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I just decided to make that last one into an impromptu deathmatch since I'd already won the playlist. Well done to SWYD who finished about three minutes ahead of second place, I think. :lol:

Was wondering what you were doing at the gate :lol:

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Please never put that thing to 4 laps again.

For a player that hits every obstacle going, that fort race was shite.

Aye sorry, lads. Its set to a default of 3 laps, which I think is too much. so I tried to change it to 2 laps and put it to 4 by mistake. Apologies.

Have to agree about GTA races, theyre utter shite.

BTW, congrats Gareth, utterly horsed both playlists.

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Aye sorry, lads. Its set to a default of 3 laps, which I think is too much. so I tried to change it to 2 laps and put it to 4 by mistake. Apologies.

2 laps would have been ideal since I was sitting 2nd at the end of that lap... Finished with an 8th place DNF after 4 though!! :angry:
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Aye sorry, lads. Its set to a default of 3 laps, which I think is too much. so I tried to change it to 2 laps and put it to 4 by mistake. Apologies.

Have to agree about GTA races, theyre utter shite.

BTW, congrats Gareth, utterly horsed both playlists.

Cheers, nice to do better than 5th or 6th for a change! I think your round the military base race is a great idea but the bumpy roads near the start and the debris everywhere make it really tough. I think last night was the first time I didn't DNF.

Does everyone hate GTA races then? I like doing them occasionally just for the carnage but it's hard if you don't hsve a custom car with bulletproof tyres. I tried to vary the vehicles and settings a bit last night to make the playlist more interesting.

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Aye sorry, lads. Its set to a default of 3 laps, which I think is too much. so I tried to change it to 2 laps and put it to 4 by mistake. Apologies.

Have to agree about GTA races, theyre utter shite.

BTW, congrats Gareth, utterly horsed both playlists.

For once, I actually enjoyed that GTA Race on the buggys. Usually its just a shite race with rockets getting fired, but that one there, like Gareth said, was more like a deathmatch! loved the battle to get across the finish line, all the buggys stuck in the gateway were a great trap! Managed to get out and run for the finish line whilst everybody was respawning.... got third place.

I normally hate the melee deathmatches, especially the one in the prison, but I did ok last night on that rooftop one, was leading at 7 kills before a losing streak knocked me right down.

Had a few rage moments last night, kept hitting obstacles, ending up facing the wrong way, and then when you try to get around again, somebody hits you from behind and you end up the wrong fucking way again!

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Cheers, nice to do better than 5th or 6th for a change! I think your round the military base race is a great idea but the bumpy roads near the start and the debris everywhere make it really tough. I think last night was the first time I didn't DNF.

Aye well done on both playlists..... but please go back to the Howard Stern/Michael jackson look.... that purple shell suit look is hurting my eyes every time you win a race!

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Steedman, our wee Freemode session afterwards (well, after Dave had done his obligatory shotgun thru windscreen departure) where we ended up picking on a guy up at the Sandy Shores airstrip. Did you notice he went "passive mode" on us?

I ran up to him and gave him the finger, right in his face. He then decided to follow me around, trying to be pals. Jumped in a helicopter with me..... so I took it up above the prison, then jumped out leaving him with the falling helicopter right into the prison.... BOOM! Stick your passive mode up your arse son!

You arrived in the car just as I landed. Nice timing! lol

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I normally hate the melee deathmatches, especially the one in the prison, but I did ok last night on that rooftop one, was leading at 7 kills before a losing streak knocked me right down.

I was spectating that rooftop deathmatch, i was watching you standing off everyone giving them the finger for a good 2 minutes. :lol:

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