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dundeebarry's book (No spoilers please!)


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You'll be glad to know there's now a copy of the book floating around in Hairmyres hospital. I took up a few books for my dad while he was in including The Tartan Special One, now sadly my father passed away whilst he was there but it does give me some pleasure knowing the books I took up are now being used by other patients and I'd like to think that Jocky's adventures are bringing a little bit of joy to someone up in the hospital.

Sorry to hear about your old man, Bert.

I pity the poor unsuspecting patients who pick up the book. The ones out of their tits on morphine might make more sense of it.

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The second release on the mighty Teckle Books, Clubbed To Death by Grant Hill, is now available to order at www.tecklebooks.co.uk

I've had the pleasure of reading an advance copy and can tell you it's a fucking great read, and very funny. This is an official double thumbs up recommendation, people. Buy it or face terrible consequences.


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The second release on the mighty Teckle Books, Clubbed To Death by Grant Hill, is now available to order at www.tecklebooks.co.uk

I've had the pleasure of reading an advance copy and can tell you it's a fucking great read, and very funny. This is an official double thumbs up recommendation, people. Buy it or face terrible consequences.


Will it be in the shops, or do you have to order online?

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The second release on the mighty Teckle Books, Clubbed To Death by Grant Hill, is now available to order at www.tecklebooks.co.uk

I've had the pleasure of reading an advance copy and can tell you it's a fucking great read, and very funny. This is an official double thumbs up recommendation, people. Buy it or face terrible consequences.


Does it come with a letter from The Hitman or Her ?

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Synposis for anybody that's interested:

Two men. One Dream. No Clue.

Andy Brennan feels fate dealt him a bad hand. Trapped in a job he hates, he can pinpoint exactly where things began to go wrong. It was when Melody Maker closed down.

When Andy's father suddenly dies of a lifelong Scottish diet, his grieving son decides it's time to make his mark on the world and create his own musical utopia.

So he and his brother-in-law Cornelius, an eternal opponent of common sense, buy a nightclub. But not just any nightclub. One in a small post-industrial Scottish city. With a highly suspect safety record. That has never made a profit. And keeps shutting down and re-opening under a new name. And during the worst economic downturn since the 1930s.

But Cornelius has somehow discovered the world’s greatest undiscovered disc spinner – the soon-to-be-famous DJ Quantum – and identified that structural investment, refurbishment etc all play second fiddle to buying the world’s biggest mirrorball.

If you build it, they will come. Provided by “they” you mean organised crime syndicates, an adverse local press, Savile-worshipping DJs, pseudo-intellectual bouncers and borderline-sex-pest barmen, that is.

Welcome to Club Quantum, where mind-melting music expands horizons like a demented cross between the Hacienda and Haight-Ashbury. But sandwiched between the bus station and homeless shelter in Dundee.

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