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23 minutes ago, BallochSonsFan said:

Why would you need to use VATS at close range? Particularly if its not a critical shot chance.

For shits and giggles?

1 hour ago, GiGi said:

For efficiency with fusion cores level intelligence to 9 and invest in the perks to extend their 'batteries'. Also when they get down to the final 2 or 3% swap them out and replace it with a new one. The depleted cores sell for the same amount as a full one so it literally pays not to let it fully run out.

This is good advice. Thats why its also good to manually put in the cells. The auto system will pick a fully charged one. Doing it manually means you can run them down before selling

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If there's one thing that annoys me about this game is when you are base building, how to you get rid of corpses?. For example I have dead ghouls in the houses at Sunshine Co-op and when I clear them out and dump them outside the settlement, the next time I'm back there they're right back in their original spot. I had to kill off the original inhabitants of Covenant and they are still lying around and the turrets I destroyed are still burning away weeks after I completed the relevant mission. I have claimed that workshop and started bringing in settlers, but it makes no difference.

Anyone found a solution for this yet?


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If there's one thing that annoys me about this game is when you are base building, how to you get rid of corpses?. For example I have dead ghouls in the houses at Sunshine Co-op and when I clear them out and dump them outside the settlement, the next time I'm back there they're right back in their original spot. I had to kill off the original inhabitants of Covenant and they are still lying around and the turrets I destroyed are still burning away weeks after I completed the relevant mission. I have claimed that workshop and started bringing in settlers, but it makes no difference.

Anyone found a solution for this yet?


Don't think there is one to be honest.

Stick a coffee table over the top of them.
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49 minutes ago, Mr X said:

For shits and giggles?

I'm up to level 48 and was picking of ghouls for fun with a .44 revolver using V.A.T.S sometimes having three coming at me all at once. Now I just run away let them chase me and let my companion take them out with a kneecaper shotgun lols.

Edited by CityDave
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If there's one thing that annoys me about this game is when you are base building, how to you get rid of corpses?. For example I have dead ghouls in the houses at Sunshine Co-op and when I clear them out and dump them outside the settlement, the next time I'm back there they're right back in their original spot. I had to kill off the original inhabitants of Covenant and they are still lying around and the turrets I destroyed are still burning away weeks after I completed the relevant mission. I have claimed that workshop and started bringing in settlers, but it makes no difference.

Anyone found a solution for this yet?


I have the same issues. Though keep checking the covenant corpses.. their loot returns.
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6 minutes ago, Dindeleux said:


Don't think there is one to be honest.

Stick a coffee table over the top of them.

There is one ghoul floating in mid air, maybe I could decorate it with lights? Could be onto something artistic here.

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6 minutes ago, weirdcal said:


I have the same issues. Though keep checking the covenant corpses.. their loot returns.

I've reached a point where I now prioritise caps, ammo and only the best weapons first, then regular weapons and armour second. I make caps from selling bottles of water from water purification plants at two settlements which takes up a lot of space on my inventory on the way out and come back with either building material or legendary weapons and armour so usually now I don't bother but if I really need to......

....I've found a good use for all the extra weapons and apparel you don't need. When you reach your base building limit at a settlement but still want to do more, add these items you don't want such as pipe pistols or the shite raider gear into that workshop, then when you think you have enough find a clear area on the road or ground near the workshop. Add all the items back into your own inventory, doesn't matter if you go over your own limit to carry. Then make your way to that clear area and drop the lot on the ground, scrap all of it back into your workshop and hey presto your building limit goes down allowing you to continue building. I've now done this four times at Sanctuary. 

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1 hour ago, CityDave said:

If there's one thing that annoys me about this game is when you are base building, how to you get rid of corpses?. For example I have dead ghouls in the houses at Sunshine Co-op and when I clear them out and dump them outside the settlement, the next time I'm back there they're right back in their original spot. I had to kill off the original inhabitants of Covenant and they are still lying around and the turrets I destroyed are still burning away weeks after I completed the relevant mission. I have claimed that workshop and started bringing in settlers, but it makes no difference.

Anyone found a solution for this yet?


Hold A (or X on a PS controller) to lift the body up and you can throw it away, off a cliff, in the sea whatever 

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Just now, EdgarusQPFC said:

Hold A (or X on a PS controller) to lift the body up and you can throw it away, off a cliff, in the sea whatever 

Tried all that with the dead raider on the road near the bridge at Sanctuary. Doesn't matter how many times I threw him in the river he comes back the next day in the same spot. Its strange because when I cleared out Sanctuary at the start of the game I dumped the dead bloatflies in the river and after a few days they disappeared as did the raiders I cleared out of Zimonja. Maybe some disappear some don't, I first thought it was when you appointed someone on scavenging it cleared the bodies as both times at Zimonja (Raiders) and at County Crossing (two Death Claws) vanished not soon after bringing in new settlers and giving one a scavenging job. Cleared the ghouls out of Jamaica Plain last night, I'll see if they vanish by themselves.

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2 minutes ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

Never had a persistent body like that before

More than Preston Garvey?

I've met the fake Preston, I would have given him the real Preston's job had he not fled after getting busted.

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I've reached a point where I now prioritise caps, ammo and only the best weapons first, then regular weapons and armour second. I make caps from selling bottles of water from water purification plants at two settlements which takes up a lot of space on my inventory on the way out and come back with either building material or legendary weapons and armour so usually now I don't bother but if I really need to......

....I've found a good use for all the extra weapons and apparel you don't need. When you reach your base building limit at a settlement but still want to do more, add these items you don't want such as pipe pistols or the shite raider gear into that workshop, then when you think you have enough find a clear area on the road or ground near the workshop. Add all the items back into your own inventory, doesn't matter if you go over your own limit to carry. Then make your way to that clear area and drop the lot on the ground, scrap all of it back into your workshop and hey presto your building limit goes down allowing you to continue building. I've now done this four times at Sanctuary. 

I wondered what happened in sanctuary.

I went through all weapons and armour that werent legendary and scrapped them for parts. Ie aluminium which is a bitch to get out with shipments.

I have shit loads at sanctuary and the build size went to empty.. might do same at vault 88...

Tried all that with the dead raider on the road near the bridge at Sanctuary. Doesn't matter how many times I threw him in the river he comes back the next day in the same spot. Its strange because when I cleared out Sanctuary at the start of the game I dumped the dead bloatflies in the river and after a few days they disappeared as did the raiders I cleared out of Zimonja. Maybe some disappear some don't, I first thought it was when you appointed someone on scavenging it cleared the bodies as both times at Zimonja (Raiders) and at County Crossing (two Death Claws) vanished not soon after bringing in new settlers and giving one a scavenging job. Cleared the ghouls out of Jamaica Plain last night, I'll see if they vanish by themselves.

The body on the bridge is a permanent feature. Thats why it wont leave.

Scavenger jobs go to get the items you have on magnifier...

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9 minutes ago, weirdcal said:

I wondered what happened in sanctuary.

I went through all weapons and armour that werent legendary and scrapped them for parts. Ie aluminium which is a bitch to get out with shipments.

I have shit loads at sanctuary and the build size went to empty.. might do same at vault 88...


The body on the bridge is a permanent feature. Thats why it wont leave.

Scavenger jobs go to get the items you have on magnifier...

I've never needed to look for aluminium so far as early on for the first few days I played I just looted absolutely everything including every can I could find. Repeat trips out to Concord and The Thicket are good for that and you can also give Strong something to smash, keep him happy as well and maybe try out that new or modified weapon on relatively easy targets.

The body on the bridge, yeah I read up about that on the forums so nothing can be done. Maybe someone will come up with a mod for that.

Edited by CityDave
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42 minutes ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

Hold A (or X on a PS controller) to lift the body up and you can throw it away, off a cliff, in the sea whatever 

Be careful using this. It selects everything that is connected to the item you have highlighted. If you end up selecting a huge building it can cause problems!

3 minutes ago, CityDave said:

I've never needed to look for aluminium so far as early on for the first few days I played I just looted absolutely everything including every can I could find. Repeat trips out to Concord and The Thicket are good for that and you can also give Strong something to smash, keep him happy as well and maybe try out that new or modified weapon on relatively easy targets.

The body on the bridge, yeah I read up about that on the forums so nothing can be done. Maybe someone will come up with a mod for that.

There is a mod that repairs sanctuary bridge. Not sure if it removes the body or not

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Just now, Mr X said:

Be careful using this. It selects everything that is connected to the item you have highlighted. If you end up selecting a huge building it can cause problems!

There is a mod that repairs sanctuary bridge. Not sure if it removes the body or not

Is that one of the Nexus mods? I think I've seen it. I don't think it removes the bodies though. There's another one for clearing up the debris in settlements (as if no one has learned to use a brush to sweep floors or roads yet, maybe they were all waiting for the vault dweller to do it for them, aye Preston) and one for turning the plant life green again. Cautious about using any mods, though the extreme weather one looks really good.

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57 minutes ago, CityDave said:

Is that one of the Nexus mods? I think I've seen it. I don't think it removes the bodies though. There's another one for clearing up the debris in settlements (as if no one has learned to use a brush to sweep floors or roads yet, maybe they were all waiting for the vault dweller to do it for them, aye Preston) and one for turning the plant life green again. Cautious about using any mods, though the extreme weather one looks really good.

Yes, probably. I have a ton of mods running! My new favourite is Place Everywhere which lets you toggle off the snapping and placement restrictions when building. I'll try and post some pics of my nearly finished factory tomorrow

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30 minutes ago, Fat Joe da Gangsta said:

Can someone tell me how to change the fusion cells in the armour please?

What I said - stand behind it until you get the same transfer box that you get with a container. Whichever cell you put into the armours inventory is the one it will use.

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