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The furore over the whole thing has been ridiculous and it's astonishing that anyone could actually be offended by Spence's comments. On the other hand, some of the support he has received is pretty embarrassing. I've seen a few comments on Twitter calling him a great journalist and other things along those lines.

Let's be honest, he's not a good journalist - much like the majority involved in Scottish football - and the only thing he has going for him is that he doesn't usually pander to either side of the OF.

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This is not about forcing acceptance though, its about free speech, you and Jim are entitled to your opinion and to voice it, Rangers fans are perfectly entitled to theirs.

I do not see either side accepting the others view anytime soon.

Bang on.

The only difference being that one side is complaining to the other's employers!

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Agreed, I do not think you will find a single Rangers fan that agrees with Jim, but wasting time complaining to the BBC while we have a boardroom battle ripping the club apart looks wrong, we should be getting our priorities sorted out.

Same could be argued all the way throguh this whole sorry saga to be honest!

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Agreed, I do not think you will find a single Rangers fan that agrees with Jim, but wasting time complaining to the BBC while we have a boardroom battle ripping the club apart looks wrong, we should be getting our priorities sorted out.

Really? Are they all that thick?

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Its the fact the BBC apologised. You will always get moron fans taking offence at every little thing said about their club, but for the BBC to apologise for what is essentially a throwaway, and ultimately true statement is spineless.

Spot on. Yet more disgraceful behaviour from the publicly funded, national broadcaster. They really can't stop themselves proving time and again their true allegiances. The Blue Bigot Corporation indeed.

After many journos and bloggers, BBC and independent, were quick to raise their profile by jumping on the bandwagon to slate the handful of Saints idiots that sent unacceptable texts to the Brittains, lets see how many now come out and do similar by slaughtering the disgraceful actions of many, many more Rangers supporters. I'll hazard a guess it'll be between 0 and 0.

Where are all the P&B bedroom bloggers that love to pretend they're real journalists and send links to their latest masterpieces about the benefits of a 16 team league and such? Lets see you write telling pieces about -

the threatening and violent behaviour of the Rangers fans

the intimidating behaviour of Rangers itself

the complete contradiction of Traynor's written words and his current stance

the rewriting of history

the BBC's grovelling apology for one of its employee's telling the truth and the speed it came out

the BBC's lack of condemning the Rangers supporters actions whilst actively encouraging them to take part in phone ins

the BBC's suppression of the freedom of speech

the BBC's blatantly being part of the Old Firm propaganda machine, Rangers in particular

Plenty there to get your journalistic teeth into. Or are you going to continue to pretend to be real journalists and say absolutely nothing in case it upsets ra Gers and holds back your careers?

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