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Has anyone ever been put it an unbelievable #awks position, as a result of their Deceness? I only ask, as I was in this very situation myself recently.

Imagine the scene, as I was taking my granny for lunch the other week (I'm Monkman and I love my granny). As I entered the eating establishment, one of the waitresses, a #solid7, couldn't help but stare at the handsome young gentleman, escorting his dear old granny to lunch. As she was taking the order, she was clearly blushing whilst checking me out. Now this isn't unusual, as my #aesthetics are amazing, but it was so blatant that my granny actually noticed it and made a light joke. I thought I'd play on this a little and unleash a bit of charm during the several interactions between myself and the waitress. By the time she was clearing the table and bringing the bill, she was frothing like the expressso machine sitting on the bar. Now I know us bois are used to attention like this all the time, but being so openly checked out in front of our granny's, well that's a new one even for this #decer.

Classic. #treatgrannytapfanny

Years from now, when society has progressed to the point where deceness is considered a basic human need and not a luxury, many young people will take their generation's #swag for granted. However, some young decethusiasts will want to know how this qual way of life came to be, and those people will visit that bus stop. Seeing the spot where one of the original Decefathers discovered his new found deceness will make dat bus stop a Mecca for alphas who want to embrace their history.

What they do when they get there is utterly obscene, but that's not the point.

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I think one of Dece's great successes is 8MileBU. His posting style was dreadful, he threw faeces at people and was a dreadful troll. By taking part in the election process he realised to be taken seriously, he had to post sensibly and coherently. He now does so and has gone up in my estimations as a result.

Top work Dece bois

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I think one of Dece's great successes is 8MileBU. His posting style was dreadful, he threw faeces at people and was a dreadful troll. By taking part in the election process he realised to be taken seriously, he had to post sensibly and coherently. He now does so and has gone up in my estimations as a result.

Top work Dece bois

Every hero needs a villain.

Milesy's the hero in this scenario

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It would have been nice to have won. However I don't think the general populous is ready to be Dece.

We'll take small victories, safe in the knowledge we are absolutely sensaysh bois. We'll do our best to spread the word but you can only be Dece if you are willing to improve

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Choose one and one only.

No m8.

As a DECE Party minister (a Back Bench Presser if you will), a long-standing member of Club DECE and a highlander, I can confirm that the highlands is v.v.v.v.v. DECE.

If you need a "DECEness rating" of any other part of Scotland, just led me know.

Thank you for your understanding.


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I actually used the word dece today for the first time ever when talking to my wife when describing a very good tv show.

Before the election I had never been on this thread once, im now a frequent observer.

Welcome David, having presided over a v.v.v. DECE Election game you are more than welcome here. Abso sensaysh to hear you're embracing the ways of DECE, may you spread the good word. Now, get yourself whatever you want from the bar and put it on my tab, it's ok, I'm J_Stewart and I can afford it.

Milesy, your behaviour has also improved recently, you're welcome to stay, and you can even get a #DECEbomb from the bar. Just make sure you keep your faeces to yourself!


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Years from now, when society has progressed to the point where deceness is considered a basic human need and not a luxury, many young people will take their generation's #swag for granted. However, some young decethusiasts will want to know how this qual way of life came to be, and those people will visit that bus stop. Seeing the spot where one of the original Decefathers discovered his new found deceness will make dat bus stop a Mecca for alphas who want to embrace their history.

What they do when they get there is utterly obscene, but that's not the point.

Been reading a bit about the Human Genome Project (#HGP) and how the possibility of editing human genes to help eradicate genetic disorders isn't too far off.

It got me thinking that if the scientists could identify the #DeceGene then every child could be born with deceness imbedded in their very genetic make-up. DNA would become #DeceNA.

What a time to be alive.

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Been reading a bit about the Human Genome Project (#HGP) and how the possibility of editing human genes to help eradicate genetic disorders isn't too far off.

It got me thinking that if the scientists could identify the #DeceGene then every child could be born with deceness imbedded in their very genetic make-up. DNA would become #DeceNA.

What a time to be alive.

If everyone was a #solid10 how could you be a #solid10?

There may still be some sort of vvvv undece Morelock type race living underground in caves that were simply too far gone to decefy.

Possibly sevconian in origin and permaraging.


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It would have been nice to have won. However I don't think the general populous is ready to be Dece.

We'll take small victories, safe in the knowledge we are absolutely sensaysh bois. We'll do our best to spread the word but you can only be Dece if you are willing to improve

Look at this way Fudge. During the campaign we couldn't have really done a better job, and yet the other parties were a mess. Sure Spain, Addie, and itzdrk all did a good job, but the rest of their parties crumbled around them due to a lack of interest from anyone but them. If we'd been called anything else we would've won by an absolute stretch, but unfortunately being Dece on here is like being YesScotland in the borders. People were never going to universally accept us, Dece is a toxic brand on Pie and Bovril to most.

To get as close as we did is a remarkable effort. Bizarrely, we could've and probably would've won it anyway if Klopp had survived.

Really Deceppointed you lost the referendum bois. Can take solace in the fact the Highlands are v.v.v dece though. Good effort.

Thanks m9, we appreciated the support from #women4dece

I must say I was v. v. surprised with the demographics. Highlands and the rest of the world make sense but Fife? None of the central belt? V. surprising.

Been reading a bit about the Human Genome Project (#HGP) and how the possibility of editing human genes to help eradicate genetic disorders isn't too far off.

It got me thinking that if the scientists could identify the #DeceGene then every child could be born with deceness imbedded in their very genetic make-up. DNA would become #DeceNA.

What a time to be alive.

Wow, could really be the most important scientific discovery in history IMO.

They can take one of my pairs of #decejeans from the wardrobe if they need it. It's OK, I'm EGB, I can afford it.

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Look at this way Fudge. During the campaign we couldn't have really done a better job, and yet the other parties were a mess. Sure Spain, Addie, and itzdrk all did a good job, but the rest of their parties crumbled around them due to a lack of interest from anyone but them. If we'd been called anything else we would've won by an absolute stretch, but unfortunately being Dece on here is like being YesScotland in the borders. People were never going to universally accept us, Dece is a toxic brand on Pie and Bovril to most.

Perhaps you guys should re-brand. Maybe say, include the ability to spell in your ideals? You could call yourselves Club Decent. :ph34r:

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Look at this way Fudge. During the campaign we couldn't have really done a better job, and yet the other parties were a mess. Sure Spain, Addie, and itzdrk all did a good job, but the rest of their parties crumbled around them due to a lack of interest from anyone but them. If we'd been called anything else we would've won by an absolute stretch, but unfortunately being Dece on here is like being YesScotland in the borders. People were never going to universally accept us, Dece is a toxic brand on Pie and Bovril to most.

Tbf Dece would have won had been ten years younger.

#addiethekeyplayer #believethehype #notapoliticianbutastatesman #beigeforsummer #marjorydigsaddie

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If any of the #decebois fancy a swally in the Kilmarnock decetrict I shall happily take you to Paris Match and purchase you a refreshment of your choice. It's been a stellar campaign and it's only fair.

Sounds good m9.

Can you tell the chippies in Killie not to have signs saying "KABAB" on them? I noticed that last time, wasn't qual bantz.

BTW, what are the Dece bois making of Dece favourite T. Swift's new effort?

I think it's v. v. v. Dece how she's reacted to her v. unfair reputation as a bunny boiling nutter by FLIPPING DAT SHIT and just taking the piss out of herself here. Seems like an extremely Dece way to #shakeshakeshakeitoff. You just know most people won't get it and will say "OMG, she so cray cray", but what can you say, #hatersgonnahatehatehatehate.

Catchy tune too. Magnif effort from T. Swift ITPO.

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