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English Defence League

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That's my view, what's yours

Here's my view: F u c k off and die you deeply unpleasant scumbucket.

Is that democratic enough for you? Because I'm sure that is the majority view on things......love and hugs xx

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Here's my view: F u c k off and die you deeply unpleasant scumbucket.

Is that democratic enough for you? Because I'm sure that is the majority view on things......love and hugs xx

Why am I such things?

Because I think the UAF.are commies?

Or because I think the BNP are Nazis?

Or both?

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Do most ordinary people think there are too many immigrants in the UK? i mean this in a non racist way of course because it doesn't effect me in the slightest but is the fact that whites are the minority in London not quite a bad thing considering we are a white nation?

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Absolute nonsense. Evidence of your spurious claim please.

It was national news of it about 2 years ago mate , I'm not on the wind up here I'm just wondering what most rational peoples stance is on immigration!

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Where the Daily Mail per chance?

White people are not in the minority in London.

British people then maybe? It was on national news i CBA googling to and finding it just now i thought it was common knowledge. Some people say Mohammed is the most popular name in the UK now as well but that might not be true either.

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So your initial claim was nonsense then? Stop reading the Daily Mail and listening to cnunts like Farage.

And your last sentence isn't even remotely true either.

I am soooooo sorry

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I apologise if i was wrong i was just under the impression that whites were the minority in London and thought it was common knowledge. Im not a daily mail reader, i actually think it was on here i first read it when the figures were first released

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The clear lesson from all of this is acronyms.

In order to be a credible* threat to the establishment, you have to have a snappy acronym:

'BNP' - just rolls off the tongue, all quiet and soft, like your pet cat jumping on the sofa and purring.

'UKIP' - sounds a bit cheeky, like a Sunday afternoon in the beer garden drinking cider and reciting poetry about a friendly shopkeeper and his new stock of cardigans.

Whenever one of these fringe parties hits on the best sounding acronym ever, revolution will surely follow.

*if you're a bitter, seething racist

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You do realise the UAF are Communist and support the overthrow of democracy in the UK?

This is the same UAF that has David Cameron (you know, the current Prime Minister) as a founding member and supporter?

do let us know when you visit us from your parallel universe again. :)

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