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If anyone ever said 30 was the limit for DECE, it was an error that has to be rectified. It would be a ludicrous claim; will our boy RGos not be allowed to come and drop a few champerbombs with us after he's sorted our tix and accom at Cannes next May? Of course he will.

If some of my business contacts had helped me win that big contract, would it be unreasonable to say "cheers m8s, tell you what that was stressful, I'm off to meet my bois Marshy, Monky, Bully and Itzy for some chicken and slathunting, fancy coming along?" Just because they have a few extra years in the game on me? A ridiculous suggestion.

The likes of Milesy and co aren't excluded by age. They're excluded by being doss betas who spend their day tramautising their kids by assaulting drug addicted homeless women.



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Held emergency meeting in Monaco this afternoon with ma bois berbs, becks, il metronomo and alves about this pressing situation.

Lawl, not really but we did have a laugh about it and at roy keane getting turned away despite shaving that thing off his face.



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will our boy RGos not be allowed to come and drop a few champerbombs with us after he's sorted our tix and accom at Cannes next May?


Darts player James Wade is this years guest of honour. He doesn't really like DECEbombs, so he'll be guzzling on premium German lager.

Update on the Club DECE gym: It's burn down, and it's not being replaced. #youliftweightscauseyouvegotnomates

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Darts player James Wade is this years guest of honour. He doesn't really like DECEbombs, so he'll be guzzling on premium German lager.

Update on the Club DECE gym: It's burn down, and it's not being replaced. #youliftweightscauseyouvegotnomates

:lol: who the fcuk is this 15 post Legend?!

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Nope. Darts player James Wade is this years guest of honour. He doesn't really like DECEbombs, so he'll be guzzling on premium German lager. Update on the Club DECE gym: It's burn down, and it's not being replaced. #youliftweightscauseyouvegotnomates

I've got mad props for Hassan for comparing my face to a Scottish footballer who (ITPO) is a dece looking boi, but I have to be honest here and say this is a terrible post. Wanting to invite James Wade (a total gimp and sheer dossness in human form) is bad, trying to exclude long term friend of Dece and all round fantastic person RyGos is even worse. Doing both at once when you're arguably not even in the door yourself and we're possibly looking at the worst introduction to the Dece club of all time.

Go get yourself a drink of water and maybe something to eat and come back later m8. I'll tell Tomas on the door to let you in if you've improved your act but I can't guarantee anything, especially if 8Mile's shite hits you when you're outside the door.

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Darts player James Wade is this years guest of honour. He doesn't really like DECEbombs, so he'll be guzzling on premium German lager.

Update on the Club DECE gym: It's burn down, and it's not being replaced. #youliftweightscauseyouvegotnomates

#betafindanewalias #msdoss

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Pls nomn8 yourselves for Party membership bois so Im not stuck with some P&B Game playing dweeb cramping my style.

I'd be v.v.v.v interested in being #DeputyDece Edited by Rowan Vine's beard
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