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Orange Walk / Scottish Cricket thread


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The other exists to celebrate a sectarian conflict from centuries ago, ...

Suspect you would be in for a surprise if you checked up on what side the Pope was on in that particular conflict. It was more a wider European dynastic dispute and in a British context a lot of it revolved around how much power the monarch should have relative to parliament. The emergence of a largely symbolic constitutional monarchy is seen by some as a key breakthrough on the road to a fully functional parliamentary democracy with universal suffrage. Personally think Tom Nairn was on the money with his critique of the UK's constitution in The Enchanted Glass and it is something that should be viewed as having been an impediment to the sort of progress that Scotland's 18th century Enlightenment subsequently helped to inspire elsewhere.

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Suspect you would be in for a surprise if you checked up on what side the Pope was on in that particular conflict. It was more a wider European dynastic dispute and in a British context a lot of it revolved around how much power the monarch should have relative to parliament. The emergence of a largely symbolic constitutional monarchy is seen by some as a key breakthrough on the road to a fully functional parliamentary democracy with universal suffrage. Personally think Tom Nairn was on the money with his critique of the UK's constitution in The Enchanted Glass and it is something that should be viewed as having been an impediment to the sort of progress that Scotland's 18th century Enlightenment subsequently helped to inspire elsewhere.

true about the pope, but locally speaking the religous ramifications were used by Williams backers.

wasnt there a painting of the Pope celebrating the Boyne victory somewhere and it got destroyed by Proddys once they realused what it was?

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Why are you putting so much effort into comparing the orange order to a football club?

One exists to play football on private property where they take responsibility for all that happens.

The other exists to celebrate a sectarian conflict from centuries ago,

1) Rangers

2) Rangers.

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true about the pope, but locally speaking the religous ramifications were used by Williams backers.

wasnt there a painting of the Pope celebrating the Boyne victory somewhere and it got destroyed by Proddys once they realused what it was?

Belfast city hall and clueless fringe nutters from Scotland, who didn't understand who was really supposed to be wound up by it, rather than anybody from the "failed statelet".

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“@BBCJamesCook: Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland calls Prince Charles' attendance at Catholic funeral "ill-advised example" in a Protestant nation."”

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“@BBCJamesCook: Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland calls Prince Charles' attendance at Catholic funeral "ill-advised example" in a Protestant nation."”

Of all the things to attack him for they pick something which doesn't even matter.
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“@BBCJamesCook: The Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland says independence would be a "direct act of treason" against the Queen and her subjects. #indyref”


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“@BBCJamesCook: The Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland says independence would be a "direct act of treason" against the Queen and her subjects. #indyref”


Odd, given that the Confession of Westminster predates the union of the parliaments

Their website includes this gem "Why Christians should not celebrate Christmas"

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There seems to be a barely concealed attempt by some posters on here to claim that the Orange Order is simply a civic/religious body representing the Protestant faith, which, unfortunately, happens to attract unconnected troublemakers to their parades. This claim is not in the least convincing. The roots of the OO lie in the mid-1790s, when it came into existence in the Armagh area, with widespread gentry assistance, in order to intimidate and suppress both Catholic Defenderism and Protestant republicanism. With official complicity and support, they embarked upon a vicious campaign of intimidation against isolated Catholic homesteads, as well as against Protestant supporters of the United movement. The OO has nothing whatsoever to do with a celebration of Protestant faith, and, considering it was established more than a century following the 'Glorious Revolution' (sic), even less to do with celebrating the emergence of a constitutional monarchy. I also find their current position with regards to opposing Scottish independence without any historical justification whatsoever, as independence, as it is being offered, does not, unfortunately, involve moving towards a republican form of government. They are what they have always been, a reactionary reserve force, which will be used by their social superiors in order to maintain a threatened status quo through a clear policy of divide and rule. Those Rangers supporters on here defending the OO, and using their Protestant faith in order to defend the Union have no justification whatsoever for doing so. I hope and trust that all so-called Orange men and 'good Rangers men' will take note and that you will now refrain from any future attempts to equate Protestantism with lickspittle loyalism of the Orange Order variety.

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Whilst Googling for some World Cup Maths activities for my pupils, I came across this site:


Seems innocent enough. But wait! Who's that chap in the top left-hand corner? Why it looks very much like Orange Order mascot, Diamond Dan!


Absolutely bizarre. No idea why the same character would appear on both of these websites :huh:

Loving the folksy, cuddly reporting of the article by the surely-impartial Belfast Telegraph

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“@BBCJamesCook: Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland calls Prince Charles' attendance at Catholic funeral "ill-advised example" in a Protestant nation."”

Why do they give fannies like this the oxygen of publicity to help make them feel important/relevant for ten seconds? As parsforlife said, it just doesn't matter.

I can never join the OO because I have been to a funeral and several weddings in RC churches. I'll put it down as their loss.

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Such hatred?

Indeed. These marches are absolutely driven by hatred and intolerance.

The "Apprentice Boys of Derry" marching through Stirling, being a prime example.

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