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I think the wee man had something to do with 9/11 even though he was aged -12 at the time, or has a past memory from a previous life about it.

He built me this lego "airplane" which is suspicious enough on its own...


...but it contains a quite frightening message upon closer inspection.

  • 9 appears two times, the 9 and the upsidedown 6, representing the twin towers
  • The upsidedown 9 (aka 6) represents a fallen building
  • 11 appears 5 times, the two dashes between the numbers and the two clock hands
  • the three main destroyed WTC buildings are clearly represented by the 12&3
  • 12-6=6, 9-3=6, two sixes, two six, 26, the same number of terrorists involved in the attack
  • The time is 11:17.5 - the two WTC planes were American 11 and United 175

I'm close to turning him in.

I would look out an orange jumpsuit for them and start practicing your torturing techniques
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2 hours ago, banana said:

I think the wee man had something to do with 9/11 even though he was aged -12 at the time, or has a past memory from a previous life about it.

He built me this lego "airplane" which is suspicious enough on its own...


...but it contains a quite frightening message upon closer inspection.

  • 9 appears two times, the 9 and the upsidedown 6, representing the twin towers
  • The upsidedown 9 (aka 6) represents a fallen building
  • 11 appears 5 times, the two dashes between the numbers and the two clock hands
  • the three main destroyed WTC buildings are clearly represented by the 12&3
  • 12-6=6, 9-3=6, two sixes, two six, 26, the same number of terrorists involved in the attack
  • The time is 11:17.5 - the two WTC planes were American 11 and United 175


I'm close to turning him in.

When the video of the young jihadi executing his infidel father (you) in some grizzly manner gets posted, I look forward to Dee Man telling us all about it. 

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4 hours ago, banana said:

I think the wee man had something to do with 9/11 even though he was aged -12 at the time, or has a past memory from a previous life about it.

He built me this lego "airplane" which is suspicious enough on its own...


...but it contains a quite frightening message upon closer inspection.

  • 9 appears two times, the 9 and the upsidedown 6, representing the twin towers
  • The upsidedown 9 (aka 6) represents a fallen building
  • 11 appears 5 times, the two dashes between the numbers and the two clock hands
  • the three main destroyed WTC buildings are clearly represented by the 12&3
  • 12-6=6, 9-3=6, two sixes, two six, 26, the same number of terrorists involved in the attack
  • The time is 11:17.5 - the two WTC planes were American 11 and United 175


I'm close to turning him in.

Let me get this straight.  He was 12 at the time, which would make him about 27 now and this is his idea of an airplane.

Please tell me he doesn't work for Boeing or Airbus. 

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42 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

Let me get this straight.  He was 12 at the time, which would make him about 27 now and this is his idea of an airplane.

Please tell me he doesn't work for Boeing or Airbus. 

C'mon, you'd want to fly on that masterpiece.


5 hours ago, banana said:

aged -12


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Cut to the chase: it was a state sponsored shooting which hit the wrong plane. 

Case for the defence:  


"We never had such air defence systems, nor the people who could operate them," Eduard Basurin, military deputy operational commander at the rebel Donetsk People's Republic, told the Interfax news agency. 

"Therefore we could not have shot down the Boeing [flight MH17]."

And, er, that's it.  The defence rests, m'lud.

Edited by Savage Henry
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