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Dear Addie

Whilst you of course want to make your family happy, you need to make your good wife realise that your image is still important to you and that a little change of style could reinvigorate your confidence. Sometimes us ladies are guilty of forgetting that men like to look good as well and how a great haircut or that new garment can put a pep in the male step as well!

You have to make her understand your sense of style is your own but you must also be aware of your families needs. Compromise is needed ITAAO (in this agony aunt's opinion). Perhaps there is a happy medium to be found in some of Marks and Spencer's more out there trendy items in the autumn collection.


Print off that image, take it into the barber and then buy everything you see in the shop. If your lady really likes it, we'll take it a step further and I'll take you on a made spree around Xile.

With care,

Aunt Sodje

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I though about getting a Joey Essex haircut but my wife says no.

Any ideas?

Aye, just do it anyway.

I quite fancy a motorbike, one of those chopper efforts, but the wife and kids are dead against it on the (admittedly high) chance that I end up dead against it.

You can't live your life worrying about what might happen next, man!

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Dear Aunt Sodje

ThankQ (did I do this right?) for the amazing advice. What a strapping young man he is in the photo and I will do everything I can to be like him, but remain true to myself at the same time.

I have recently started drinking bottled beer in the pub these days. Do you recommend this or shoudl I drink Dece bombs? If so, what is in these? Would you recommend eating fruit bon bons and / or KP Honey Roasted nuts between drinks?

Kind regards


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Dear Aunt Sodje

ThankQ (did I do this right?) for the amazing advice. What a strapping young man he is in the photo and I will do everything I can to be like him, but remain true to myself at the same time.

I have recently started drinking bottled beer in the pub these days. Do you recommend this or shoudl I drink Dece bombs? If so, what is in these? Would you recommend eating fruit bon bons and / or KP Honey Roasted nuts between drinks?

Kind regards


A decebomb is served in a champage flute and is one part #champers and one part MDece 20/20.

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Dear Aunt Sodje

ThankQ (did I do this right?) for the amazing advice. What a strapping young man he is in the photo and I will do everything I can to be like him, but remain true to myself at the same time.

I have recently started drinking bottled beer in the pub these days. Do you recommend this or shoudl I drink Dece bombs? If so, what is in these? Would you recommend eating fruit bon bons and / or KP Honey Roasted nuts between drinks?

Kind regards



No that's not how you spell ThanQ but close enough. The pub can be a place to relax; to enjoy some beverages with your friends and forget your troubles. Accordingly, you should purchase and consume the drinks / snacks / confectionary that you feel comfortable with and enjoy.

A lot of people think those who drink bottled beer when the option of it buying it in a glass from a tap are wankers for this reason. They assume they're trying to look like some smarmy c**t in an advert, instead of just having a pint like a real guy. If you actually do inexplicably prefer bottles then you must stick with that.

RE the Roasted Nuts, that depends on the company for me. Buying peanuts is a great show of camaraderie - you buy them on your round, open them up so people can share and you generally look like a great c**t. Offering or indeed eating Bon Bons make you look like a paedophile.

Warm wishes

Aunt Sodj

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I find it deeply offensive that someone could pretend to be speaking on behalf of the much loved and much missed Lexi Collector.

I'm sure he'd be equally upset if he wasn't currently too busy smashing Decebombs and partying with C. Harris and a gaggle of 9's.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just opened a new chain of upmarket fashion boutiques called 'Dece, Dench & Peng' in London, Paris, Milan, Shanghai, NYC and Perthshire so you guys can pop in for the champagne reception whenever you're in the vicinity.

I would offer discounts to Club DECE members but I don't have to; you can afford it.

Edited by bullywee
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Best luck to Calvin from all the Dece bois with his heart problems. I'm sure this election isn't helping that, but hopefully we bring home la quesa and he can relax.

I genuinely had a dream last night that Calvin Harris died. Probs been playing the election game too much like.

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Best luck to Calvin from all the Dece bois with his heart problems. I'm sure this election isn't helping that, but hopefully we bring home la quesa and he can relax.

I genuinely had a dream last night that Calvin Harris died. Probs been playing the election game too much like.

Think Calv's heart problems are just a cover up for the shame and humiliation from being beat to #1 by Ed Sheeran. I maybe sent him a few texts mocking him that went a bit far but I hope he understands that it was all in the spirit of banter and I've always got his back. Sure he'll be back at the top by next week.

"The test of dece is not what you do when you are on top. Dece is how high you bounce when you hit bottom (or 2nd in this case)"

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Think Calv's heart problems are just a cover up for the shame and humiliation from being beat to #1 by Ed Sheeran. I maybe sent him a few texts mocking him that went a bit far but I hope he understands that it was all in the spirit of banter and I've always got his back. Sure he'll be back at the top by next week.

"The test of dece is not what you do when you are on top. Dece is how high you bounce when you hit bottom (or 2nd in this case)"

But Ed Sheeran isn't going to shag Rita Ora (and various other solid 8s and above) anytime soon though...

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