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Surely this can only go wrong?

"A chef at a Japanese style restaurant on the Waterfront is to demonstrate his dazzling knife skills in front of customers and will even throw food for people to catch in their mouths."


I never knew Marco Polo used to live on Dock Street in Dundee?

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A w****r caught with his pants down has got off with a light jail sentence.

Patrick Angus will walk free from jail in three weeks after serving two months for acts of gross indecency on one woman.

The “ice” addict visited the victim’s Darwin home multiple times between November 7, 2014, and February 7 of this year.

Each time, he removed his clothes and proceeded to masturbate, either on the stairs or in a chair on the veranda.

The Darwin Magistrates Court heard at 6.30am on November 23, Angus held up his hands and said “sorry, sorry” to the woman when he saw her inside the house.

However he then continued masturbating and told the woman – hiding behind her curtains – she was beautiful.

On February 1 the woman was sitting in the chair on her veranda when Angus approached.

Police alleged he lay down about 4m away and began to touch himself.

The fourth and final time Angus arrived at the house – on February 7 – the woman filmed him in the act.

On February 13 he handed himself in to police and was arrested and taken into custody.

Angus admitted the charges in court last week.

Magistrate Greg Smith yesterday sentenced him to six months jail, suspended after two months.

Mr Smith said Angus would be supervised by a corrections officer for 12 months.

The magistrate said Angus would likely return to jail if he offended in that time.

Angus is not to contact the victim or go within 100m of her property and is banned from using drugs.

Angus is also required to look for work and housing, and to take part in counselling.post-14721-14270415950968_thumb.jpg

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AN ABERDEEN offshore worker accidently turned his own son in to the police after the teen ran up a bill for Pizza Hut.

Sean McKinnon, 19, used his dad’s debit card to pay for £76.03 of fast food delivery orders, unknown to his father who was working offshore.

But when McKinnon’s dad noticed someone had used his card without his permission he reported it to the police.

Officers then tracked down McKinnon through the pizza restaurant.

McKinnon admitted obtaining the food by fraud – and was fined when he appeared at Aberdeen Sheriff Court.

The court heard McKinnon had repaid the debt to his dad.

The offences took place between April 7, and April 12, 2014.

Sheriff Alison Stirling fined McKinnon, whose address was listed in court papers as 96 Mastrick Drive, Aberdeen, £225.


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Fortune stolen from Buckie house.

A PURSE has been stolen from a house in Buckie. Police are appealing for information following a theft which took place at an address on Blairdaff Street on Saturday.

The incident occurred at around 2.30pm when the purse, containing a high two figure sum of cash, was taken.


Scum, utter scum.

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