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Best Sport Movies


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Guest thebullywee

Happy gilmore. Fecking classic!

A shot at glory

Gregory's girl (just watched that last week!)

Escape to victory

Mean machine (the Vinnie Jones one)

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1) Remember the Titans - without a doubt the BEST sports movie ever

2) Any Given Sunday

3) Field of Dreams

4) Rocky series

5) Some indian film cant remember name of, about cricket.

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Escape to Victory (Every Christmas, never missed)


Jossy's Giants (if they brought it out on DVD and watched it all in oner)

Rollerball (the original, obviously. The greatest of all death sports)

Tony and his Tiger T-shirt (Friday Film Special about Athletics)

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Chariots Of Fire -  can't believe that nobody has mentioned this one :huh:


The Basketball Diaries

Mike Basset England Manager

Hoop Dreams


Awww, Youngblood. That was class!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Has anyone seen Celtic pride? quality basketball film
You are the ONLY other person I have ever heard breath the name of that film and it is, I cant stress this enough, sensational!!!!

I watched it late BBC one Christmas. The bit when Akroyd takes the half court shot on his spiritual home while getting pelters from all angles for wearing a Utah shirt is without doubt one of the funniest scenes ever!!! Great shout, that is a top film - I would wholeheartedly advise anyone to source it and watch it. :D:D

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