likely never will be.

It's a distinct likelihood that a lot of what happens in the Universe is beyond our understanding. We base much of what we know on things like the laws of thermodynamics, Einsteins theory of relativity etc. But what if, somewhere in the Universe, life exists that isn't carbon based and doesn't need water? What if there's a place where gravity has no effect and entropy doesn't exist. We're only taking what we know and making best guesses

Another possibility for how the Universe started, and how it might end is the Big Crunch. In this, the Universe will expand to a finite point before contracting back in on itsself and either ending with everything in existence squashed into a singularity or causing another Big Bang. Could it be that the Univese has been big banging and big crunching forever?


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how do garden peas know where to grab something? there I was last night, putting strings across between the poles, and the wee buggers were litteraly grabbing the string with their wee creepy feeler things, right in front of my very eyes. was very impressive. tomatoes on the other hand, made no attempt to hold on to their canes, and had to be tied, lazy b*****ds

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Just been reading about the theoretical Vacuum Metastability Event and I confess it's way over my head but how much credibility does this have in the scientific world?

If it eventually did happen would the Universe collapse into a massive Black Hole and the whole process start again with another Big Bang?

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Just been reading about the theoretical Vacuum Metastability Event and I confess it's way over my head but how much credibility does this have in the scientific world?

If it eventually did happen would the Universe collapse into a massive Black Hole and the whole process start again with another Big Bang?

If this did happen and the false vacuum became unstable and dropped energy, the whole thing would happen at the speed of light, and we'd know f**k all about it.

It would be rather shite if it happened, though.

Edited to add this, for further fun reading:


Edited by Confidemus
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Morning fellow space buffs!

How about some large numbers to wrap your head around?

How about what's actually in the observable universe, which is, for those who aren't sure, all the matter that is visible from present day Earth, as it's light has had time to reach us since the big bang. In the observable universe, there's estimated to be:

10 million Superclusters. (Large groups of smaller galaxy clusters)

25 billion Galaxy groups. Galaxy groups typically contain no more than 50 galaxies.

350 billion Large galaxies.

7 trillion Dwarf galaxies, which are small galaxies containing up to a few billion stars.

30 billion trillion (3x10²²) stars

Quite a lot then.

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If everything in the universe was all stuck together, now much volume would it take up?

Given that the universal is always expanding, and it's really sparsely populated with matter, this is almost impossible to even take a stab at, but a good estimate I've seen is:

3.35 × 1054 kilograms

Which is a lot. As for the volume it would take up, even harder to say. For example, Saturn is so lacking in density, it could theoretically float in water, whereas a neutron star is so dense a teaspoon of it would weigh as much as a mountain.

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It's really upsetting I'll never be able to travel through space. Can't think of anywhere else I'd feel more at home. 100% nature, left untouched. Long may it remain that way.

Time travel would be better imo.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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It's really upsetting I'll never be able to travel through space. Can't think of anywhere else I'd feel more at home. 100% nature, left untouched. Long may it remain that way.

The irony of the above post :)

Get what your saying, but if humans get there hands on any of the marvels out there who knows what could happen.

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It's really upsetting I'll never be able to travel through space. Can't think of anywhere else I'd feel more at home. 100% nature, left untouched. Long may it remain that way.

You realise how empty space is right? And for the bits that have nature, you realise how dangerous they are? 7,000 mph winds, gravity that would squash to 1 millionth your current size, magnetism that would literally rip you apart, radiation that would kill you in under a second, temperatures that would melt you instantly.

Plus there's no clunge in space.


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You realise how empty space is right?  And for the bits that have nature, you realise how dangerous they are? 7,000 mph winds, gravity that would squash to 1 millionth your current size, magnetism that would literally rip you apart, radiation that would kill you in under a second, temperatures that would melt you instantly.


Plus there's no clunge in space.



Time travel would definitely be better then! :-)

Untold riches from betting syndicates, witnessing some amazing historical events plus the opportunity to rattle some clunge from yesteryear......wouldn't mind a go on Cleopatra ;-)

PS- not those skenks from the 90's pop group either! ;-)

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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Time travel would definitely be better then! :-)

Untold riches from betting syndicates, witnessing some amazing historical events plus the opportunity to rattle some clunge from yesteryear......wouldn't mind a go on Cleopatra ;-)

PS- not those skenks from the 90's pop group either! ;-)

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

Fair point.




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You realise how empty space is right? And for the bits that have nature, you realise how dangerous they are? 7,000 mph winds, gravity that would squash to 1 millionth your current size, magnetism that would literally rip you apart, radiation that would kill you in under a second, temperatures that would melt you instantly.

Plus there's no clunge in space.


Captain Kirk would strongly disagree. He's been shagging his way through the galaxy one planet at a time. He's a space stud. The universe will only end because he'll literally have shagged it to death.

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Captain Kirk would strongly disagree. He's been shagging his way through the galaxy one planet at a time. He's a space stud. The universe will only end because he'll literally have shagged it to death.

Imagine what Kirk would do to this?


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