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white brits

How is this imaginative construct defined? Skin pigmentation? Immigration status? Fantasy racial grouping? 8)

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Wrong. 59.7% of London's population was white according to the 2011 census.

What does 'white' mean? Is there some definition we can use as we cling to the wreckage of society and the tide of race-baiting carries us all towards happy meal feudalism?

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Do most ordinary people think there are too many immigrants in the UK? i mean this in a non racist way of course because it doesn't effect me in the slightest but is the fact that whites are the minority in London not quite a bad thing considering we are a white nation?

Ooops....this is like those conversations racists start by saying "i'm not racist but..." usually followed by something racist.

Edited by Romeo
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Ooops....this is like those conversations racists start by saying "i'm not racist but..." usually followed by something racists.

Funny how few people are heard saying, "Some of my best friends are racist".

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How is this imaginative construct defined? Skin pigmentation? Immigration status? Fantasy racial grouping? 8)

People born outwith the UK who reside in the country

Ooops....this is like those conversations racists start by saying "i'm not racist but..." usually followed by something racist.

Im not meaning it in a racist way i was just wanting to establish whether or not people thought there are too many immigrants in the country and can't seem to get an answer without getting tarnished with the racist brush!

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People born outwith the UK who reside in the country

Im not meaning it in a racist way i was just wanting to establish whether or not people thought there are too many immigrants in the country and can't seem to get an answer without getting tarnished with the racist brush!

Perhaps because your question is based on a racist premise that somehow immigrants are of different value to people born here.

Otherwise the question is meaningless and what you should ask yourself is 'Are there too many people in the country?'

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People born outwith the UK who reside in the country

37% in London, of which many are white. Huge amount of Frogs and Krauts, for example.

Edited by welshbairn
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In the time its taken you to criticise you could have stated your stance on immigration as requested

I'm all for it, the more the merrier. You seem to think immigrants won't have a white skin colour which is quite worrying.

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This is the same UAF that has David Cameron (you know, the current Prime Minister) as a founding member and supporter?

do let us know when you visit us from your parallel universe again. :)

This I know.

The Government won't be funding them again.

The UAF and the SWP are one and the same.

They betray true Socialism

Edited by dillinger
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