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Orange Walk / Scottish Cricket thread


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Where are you getting condemnations of celebrations in what I have been posting? All I have been arguing is that some of the outbursts on this thread look a lot like what people claim to be opposed to (i.e. bigotry). In Scotland people use that word in a way that's a wee bit different from how it's defined in the dictionary, which is holding an opinion to an unreasonable extent that results in an intolerance of others, and use it in a tribal sort of way as a blanket description of entire groups of people that they don't like.

I'm proud to be intolerant - in a 'blanket description' manner - towards members of neo-Nazi parties, the Ku Klux Klan, the OO and indeed any other objectively scumbag, discriminatory organisations. This does not constitute bigotry: because my judgement is based on a rational evaluation of their vile behaviour and attitudes, rather than their members' religion, race, or other irrational reasons for contempt.

Thanks for playing anyway, OO apologist.

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As should intolerance of those who are selective with their moral condemnation.

There are a few on here.

I'm selective with my moral condemnation, I reserve the right to show it anytime I wish , and it's usually when morons crawl out from their Churches, onto the streets to to act in an irrational manner, like trying to impose their bigoted views on society.

Or when anyone try's to (protect their rights) .

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I'm selective with my moral condemnation, I reserve the right to show it anytime I wish , and it's usually when morons crawl out from their Churches, onto the streets to to act in an irrational manner, like trying to impose their bigoted views on society.

Or when anyone try's to (protect their rights) .


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I'm selective with my moral condemnation,...

The modern values of political correctness haven't really been internalised by most people in Scotland and that very much includes the chattering classes and political elite. What happens instead is that the PC agenda is used selectively as a weapon to target certain groups within society in a way that pushes a favoured identity politics agenda that wins votes for political parties based on visceral level tribalism. The first step to moving away from this scenario would be genuine secularism and an end to all of the state sanctioned involvement of religious groups within institutions of the state, such as the monarchy, armed forces and primary and secondary education.

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I can hear what sounds like an orange march down the road. Lots of flutes and drums. Weird thing is we heard one in the same place yesterday. Why do they need two in such quick succession? Does anyone actually care about them these days?

I can also hear cricket outside. A lot of cheering so I think there must have just been a wicket.

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The articulate Dear Leader of the OO......


Clearly the guy is a bell-end (and he is only County Master rather than the High Wizard) but, his drunken bluster aside, there is surely a conversation to be had about the use of Gaelic in Scotland.

Last time I took a train to Motherwell station I noticed that it had been subtitled, 'Tobar na Màthar'.

Now who is that designed to help? Had anyone previously failed to leave the train because it only said 'Motherwell' and they hadn't realised they had actually arrived at 'Tobar na Màthar'.?

My kids are bilingual and my father spoke solely Gaelic until he went to school (though passed on not a word to me and my sister) ergo I am all for linguistic diversity. But should't there be some sort of reasonableness about it?

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Can you imagine the seethe from Gaelic language advocates if Gaelic placenames were all translated into English in the Highlands and Hebrides and the English translation was placed on road signs alongside the traditional Gaelic one? There's an attempt at the moment to pretend that Gaelic is a national language in an Eire under De Valera sort of way and that definitely does deserve to be subjected to closer scrutiny.

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Clearly the guy is a bell-end (and he is only County Master rather than the High Wizard) but, his drunken bluster aside, there is surely a conversation to be had about the use of Gaelic in Scotland.

Last time I took a train to Motherwell station I noticed that it had been subtitled, 'Tobar na Màthar'.

Now who is that designed to help? Had anyone previously failed to leave the train because it only said 'Motherwell' and they hadn't realised they had actually arrived at 'Tobar na Màthar'.?

My kids are bilingual and my father spoke solely Gaelic until he went to school (though passed on not a word to me and my sister) ergo I am all for linguistic diversity. But should't there be some sort of reasonableness about it?

Is it something that bothers you in the slightest? I find the signs rather nice TBH and considering we have a Gaelic school in Glasgow i don't see the problem with it.

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Is it something that bothers you in the slightest? I find the signs rather nice TBH and considering we have a Gaelic school in Glasgow i don't see the problem with it.

I think if Motherwell had originally had a Gaelic place name then I would be delighted for said name to be used first and for 'Motherwell' to appear below it. The truth is that Motherwell was never part of the Gàidhealtachd and to manufacture a Gaelic name for it is perverse and I wonder why it was done.

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