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After a stressful day in the House Of Commons, Jeremy Corbyn likes to go home, hang a do not disturb sign on the door of his den, and curl up with a 2 litre tub of Hagen Das to watch classic blaxploitation movies on his trusty Betamax.

His all time favourite is 1974's Truck Turner, starring Isaac Hayes and Yaphet Koto.

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When David Beckham signed for Arsenal in 2001, he was given special dispensation by the club to wear an Adidas version of the Arsenal kit instead of their Nike one, so not to break his 100 year sponsorship agreement with the German sportswear giants.

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Last week a three piece combo consisting of two fiddles and an accordion were intercepted by heavily armed police on their way to a pub in the centre of London.
The police later admitted that the whole thing had been heavy handed and there had been a misunderstanding but also advised the trio that it was a bad idea to call their band Plutonium.

As for the band, Weapons of Mass Destruction, it is now recognised that their tour of Iraq in 2002 had unforeseen consequences.

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80’s kids entertainer Timmy Mallet real name Bill Prady is one of the lead writers on the Big Bang Theory.  He moved to the US after the success of ‘Yellow Polkadot Bikini’ which opened a number of doors for him in the States.  After a successful residency in the MGM Las Vegas he turned his hand to writing half hour sitcoms and after a number of failures, ‘Pig Hang Bleary’ and ‘Jig Thang McGleary’ he hit gold with the Sheldon Cooper vehicle.

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In 2009, former Dunfermline Athletic star Hamish French produced a paper detailing his investigations into an alleged underground alien base under the site of the former Landmark furniture store in the town. The report was never made available for public review and remains classified. 

Despite rumours circulated from a Cowdenbeath based paranormal group that parts of the report had leaked and detailed tunnels leading from the alleged facility to Kinross Market, no evidence has ever been produced to back this up.

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